How do you position/move a MPgraphic?

Hi! How do you position/move a MPgraphic? Let us us say that you have the MPgraphics "somebackground" and "somecolorcircle" (See example below). These MPgraphics are both framed and used as a background, upon which "sometext" is written on. How can you freely move or position "somecolorcircle"? ( I want to move "somecolorcircle" below "sometext") Naturally, I have read Metafun and tried "shifted (x,y)", \definelayer, \setlayer, register, \setMPlayer, \getMPlayer... In general, if you have defined two or more MPgraphics how do you position them (In my case "somebackground" is fixed while "somecolorcircle" could be anywhere on "somebackground")? How would you solve this? Regards, Daniel \setupcolors[state=start] \setuppapersize[S6][S6] \setuplayout [width=fit, rightmargin=0cm, leftmargin=0cm, leftmargindistance=0pt, rightmargindistance=0pt, height=fit, topspace=0cm, header=0pt, footer=0cm, bottomspace=0cm, backspace=0cm, location=singlesided] \definecolor[Orange][r=1.,g=.47,b=.0] % dark orange \setupinteractionscreen[option=max] \startbuffer[sometext] \switchtobodyfont[sansserif,1.0cm] \midaligned{\white \bf This is the text} \stopbuffer \starttext \startuseMPgraphic{somebackground} fill fullsquare scaled 10cm withcolor .625red ; fill fullsquare scaled 10cm shifted (10cm,0) withcolor black ; fill fullsquare scaled 10cm shifted (20cm,0) withcolor \MPcolor{Orange} ; currentpicture := currentpicture xysized(OverlayWidth+.5pt,OverlayHeight+.5pt) ; \stopuseMPgraphic \startuseMPgraphic{somecolorcircle} % How do you move "somecolorcircle". I want this to be below "sometext" colorcircle(2cm,white,.625red,\MPcolor{Orange}) ; \stopuseMPgraphic \startTEXpage \defineoverlay[somebackground][\useMPgraphic{somebackground}] \defineoverlay[somecolorcircle][\useMPgraphic{somecolorcircle}] \framed [background={somebackground,somecolorcircle},height=12cm,frame=off] {\getbuffer[sometext] } \stopTEXpage \stoptext

Daniel Bundzik schrieb:
How do you position/move a MPgraphic?
Let us us say that you have the MPgraphics "somebackground" and "somecolorcircle" (See example below). These MPgraphics are both framed and used as a background, upon which "sometext" is written on. How can you freely move or position "somecolorcircle"? ( I want to move "somecolorcircle" below "sometext") Naturally, I have read Metafun and tried "shifted (x,y)", \definelayer, \setlayer, register, \setMPlayer, \getMPlayer...
In general, if you have defined two or more MPgraphics how do you position them (In my case "somebackground" is fixed while "somecolorcircle" could be anywhere on "somebackground")?
Hi Daniel, I attached a working example which uses layers. You should take a look at the 'details.pdf' manual; link and more information can be found on Just play around with the layer parameters and see what happens. 'height/width' (for layer definition), 'corner/location' (important to understand!) and 'x/y' should be sufficient for most needs. 'hoffset/voffset' can be handy too, if you want relative positioning. [pack-lyr.mkii] \def\dodefinelayer[#1][#2]% \zeropoint ipv \!!zeropoint {\setuplayer [#1] [\c!doublesided=,\c!preset=, \c!state=\v!start,\c!direction=\v!normal,\c!option=, \c!x=\zeropoint,\c!y=\zeropoint,\c!position=\v!no, \c!line=0,\c!column=0, \c!width=\nextboxwd,\c!height=\nextboxht, \c!offset=\zeropoint,\c!rotation=, % geen 0 ! \c!hoffset=\zeropoint,\c!voffset=\zeropoint, \c!dx=\zeropoint,\c!dy=\zeropoint, \c!location=rb,\c!position=\v!no,\c!page=, \c!method=\v!overlay, \c!sx=1,\c!sy=1,\c!corner=,#2]% \doifvalue{\??ll#1\c!doublesided}\v!yes {\dopresetlayerbox{\v!left #1}% \dopresetlayerbox{\v!right#1}}% \dopresetlayerbox{#1}% \defineoverlay[#1][\composedlayer{#1}]} Best wishes, Peter
How would you solve this?
Regards, Daniel
\setupcolors[state=start] \setuppapersize[S6][S6] \setuplayout [width=fit, rightmargin=0cm, leftmargin=0cm, leftmargindistance=0pt, rightmargindistance=0pt, height=fit, topspace=0cm, header=0pt, footer=0cm, bottomspace=0cm, backspace=0cm, location=singlesided] \definecolor[Orange][r=1.,g=.47,b=.0] % dark orange \setupinteractionscreen[option=max] \startbuffer[sometext] \switchtobodyfont[sansserif,1.0cm] \midaligned{\white \bf This is the text} \stopbuffer \starttext \startuseMPgraphic{somebackground} fill fullsquare scaled 10cm withcolor .625red ; fill fullsquare scaled 10cm shifted (10cm,0) withcolor black ; fill fullsquare scaled 10cm shifted (20cm,0) withcolor \MPcolor{Orange} ; currentpicture := currentpicture xysized(OverlayWidth+.5pt,OverlayHeight+.5pt) ; \stopuseMPgraphic \startuseMPgraphic{somecolorcircle} colorcircle(2cm,white,.625red,\MPcolor{Orange}) ; \stopuseMPgraphic \startTEXpage \definelayer[somelayer]%[width=600pt,height=450pt] \setlayer[somelayer] {\useMPgraphic{somebackground}} \setlayer[somelayer][x=9.6cm,y=7.5cm] {\useMPgraphic{somecolorcircle}} \setlayer[somelayer][y=6cm] {\getbuffer[sometext]} \flushlayer[somelayer] \stopTEXpage \stoptext
participants (3)
Daniel Bundzik
Peter Rolf
Taco Hoekwater