Strange behavior with the command \color[]{}

Hi, In the code below, if I comment the two lines, it's okay, but if I uncomment those two lines, the number of faces of the cubes is not white but black, and there are pieces of text green. Best regards, Fabrice \usemodule[tikz] \usetikzlibrary[calc] \usetikzlibrary[cd] \usetikzlibrary[3d] \usetikzlibrary[arrows.meta] \usetikzlibrary[positioning] %\definecolor[H1prime][c=0.50, m=0.00, y=1.00, k=0.00] %\definecolor[H4][c=0.07, m=0.00, y=0.15, k=0.00] \starttext \startsetups[table:initialize] \setupTABLE[height=2.5cm,align={middle,lohi}] \setupTABLE[column][2][[width=3cm,align={right,lohi},frame=off] \setupTABLE[column][3][[width=8cm,align={right,lohi},frame=off] \setupTABLE[1][1][[width=5cm,align={right,lohi},frame=off] \setupTABLE[1][2,3][bottomframe=off] \setupTABLE[1][3,4][topframe=off] \stopsetups \bTABLE[setups=table:initialize] \switchtobodyfont[11pt] \bTR \bTD \color[orange]{\tfa Suite d'instructions correspondant au programme de calcul :} \eTD \bTD \eTD \bTD \color[orange]{\tfa Valeur de la variable $X$ après l'exécution de chaque instruction :} \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD $X$ prend la valeur $7$ \eTD \bTD \dontleavehmode \startMPcode input hvdm; l:=2.8mm; r:=0.6; alfa:=45; beta:=0; gamma:=0; defineDefaultArrow (l, r, alfa, beta, gamma); pickup pencircle scaled 0.4mm; arrowline (0cm,0cm)--(3cm,0cm) withcolor blue ;\stopMPcode \eTD \bTD On affecte à $X$ la valeur $7$ : la valeur de $X$ est \color[green]{$7$}. \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD $X$ prend la valeur $2X$ \eTD \bTD \dontleavehmode \startMPcode input hvdm; l:=2.8mm; r:=0.6; alfa:=45; beta:=0; gamma:=0; defineDefaultArrow (l, r, alfa, beta, gamma); pickup pencircle scaled 0.4mm; arrowline (0cm,0cm)--(3cm,0cm) withcolor red ;\stopMPcode\eTD \bTD On affecte à $X$ la valeur $2X$.\\Comme la valeur de $X$ est \color[green]{$7$}, la nouvelle valeur de $X$ est : $2\times\color[green]{7}$.\\La valeur de $X$ est maintenant \color[green]{$14$}. \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD $X$ prend la valeur $X+3$ \eTD \bTD \dontleavehmode \startMPcode input hvdm; l:=2.8mm; r:=0.6; alfa:=45; beta:=0; gamma:=0; defineDefaultArrow (l, r, alfa, beta, gamma); pickup pencircle scaled 0.4mm; arrowline (0cm,0cm)--(3cm,0cm) withcolor green ;\stopMPcode\eTD \eTR \bTD On affecte à $X$ la valeur $X+3$.\\Comme la valeur de $X$ est \color[green]{$14$}, la nouvelle valeur de $X$ est : $\color[green]{14}+3$.\\La valeur de $X$ est maintenant \color[green]{$17$}. \eTD \eTABLE{} \startsetups[table:initialize] \setupTABLE[height=2cm,align={middle,lohi}] \setupTABLE[column][1][[width=4cm,align={right,lohi},frame=on, framecolor=H1prime] \setupTABLE[column][2][[width=5cm,align={middle,lohi},frame=off] \setupTABLE[column][3][[width=1cm,align={middle,lohi},frame=off] \setupTABLE[column][4][[width=9cm,align={right,lohi},frame=off] \setupTABLE[1][1][frame=off] \setupTABLE[1][2,3][bottomframe=off] \setupTABLE[1][3,4][topframe=off] \stopsetups \bTABLE[setups=table:initialize] \switchtobodyfont[10pt] \bTR \bTD \color[red]{ Suite d'instructions :} \eTD \bTD \eTD \bTD \eTD \bTD \color[orange]{ Valeur de la variable $A$ et valeur de la variable $B$ après l'exécution de chaque instruction :}\eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD $A$ prend la valeur $3$ \eTD \bTD \tikzset{% cube join/.style={ thick, -{Stealth}, }, cube face/.style={ minimum size=1cm, outer sep=0pt, draw=white, thick, line join=round, shading=ball, text=white, }, face color/.style={cube face/.append style={ball color=#1}}, pics/cube/.style args={#1 with #2}{ code={ \node [cube