Still looking for a pointer to the latest revision of "Context Reference Manual" even if incomplete. Or is there a separate MKIV manual? -- John Culleton Free list of books for self-publishers: http://wexfordpress.net/shortlist.html Police Procedural and Expose: "Death Wore Black" "Create Book Covers with Scribus" http://www.booklocker.com/books/4055.html

On 08/16/2012 04:06 PM, john Culleton wrote:
Still looking for a pointer to the latest revision of "Context Reference Manual" even if incomplete. Or is there a separate MKIV manual?
http://wiki.contextgarden.net/manual_being_revised Best wishes, Taco

On 08/16/2012 11:25 AM, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
On 08/16/2012 04:06 PM, john Culleton wrote:
Still looking for a pointer to the latest revision of "Context Reference Manual" even if incomplete. Or is there a separate MKIV manual?
Best wishes, Taco
FYI: The version at the wiki has a Cover Date of June 1, 2011 while the version that comes with Tex Live 2012 has a Cover Date of June 9, 2011 I haven't looked at the SVN version (yet). -- Bill Meahan Westland, Michigan USA

On Thu, Aug 16 2012, Bill Meahan wrote:
FYI: The version at the wiki has a Cover Date of June 1, 2011 while the version that comes with Tex Live 2012 has a Cover Date of June 9, 2011
That's the date of PDF compilation.
I haven't looked at the SVN version (yet).
It's behind the cover (bottom right corner). -- Peter

On Thu, 16 Aug 2012 17:25:45 +0200
Taco Hoekwater
On 08/16/2012 04:06 PM, john Culleton wrote:
Still looking for a pointer to the latest revision of "Context Reference Manual" even if incomplete. Or is there a separate MKIV manual?
Best wishes, Taco ______________________________________________________________________________ Thanks! I finally spotted the mention of svnversion 316 on the copyright page. The cover still says 2011 which confused me.
-- John Culleton
participants (4)
Bill Meahan
john Culleton
Peter Münster
Taco Hoekwater