Re: [NTG-context] Split \starttabulates
Hello, This is a bit old now, but I would like to come back to it. First of all, Marco, thank you for your response. I did try it and it does work. However, I seem to be loosing other things like adjusting the table width; things that \placetable provides. \placetable also has the advantage that I don't have to wrap it around my tables, it just appears at the beginning, not the end. A couple of points: - I tried to find some documentation about \startplacetable… \stopplacetable to see how I could enforce the width and generally to see what options there were. I could not find any, not even in the source code. How is this pair defined? - I also tried to find out the overall problem with \placetable. According to this page here: the split option should work, but for TABLEs only. So, I think this does not work for me because I am using TABULATE, right? The split function in \setuptabulate works as well, but only if the table is not inserted using \placetable, that is as a float. So, \placetable knows how to split a TABLE but not a TABULATE although \starttabulate… \stoptabulate knows how to split itself. Is that right? But if it is not inserted as a float, I do not get a caption and I cannot refer to my table later on, right? There seem to be different ways of doing this, all of which miss out on some fine detail I need them to do. So, after all that rumbling, I guess, I am asking... …is there another way of: - placing a TABULATE table such that it has a caption that I can refer to; - split the TABULATE table across multiple pages; - and control the width of the TABULATE table. Thank you, Malte. On 03/10/2012, at 6:45 PM, wrote:
On Mon, 11 Feb 2013, Malte Stien wrote:
\placetable and \startplacetable are equivalent. To be able to split floats, you need to specify the **split** option: \starttext \placetable[split,here][tab:ref]{Sometable} {\starttabulate[|w(.30\textwidth)p|w(.70\textwidth)p|] \HL \NC {\bf Animal} \NC {\bf Comment} \NC\FR \HL \dorecurse{50} {\NC Cat \NC Pretty cool \NC\MR} \NC Bear \NC Kind of lazy \NC\MR \NC Sheep \NC Always hungry \NC\MR \HL \stoptabulate} \stoptext Aditya
participants (2)
Aditya Mahajan
Malte Stien