Layout: partial width blocks

Hello again, I'm working on a 2-column layout for a journal, and I want to keep the title and abstract of each article from running across the full width of the page (a small graphic will appear in the upper right corner of the first article page). For the article title, this works: \def\ArticleTitle#1#2% {\hbox to \hsize\bgroup \setupframed[frame=off]% \tbox{\framed[offset=0pt,width=.8\makeupwidth,align=right]{#2}}% \hfill \egroup} \setuphead[title][% header=high, before={\hbox{}\blank[5mm]\vfill{}}, after={\hbox{}\blank[5mm]\vfill{}}, command=\ArticleTitle, style=\tfb\se, textstyle=\ss] And for the abstract, I have come up with this: \definebodyfontenvironment[10pt][text=10pt,interlinespace=12pt] \defineframedtext[topwidth][% style={\switchtobodyfont[10pt]}, width=.8\makeupwidth, offset=0pt, frame=off] \definedescription[abstract][% location=serried, width=broad, headstyle={\ss\se}, text={Abstract}, before=\starttopwidth, after=\stoptopwidth] However I can't control the lineheight within the abstract; I'm stuck with the default lineheight but I would ilke it to be larger. 1. Can someone tell me why I can change the font size inside the abstract block but not control the line height? 2. Is there a more efficient way of defining an area that is narrower than the full page width to hold these items, instead of using defineframedtext/definedescription for each one? Thanks, PPN -- Peter Park Nelson
participants (1)
Peter Park Nelson