Re: [NTG-context] Portuguese characters under Mac OS X
On 1/31/07, Oliver Buerschaper
I am having a problem processing my ConText files under Mac OS X. I am using TeXShop, and when I render the text written in Portuguese, it does not render the characters with accents. I did not have this problem under Windows, and so I would like to know from any Mac user that typesetts in languages other than english how I can solve this problem.
Have you set the text encoding of TeXShop to UTF8?
Best Oliver
Hi Oliver, I had done that, and it wasn't working. I was still using teTex. I installed the new version of gwTex and it is working now. I had a hello of a nightmare to get it to work. Now, the only problem I am having is in TexShop. It processes the file without any problems, but it does not visualize it. The visualization window comes blank. But, if I open the pdf file externally with Adobe, it is ok. Anyone experienced this? Thanks! Fidel.
participants (1)
Fidel Viegas