I think this message mysteriously disappeared yesterday (at least I didn;t see it); if you've seen it before, please excuse the double post! Hi all, I was just wondering if this is a bug or if it's something that still needs to be implemented: the example on p. 10 of Mojca's sometxt MyWay works in mkii, yet in mkiv, it doesn't: \starttext \startTeXtexts \dorecurse{12}{\TeXtext{\recurselevel}{\recurselevel}} \stopTeXtexts \startMPcode numeric r; r = 1.5cm; draw fullcircle scaled 2r; for i=1 upto 12: draw (origin--down) scaled 4pt shifted (0,r) rotated -30i; label(sometxt(i), up scaled .75r rotated -30i); endfor; \stopMPcode \stoptext in mkiv, I get no labels and the somewhat cryptic sentence "[do we need TeXtexts in MkIV]" on my pdf. Anybody able to answer this or my question? All best Thomas

On Sun, 7 Sep 2008, Thomas A. Schmitz wrote:
I think this message mysteriously disappeared yesterday (at least I didn;t see it); if you've seen it before, please excuse the double post!
See my reply: http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.tex.context/43741 Aditya
participants (2)
Aditya Mahajan
Thomas A. Schmitz