Hi all, I've been following the examples in the garden to write the following table \chardef\characteralignmentmode=1 \startTABLE \setupTABLE[column][alignmentcharacter={,},aligncharacter=yes,align=middle] \setupTABLE[frame=off] \setupTABLE[row][first][bottomframe=on] \NC \alpha \NC \beta \NC error absoluto\NC error relativo \NC \NR \NC 2 \NC 2,1 \NC 0,1 \NC 0,05 \NC \NR \NC 2\times 10\high{-4} \NC 2,1\times 10\high{-4} \NC 0,1\times 10\high{-4} \NC 0,05 \NC \NR \NC 2\times 10\high{4} \NC 2,1\times 10\high{4} \NC 0,1\times 10\high{4} \NC 0,05 \NC\NR \stopTABLE Is there a way to have the entries of first row centered? The obvious \setupTABLE[row][first][align=middle] do not have any effect. Thanks, Jeronimo.

El 26/08/2010, a las 20:29, Jerónimo Alaminos Prats escribió:
Hi all, I've been following the examples in the garden to write the following table
\startTABLE \setupTABLE[column][alignmentcharacter={,},aligncharacter=yes,align=middle] \setupTABLE[frame=off] \setupTABLE[row][first][bottomframe=on] \NC \alpha \NC \beta \NC error absoluto\NC error relativo \NC \NR \NC 2 \NC 2,1 \NC 0,1 \NC 0,05 \NC \NR \NC 2\times 10\high{-4} \NC 2,1\times 10\high{-4} \NC 0,1\times 10\high{-4} \NC 0,05 \NC \NR \NC 2\times 10\high{4} \NC 2,1\times 10\high{4} \NC 0,1\times 10\high{4} \NC 0,05 \NC\NR \stopTABLE
Is there a way to have the entries of first row centered? The obvious \setupTABLE[row][first][align=middle] do not have any effect. Thanks, Jeronimo.
I forgot about table. Sorry for the noise. The result that I was looking for it's explained in the articles of Aditya on table macros. \starttable[|l|cq1,5 |cq1,5 |cq1,2 |] \NC\REF[cB]{\alpha} \NC \REF[cB]{$\alpha^{*}$} \NC \REF[cB]{error absoluto}\NC \REF[cB]{error relativo} \NC \AR \HL \NC 2 \NC 2,1 \NC 0,1 \NC 0,05 \NC \AR \NC 2\times 10\high{-4} \NC 2,1\times 10\high{-4} \NC 0,1\times 10\high{-4} \NC 0,05 \NC \AR \NC 2\times 10\high{4} \NC 2,1\times 10\high{4} \NC 0,1\times 10\high{4} \NC 0,05 \NC\AR \HL \stoptable Best, Jeronimo.
participants (1)
Jerónimo Alaminos Prats