face, label={[name=-label]below:#2}] (-front) {#1}; \node [cube face] (-top) at (-front.north west) [anchor=south west, xslant=1, yscale=1/3] {}; \node [cube face] (-side) at (-front.south east) [anchor=south west, yslant=1, xscale=1/3] {}; }} } \starttikzpicture \pic [cube face/.append style={ball color=green}] at (-1, 1) {cube=3 with $A$};\pic [cube face/.append style={ball color=red}] at ( 1, 1) {cube={} with $B$}; \stoptikzpicture \eTD \bTD \dontleavehmode \startMPcode input hvdm; l:=2.8mm; r:=0.6; alfa:=45; beta:=0; gamma:=0; defineDefaultArrow (l, r, alfa, beta, gamma); pickup pencircle scaled 0.4mm; arrowline (1cm,0cm)--(0cm,0cm) ;\stopMPcode \eTD \bTD La valeur de $A$ est \color[green]{3} et $B$ n'a pas encore de valeur \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD $B$ prend la valeur $A+1$ \eTD \bTD \tikzset{% cube join/.style={ thick, -{Stealth}, }, cube face/.style={ minimum size=1cm, outer sep=0pt, draw=white, thick, line join=round, shading=ball, text=white, font=\bfseries }, face color/.style={cube face/.append style={ball color=#1}}, pics/cube/.style args={#1 with #2}{ code={ \node [cube face, label={[name=-label]below:#2}] (-front) {#1}; \node [cube face] (-top) at (-front.north west) [anchor=south west, xslant=1, yscale=1/3] {}; \node [cube face] (-side) at (-front.south east) [anchor=south west, yslant=1, xscale=1/3] {}; }} } \starttikzpicture \pic [cube face/.append style={ball color=green}] at (-1, 1) {cube=3 with $A$}; \pic [cube face/.append style={ball color=red}] at ( 1, 1) {cube=4 with $B$}; \stoptikzpicture \eTD \bTD \dontleavehmode \startMPcode input hvdm; l:=2.8mm; r:=0.6; alfa:=45; beta:=0; gamma:=0; defineDefaultArrow (l, r, alfa, beta, gamma); pickup pencircle scaled 0.4mm; arrowline (1cm,0cm)--(0cm,0cm) ;\stopMPcode \eTD \bTD Comme la valeur de $A$ est \color[green]{$3$}, la valeur de $B$ est : $\color[geen]{3}+1$, soit \color[red]{$4$}.\\La valeur de $A$ ne change pas : elle reste égale à \color[green]{$3$}.\eTD \bTR \bTD $A$ prend la valeur $A+B$ \eTD \bTD \tikzset{% cube join/.style={ thick, -{Stealth}, }, cube face/.style={ minimum size=1cm, outer sep=0pt, draw=white, thick, line join=round, shading=ball, ball color=red, text=white, font=\bfseries }, face color/.style={cube face/.append style={ball color=#1}}, pics/cube/.style args={#1 with #2}{ code={ \node [cube face, label={[name=-label]below:#2}] (-front) {#1}; \node [cube face] (-top) at (-front.north west) [anchor=south west, xslant=1, yscale=1/3] {}; \node [cube face] (-side) at (-front.south east) [anchor=south west, yslant=1, xscale=1/3] {}; }} } \starttikzpicture \pic [cube face/.append style={ball color=green}] at (-1, 1) {cube=7 with $A$}; \pic [cube face/.append style={ball color=red}] at ( 1, 1) {cube=4 with $B$}; \stoptikzpicture \eTD \bTD \dontleavehmode \startMPcode input hvdm; l:=2.8mm; r:=0.6; alfa:=45; beta:=0; gamma:=0; defineDefaultArrow (l, r, alfa, beta, gamma); pickup pencircle scaled 0.4mm; arrowline (1cm,0cm)--(0cm,0cm) ;\stopMPcode \eTD \bTD Comme la valeur de $A$ est \color[green]{3} et que celle de $B$ est \color[red]{$4$}, la nouvelle valeur de $A$ est : $\color[green]{3}+\color[red]{4}$, c'est-à-dire \color[green]{$7$}.\\La valeur de $B$ ne change pas : elle reste égale à \color[red]{$4$}. \eTD \eTR \eTABLE{} \stoptext

Hi, The problem is the \setupTABLE [column] [1] [[width = 4cm, align = {right, lohi}, frame = on, FrameColor = H1prime]. We must not put FrameColor = H1prime. Fabrice

On 11/4/2014 8:28 PM, Fabrice wrote:
Hi, The problem is the \setupTABLE [column] [1] [[width = 4cm, align = {right, lohi}, frame = on, FrameColor = H1prime]. We must not put FrameColor = H1prime.
