On woensdag, okt 9, 2002, at 16:30 Europe/Amsterdam, Hans Hagen wrote:
At 03:54 PM 10/9/2002 +0200, Hans van der Meer wrote:
Waar vind ik het bestand cont-doc.zip? Volgens MAPS 24 p.88 heb ik dat nodig om met texexec --module de documentatie te kunnen zitten. Ik kan deze module niet vinden in de context download en ook niet op de pragma site.
these files are now in theregular distribution, so
texexec --modu --pdf somedoc.tex
should work
Well, I now type "texexec --modu --pdf font-ini.tex" (one of the files in the ConTeXt distribution) and this results in an execution that has to be finished with Control-D, the pdf produced puts Adobe Acrobate into an infinite loop. How can I produce the documentation if the recipe given does not seem to work (anymore). The above call gives the following output (the last series of lines only):
kleur : kleur wordt vertaald in grijs interactie : actief ) systems : begin file texexec at line 4 (./font-ini.ted systems : randomizer starts with 1268411200 This is MetaPost, Version 0.641 (Web2C 7.4.5) (texexec-mpgraph.mp [1] metafun 2003-12-13 21:38 ) 1 output file written: texexec-mpgraph.1 Transcript written on texexec-mpgraph.log. [MP to PDF] (./texexec-mpgraph.1) interactie : pdftex code tussengevoegd [1.1{/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.local/dvips/config/pdftex.map}{/ Users/hans/Li brary/texmf/pdftex/config/texnansi-yandy-lucida.map}{/Users/hans/ Library/texmf/ pdftex/config/texnansi-yandy-mathtime.map}{/Users/hans/Library/texmf/ pdftex/con fig/texnansi-adobe-courier.map}{/Users/hans/Library/texmf/pdftex/ config/texnans i-adobe-helvetic.map}{/Users/hans/Library/texmf/pdftex/config/ texnansi-adobe-pa latino.map}{/Users/hans/Library/texmf/pdftex/config/texnansi-adobe- times.map}{/ Users/hans/Library/texmf/pdftex/config/texnansi-adobe-utopia.map}{/ Users/hans/L ibrary/texmf/pdftex/config/texnansi-urw-courier.map}{/Users/hans/ Library/texmf/ pdftex/config/texnansi-urw-helvetic.map}{/Users/hans/Library/texmf/ pdftex/confi g/texnansi-urw-palatino.map}{/Users/hans/Library/texmf/pdftex/config/ texnansi-u rw-times.map}] ! Argument of \next1 has an extra }. <inserted text> \par <to be read again> } \expanded ...long \xdef \@@expanded {\noexpand #1} \@@expanded \executepagebreakhandlers ...cesscommacommand [#1]
\executepagebreakhandler \dopagebreak ...tes \executepagebreakhandlers {#1} \else \flushnotes \execute...
\processnextcommalist ...doprocesscommaitem #4#5,] \relax \global \advance \c... ... l.12 ...yright={PRAGMA / Hans Hagen \& Ton Otten}]
Someone knows what is the problem here? Thanks in advance. Hans van der Meer

Ik kan deze module niet vinden in de context download en ook niet op de pragma site.
these files are now in theregular distribution, so
texexec --modu --pdf somedoc.tex
should work
Well, I now type "texexec --modu --pdf font-ini.tex" (one of the files in the ConTeXt distribution)
! Argument of \next1 has an extra }. <inserted text> \par <to be read again> [...] ... l.12 ...yright={PRAGMA / Hans Hagen \& Ton Otten}]
Ditto here, regardless of what file I try to process. Question: Generally do source files contain documentation that goes beyond (or is more up to date) than the manual? -gary

At 16:48 16/12/2003, you wrote:
Ditto here, regardless of what file I try to process. Question: Generally do source files contain documentation that goes beyond (or is more up to date) than the manual?
no, but i sometimes mix up interfaces (seldom run documentation -) so just let me know where thinsg go wrong and i'll fix 'm Hans

At 18:15 15/12/2003, you wrote:
Well, I now type "texexec --modu --pdf font-ini.tex" (one of the files in the ConTeXt distribution) and this results in an execution that has to be finished with Control-D, the pdf produced puts Adobe Acrobate into an infinite loop. How can I produce the documentation if the recipe given does not seem to work (anymore).
hm, there is some english interface specific command in there but that not what goes wrong at yoru site, dunno, i'll send you a doc file (pdf) Hans
participants (3)
Gary Pajer
Hans Hagen
Hans van der Meer