Too much space between the text and the beginning of the paragraph with the command \defineenumeration

Sorry, but my question is unclear. In fact, I created a new environment with the package amsthm in LuaLaTeX like this : \newtheoremstyle{exa} {\topsep}{\topsep} {} {0pt} {\strut\bfseries} {} {\newline} {\rule[0pt]{1mm}{1mm} \thmname{#1}\thmnumber{ \textup {#2}}\thmnote{ \textnormal{(#3)}}} \theoremstyle{exa} \newtheorem{ex}{Exercice} I try to do the same with ConteXt. correctiondm7_seconde.pdf @Wolfgang The paragraph should find the following line, and not on the same line of text. @Peter I do not see what changes adding "inbetween = ". Thank you.

Am 25.02.2014 um 23:48 schrieb Fabrice Couvreur
Sorry, but my question is unclear. In fact, I created a new environment with the package amsthm in LuaLaTeX like this :
\newtheoremstyle{exa} {\topsep}{\topsep} {} {0pt} {\strut\bfseries} {} {\newline} {\rule[0pt]{1mm}{1mm} \thmname{#1}\thmnumber{ \textup {#2}}\thmnote{ \textnormal{(#3)}}} \theoremstyle{exa} \newtheorem{ex}{Exercice}
I try to do the same with ConteXt.
@Wolfgang The paragraph should find the following line, and not on the same line of text.
And why had you “location=left” in your code snippet.
@Peter I do not see what changes adding "inbetween = „.
To avoid such problems it is always recommended to make a minimal example which demonstrates the problem. \defineenumeration [ex] [text={Exercice}, headstyle={\bf\feature[+][f:smallcaps]}, inbetween={\blank[small]}, stopper={.}] \setupbodyfont[pagella] \starttext \startex \input knuth \stopex \stoptext Wolfgang
participants (2)
Fabrice Couvreur
Wolfgang Schuster