indeed, no spaces ... width = 4cm will not set width but "width " and it will set it to " 4cm" which is a valid dimension as when tex scans it it gobbles spaces " H1prime" as color could work in some cases when a color with a space in the name is defined spaces after commas are ignores Hans ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: 038 477 53 69 | voip: 087 875 68 74 | | -----------------------------------------------------------------

Hi Hans, For spaces parasites, it is my fault because I copy and paste my code. However, I do not understand why this code does not work :
\usemodule[tikz] \usetikzlibrary[calc] \usetikzlibrary[cd] \usetikzlibrary[3d] \usetikzlibrary[arrows.meta] \usetikzlibrary[positioning]
\definecolor[H1][c=0.50, m=0.00, y=1.00, k=0.00] \definecolor[H4][c=0.07, m=0.00, y=0.15, k=0.00]
\tikzset{% cube join/.style={ thick, -{Stealth}, }, cube face/.style={ minimum size=1cm, outer sep=0pt, draw=white, thick, line join=round, shading=ball, text=white, }, face color/.style={cube face/.append style={ball color=#1}}, pics/cube/.style args={#1 with #2}{ code={ \node [cube face, label={[name=-label]below:#2}] (-front) {#1}; \node [cube face] (-top) at (-front.north west) [anchor=south west, xslant=1, yscale=1/3] {}; \node [cube face] (-side) at (-front.south east) [anchor=south west, yslant=1, xscale=1/3] {}; }} }
\startsetups[table:initialize] \setupTABLE[height=2.5cm,align={middle,lohi}] \setupTABLE[column][2][[width=3cm,align={right,lohi},frame=off] \setupTABLE[column][3][[width=8cm,align={right,lohi},frame=off] \setupTABLE[1][1][[width=5cm,align={right,lohi},frame=off] \setupTABLE[1][2,3][bottomframe=off] \setupTABLE[1][3,4][topframe=off] \stopsetups \bTABLE[setups=table:initialize] \switchtobodyfont[11pt] \bTR \bTD \color[orange]{\tfa Suite d'instructions correspondant au programme de calcul :} \eTD \bTD \eTD \bTD \color[orange]{\tfa Valeur de la variable $X$ après l'exécution de chaque instruction :} \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD $X$ prend la valeur $7$ \eTD \bTD \dontleavehmode \startMPcode input hvdm; l:=2.8mm; r:=0.6; alfa:=45; beta:=0; gamma:=0; defineDefaultArrow (l, r, alfa, beta, gamma); pickup pencircle scaled 0.4mm; arrowline (0cm,0cm)--(3cm,0cm) withcolor blue ;\stopMPcode \eTD \bTD On affecte à $X$ la valeur $7$ : la valeur de $X$ est \color[green]{$7$}. \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD $X$ prend la valeur $2X$ \eTD \bTD \dontleavehmode \startMPcode input hvdm; l:=2.8mm; r:=0.6; alfa:=45; beta:=0; gamma:=0; defineDefaultArrow (l, r, alfa, beta, gamma); pickup pencircle scaled 0.4mm; arrowline (0cm,0cm)--(3cm,0cm) withcolor red ;\stopMPcode\eTD \bTD On affecte à $X$ la valeur $2X$.\\Comme la valeur de $X$ est \color[green]{$7$}, la nouvelle valeur de $X$ est : $2\times\color[green]{7}$.\\La valeur de $X$ est maintenant \color[green]{$14$}. \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD $X$ prend la valeur $X+3$ \eTD \bTD \dontleavehmode \startMPcode input hvdm; l:=2.8mm; r:=0.6; alfa:=45; beta:=0; gamma:=0; defineDefaultArrow (l, r, alfa, beta, gamma); pickup pencircle scaled 0.4mm; arrowline (0cm,0cm)--(3cm,0cm) withcolor green ;\stopMPcode\eTD \eTR \bTD On affecte à $X$ la valeur $X+3$.\\Comme la valeur de $X$ est \color[green]{$14$}, la nouvelle valeur de $X$ est : $\color[green]{14}+3$.\\La valeur de $X$ est maintenant \color[green]{$17$}. \eTD \eTABLE{}
