Sorry about that! I had made a post and silly me I forgot about
digest-lag. Here is the post, in answer to yours which answered...
John C.
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Subject: Re: [Indy_Publishers] Digest Number 101
Date: Sun, 27 Apr 2003 09:45:34 -0400
From: John Culleton
I'm having a "discussion" with my VA. I designed a flyer about my book to send to writing conferences. She says that most verbiage on flyers is ignored. Just to stick with graphics.
Thank goodness most of the rest of the world disagrees! Otherwise, as a marketing copywriter, I'd have to find a different way to make a living.<g>
And we wouldn't want that! Actually as a book reviewer I fold the blurb in two, stick it between the covers, and refer to it for any specifics not covered in the book itself (like where to order it etc.) Often those sheets get lost and I only have the book to work from. But the book is what I am reviewing, not e.g., Shel's deathless prose which in fact may be better written than the book :-=) OTOH there is one publicist out there whose cover sheet is so bad it turns me off on the book. He takes a standard form letter and sticks in one paragraph relating to the actual book. Often that paragraph is a long, run-on sentence fragment. So while a good blurb may not turn me on an ungrammatical one will turn me off. I'll write Shel separately with the name of the publicist, to protect the names of the guilty :-) John Culleton Rowse Reviews (among other things) ------------------------------------------------------- ____________________________________________________________ Free 20MB Web Site Hosting and Personalized E-mail Service! Get It Now At Doteasy.com http://www.doteasy.com/et/
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John Culleton