Re: [NTG-context] No escape to TeX for inline typing?

On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 16:30:13 +0100, Wolfgang Schuster <> wrote:
Am 17.02.2015 um 16:04 schrieb Christoph Reller <>: How do I escape to TeX from inside an inline typing command? It works fine from a typing environment.
The \type command doesn’t support a escape function but it can be added an additional line in the code (buff-ver.miv):
\def\buff_verbatim_type_normal#1% {\buff_verbatim_initialize_type_two \dostarttaggedchained\t!verbatim\currenttype\??type \ctxcommand{typestring{ data = \!!bs\detokenize{#1}\!!es, tab = "\typeparameter\c!tab", method = "\typeparameter\c!option", + escape = \!!bs\typeparameter\c!escape\!!es, nature = "inline", compact = "\typeparameter\c!compact", % none | all | last (all needed in tabulate etc for manuals) }}% \dostoptagged \buff_verbatim_right_of_type \egroup}
To enable the function add „escape=yes” (or your own delimiters) to \definetype.
Thanks a lot, Wolfgang! Dear Hans, Can you please add the above patch, or is there a particular reason for not doing so? Kind regards, Christoph
participants (1)
Christoph Reller