\startsetups[table:initialize] \setupTABLE[height=2cm,align={middle,lohi}] \setupTABLE[column][1][[width=4cm,align={right,lohi},frame=on,framecolor=H1] \setupTABLE[column][2][[width=5cm,align={middle,lohi},frame=off] \setupTABLE[column][3][[width=1cm,align={middle,lohi},frame=off] \setupTABLE[column][4][[width=9cm,align={right,lohi},frame=off] \setupTABLE[1][1][frame=off] \setupTABLE[1][2,3][bottomframe=off] \setupTABLE[1][3,4][topframe=off] \stopsetups \bTABLE[setups=table:initialize] \switchtobodyfont[10pt] \bTR \bTD \color[red]{ Suite d'instructions :} \eTD \bTD \eTD \bTD \eTD \bTD \color[orange]{ Valeur de la variable $A$ et valeur de la variable $B$ après l'exécution de chaque instruction :}\eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD $A$ prend la valeur $3$ \eTD \bTD \starttikzpicture \pic [cube face/.append style={ball color=green}] at (-1, 1) {cube=3 with $A$};\pic [cube face/.append style={ball color=red}] at ( 1, 1) {cube={} with $B$};
\stoptikzpicture \eTD \bTD \dontleavehmode \startMPcode input hvdm; l:=2.8mm; r:=0.6; alfa:=45; beta:=0; gamma:=0; defineDefaultArrow (l, r, alfa, beta, gamma); pickup pencircle scaled 0.4mm; arrowline (1cm,0cm)--(0cm,0cm) ;\stopMPcode \eTD \bTD La valeur de $A$ est \color[green]{3} et $B$ n'a pas encore de valeur \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD $B$ prend la valeur $A+1$ \eTD \bTD \starttikzpicture \pic [cube face/.append style={ball color=green}] at (-1, 1) {cube=3 with $A$}; \pic [cube face/.append style={ball color=red}] at ( 1, 1) {cube=4 with $B$}; \stoptikzpicture \eTD \bTD \dontleavehmode \startMPcode input hvdm; l:=2.8mm; r:=0.6; alfa:=45; beta:=0; gamma:=0; defineDefaultArrow (l, r, alfa, beta, gamma); pickup pencircle scaled 0.4mm; arrowline (1cm,0cm)--(0cm,0cm) ;\stopMPcode \eTD \bTD Comme la valeur de $A$ est \color[green]{$3$}, la valeur de $B$ est : $\color[geen]{3}+1$, soit \color[red]{$4$}.\\La valeur de $A$ ne change pas : elle reste égale à \color[green]{$3$}.\eTD \bTR \bTD $A$ prend la valeur $A+B$ \eTD \bTD \starttikzpicture \pic [cube face/.append style={ball color=green}] at (-1, 1) {cube=7 with $A$}; \pic [cube face/.append style={ball color=red}] at ( 1, 1) {cube=4 with $B$};
\stoptikzpicture \eTD \bTD \dontleavehmode \startMPcode input hvdm; l:=2.8mm; r:=0.6; alfa:=45; beta:=0; gamma:=0; defineDefaultArrow (l, r, alfa, beta, gamma); pickup pencircle scaled 0.4mm; arrowline (1cm,0cm)--(0cm,0cm) ;\stopMPcode \eTD \bTD Comme la valeur de $A$ est \color[green]{3} et que celle de $B$ est \color[red]{$4$}, la nouvelle valeur de $A$ est : $\color[green]{3}+\color[red]{4}$, c'est-à-dire \color[green]{$7$}.\\La valeur de $B$ ne change pas : elle reste égale à \color[red]{$4$}. \eTD \eTR \eTABLE{} \stoptext

On 11/5/2014 7:41 PM, Fabrice wrote:
Hi Hans, For spaces parasites, it is my fault because I copy and paste my code. However, I do not understand why this code does not work :
You need to make real small example as I have no clue what to look at or expect (btw, you use \color[geen] which I suppose has to be green).
\usemodule[tikz] \usetikzlibrary[calc] \usetikzlibrary[cd] \usetikzlibrary[3d] \usetikzlibrary[arrows.meta] \usetikzlibrary[positioning]
\definecolor[H1][c=0.50, m=0.00, y=1.00, k=0.00] \definecolor[H4][c=0.07, m=0.00, y=0.15, k=0.00]
\tikzset{% cube join/.style={ thick, -{Stealth}, }, cube face/.style={ minimum size=1cm, outer sep=0pt, draw=white, thick, line join=round, shading=ball, text=white, }, face color/.style={cube face/.append style={ball color=#1}}, pics/cube/.style args={#1 with #2}{ code={ \node [cube face, label={[name=-label]below:#2}] (-front) {#1}; \node [cube face] (-top) at (-front.north west) [anchor=south west, xslant=1, yscale=1/3] {}; \node [cube face] (-side) at (-front.south east) [anchor=south west, yslant=1, xscale=1/3] {}; }} }
\startsetups[table:initialize] \setupTABLE[height=2.5cm,align={middle,lohi}] \setupTABLE[column][2][[width=3cm,align={right,lohi},frame=off] \setupTABLE[column][3][[width=8cm,align={right,lohi},frame=off] \setupTABLE[1][1][[width=5cm,align={right,lohi},frame=off] \setupTABLE[1][2,3][bottomframe=off] \setupTABLE[1][3,4][topframe=off] \stopsetups \bTABLE[setups=table:initialize] \switchtobodyfont[11pt] \bTR \bTD \color[orange]{\tfa Suite d'instructions correspondant au programme de calcul :} \eTD \bTD \eTD \bTD \color[orange]{\tfa Valeur de la variable $X$ après l'exécution de chaque instruction :} \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD $X$ prend la valeur $7$ \eTD \bTD \dontleavehmode \startMPcode input hvdm; l:=2.8mm; r:=0.6; alfa:=45; beta:=0; gamma:=0; defineDefaultArrow (l, r, alfa, beta, gamma); pickup pencircle scaled 0.4mm; arrowline (0cm,0cm)--(3cm,0cm) withcolor blue ;\stopMPcode \eTD \bTD On affecte à $X$ la valeur $7$ : la valeur de $X$ est \color[green]{$7$}. \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD $X$ prend la valeur $2X$ \eTD \bTD \dontleavehmode \startMPcode input hvdm; l:=2.8mm; r:=0.6; alfa:=45; beta:=0; gamma:=0; defineDefaultArrow (l, r, alfa, beta, gamma); pickup pencircle scaled 0.4mm; arrowline (0cm,0cm)--(3cm,0cm) withcolor red ;\stopMPcode\eTD \bTD On affecte à $X$ la valeur $2X$.\\Comme la valeur de $X$ est \color[green]{$7$}, la nouvelle valeur de $X$ est : $2\times\color[green]{7}$.\\La valeur de $X$ est maintenant \color[green]{$14$}. \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD $X$ prend la valeur $X+3$ \eTD \bTD \dontleavehmode \startMPcode input hvdm; l:=2.8mm; r:=0.6; alfa:=45; beta:=0; gamma:=0; defineDefaultArrow (l, r, alfa, beta, gamma); pickup pencircle scaled 0.4mm; arrowline (0cm,0cm)--(3cm,0cm) withcolor green ;\stopMPcode\eTD \eTR \bTD On affecte à $X$ la valeur $X+3$.\\Comme la valeur de $X$ est \color[green]{$14$}, la nouvelle valeur de $X$ est : $\color[green]{14}+3$.\\La valeur de $X$ est maintenant \color[green]{$17$}. \eTD \eTABLE{}
\startsetups[table:initialize] \setupTABLE[height=2cm,align={middle,lohi}] \setupTABLE[column][1][[width=4cm,align={right,lohi},frame=on,framecolor=H1]
\setupTABLE[column][2][[width=5cm,align={middle,lohi},frame=off] \setupTABLE[column][3][[width=1cm,align={middle,lohi},frame=off] \setupTABLE[column][4][[width=9cm,align={right,lohi},frame=off] \setupTABLE[1][1][frame=off] \setupTABLE[1][2,3][bottomframe=off] \setupTABLE[1][3,4][topframe=off] \stopsetups \bTABLE[setups=table:initialize] \switchtobodyfont[10pt] \bTR \bTD \color[red]{ Suite d'instructions :} \eTD \bTD \eTD \bTD \eTD \bTD \color[orange]{ Valeur de la variable $A$ et valeur de la variable $B$ après l'exécution de chaque instruction :}\eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD $A$ prend la valeur $3$ \eTD \bTD \starttikzpicture \pic [cube face/.append style={ball color=green}] at (-1, 1) {cube=3 with $A$};\pic [cube face/.append style={ball color=red}] at ( 1, 1) {cube={} with $B$};
\stoptikzpicture \eTD \bTD \dontleavehmode \startMPcode input hvdm; l:=2.8mm; r:=0.6; alfa:=45; beta:=0; gamma:=0; defineDefaultArrow (l, r, alfa, beta, gamma); pickup pencircle scaled 0.4mm; arrowline (1cm,0cm)--(0cm,0cm) ;\stopMPcode \eTD \bTD La valeur de $A$ est \color[green]{3} et $B$ n'a pas encore de valeur \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD $B$ prend la valeur $A+1$ \eTD \bTD \starttikzpicture \pic [cube face/.append style={ball color=green}] at (-1, 1) {cube=3 with $A$}; \pic [cube face/.append style={ball color=red}] at ( 1, 1) {cube=4 with $B$}; \stoptikzpicture \eTD \bTD \dontleavehmode \startMPcode input hvdm; l:=2.8mm; r:=0.6; alfa:=45; beta:=0; gamma:=0; defineDefaultArrow (l, r, alfa, beta, gamma); pickup pencircle scaled 0.4mm; arrowline (1cm,0cm)--(0cm,0cm) ;\stopMPcode \eTD \bTD Comme la valeur de $A$ est \color[green]{$3$}, la valeur de $B$ est : $\color[geen]{3}+1$, soit \color[red]{$4$}.\\La valeur de $A$ ne change pas : elle reste égale à \color[green]{$3$}.\eTD \bTR \bTD $A$ prend la valeur $A+B$ \eTD \bTD \starttikzpicture \pic [cube face/.append style={ball color=green}] at (-1, 1) {cube=7 with $A$}; \pic [cube face/.append style={ball color=red}] at ( 1, 1) {cube=4 with $B$};
\stoptikzpicture \eTD \bTD \dontleavehmode \startMPcode input hvdm; l:=2.8mm; r:=0.6; alfa:=45; beta:=0; gamma:=0; defineDefaultArrow (l, r, alfa, beta, gamma); pickup pencircle scaled 0.4mm; arrowline (1cm,0cm)--(0cm,0cm) ;\stopMPcode \eTD \bTD Comme la valeur de $A$ est \color[green]{3} et que celle de $B$ est \color[red]{$4$}, la nouvelle valeur de $A$ est : $\color[green]{3}+\color[red]{4}$, c'est-à-dire \color[green]{$7$}.\\La valeur de $B$ ne change pas : elle reste égale à \color[red]{$4$}. \eTD \eTR \eTABLE{} \stoptext
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-- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: 038 477 53 69 | voip: 087 875 68 74 | | -----------------------------------------------------------------

Hi Hans, It's true, I'm a little confused. In fact, the problem is the \ starttikzpicture \ endtikzpicture.
\usemodule[tikz] \usetikzlibrary[calc] \usetikzlibrary[3d] \usetikzlibrary[arrows.meta] \usetikzlibrary[positioning] \definecolor[H1prime][c=0.50, m=0.00, y=1.00, k=0.00] \definecolor[H4][c=0.07, m=0.00, y=0.15, k=0.00]
\tikzset{% cube join/.style={ thick, -{Stealth}, }, cube face/.style={ minimum size=1cm, outer sep=0pt, draw=white, thick, line join=round, shading=ball, text=white, }, face color/.style={cube face/.append style={ball color=#1}}, pics/cube/.style args={#1 with #2}{ code={ \node [cube face, label={[name=-label]below:#2}] (-front) {#1}; \node [cube face] (-top) at (-front.north west) [anchor=south west, xslant=1, yscale=1/3] {}; \node [cube face] (-side) at (-front.south east) [anchor=south west, yslant=1, xscale=1/3] {}; }} } \starttext \startsetups[table:initialize] \setupTABLE[height=2cm,align={middle,lohi}] \setupTABLE[column][1][[width=4cm,align={right,lohi},frame=on,framecolor=H1prime] \setupTABLE[column][2][[width=5cm,align={middle,lohi},frame=off] \setupTABLE[column][3][[width=9cm,align={right,lohi},frame=off] \setupTABLE[1][1][frame=off] \stopsetups \bTABLE[setups=table:initialize] \switchtobodyfont[10pt] \bTR \bTD \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD $A$ prend la valeur $3$ \eTD \bTD \starttikzpicture \pic [cube face/.append style={ball color=green}] at (-1, 1) {cube=3 with $A$};\pic [cube face/.append style={ball color=red}] at ( 1, 1) {cube={} with $B$}; \stoptikzpicture \eTD \bTD La valeur de $A$ est \color[green]{3} et $B$ n'a pas encore de valeur \eTD \eTR \eTABLE{} \stoptext Best regards, Fabrice

On Thu, 6 Nov 2014, Fabrice wrote:
Hi Hans, It's true, I'm a little confused. In fact, the problem is the \ starttikzpicture \ endtikzpicture.
As Hans said, you need to create a smaller example, and explain what you mean by "the problem". A blind guess is that \starttikzpicture ... \stoptikzpicture creates a \vbox rather than an \hbox. You can try: \dontleavehode\starttikzpicture ... \stoptikzpicture or \hbox{\starttikzpicture ... \stoptikzpicture} and see if you get the desired output. Aditya

On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 7:50 PM, Fabrice
Hi Hans, It's true, I'm a little confused. In fact, the problem is the \ starttikzpicture \ endtikzpicture.
\usemodule[tikz] \usetikzlibrary[calc] \usetikzlibrary[3d] \usetikzlibrary[arrows.meta] \usetikzlibrary[positioning] \definecolor[H1prime][c=0.50, m=0.00, y=1.00, k=0.00] \definecolor[H4][c=0.07, m=0.00, y=0.15, k=0.00] \tikzset{% cube join/.style={ thick, -{Stealth}, }, cube face/.style={ minimum size=1cm, outer sep=0pt, draw=white, thick, line join=round, shading=ball, text=white, }, face color/.style={cube face/.append style={ball color=#1}}, pics/cube/.style args={#1 with #2}{ code={ \node [cube face, label={[name=-label]below:#2}] (-front) {#1}; \node [cube face] (-top) at (-front.north west) [anchor=south west, xslant=1, yscale=1/3] {}; \node [cube face] (-side) at (-front.south east) [anchor=south west, yslant=1, xscale=1/3] {}; }} } \starttext \startsetups[table:initialize] \setupTABLE[height=2cm,align={middle,lohi}] \setupTABLE[column][1][[width=4cm,align={right,lohi},frame=on,framecolor=H1prime] \setupTABLE[column][2][[width=5cm,align={middle,lohi},frame=off] \setupTABLE[column][3][[width=9cm,align={right,lohi},frame=off] \setupTABLE[1][1][frame=off] \stopsetups \bTABLE[setups=table:initialize] \switchtobodyfont[10pt] \bTR \bTD \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD $A$ prend la valeur $3$ \eTD \bTD %\starttikzpicture %\pic [cube face/.append style={ball color=green}] at (-1, 1) {cube=3 with %$A$};\pic [cube face/.append style={ball color=red}] at ( 1, 1) {cube={} %with $B$}; %\stoptikzpicture \eTD \bTD La valeur de $A$ est \color[green]{3} et $B$ n'a pas encore de valeur \eTD \eTR \eTABLE{} \bTABLE[setups=table:initialize] \switchtobodyfont[10pt] \bTR \bTD \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD $A$ prend la valeur $3$ \eTD \bTD \starttikzpicture \pic [cube face/.append style={ball color=green}] at (-1, 1) {cube=3 with $A$};\pic [cube face/.append style={ball color=red}] at ( 1, 1) {cube={} with $B$}; \stoptikzpicture \eTD \bTD La valeur de $A$ est \color[green]{3} et $B$ n'a pas encore de valeur \eTD \eTR \eTABLE{} \stoptext The second time La valeur de $A$ est \color[green]{3} is green . -- luigi

On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 8:57 PM, luigi scarso
\usetikzlibrary[calc] \usetikzlibrary[3d] \usetikzlibrary[arrows.meta] \usetikzlibrary[positioning] \definecolor[H1prime][c=0.50, m=0.00, y=1.00, k=0.00] \definecolor[H4][c=0.07, m=0.00, y=0.15, k=0.00] \tikzset{% cube join/.style={ thick, -{Stealth}, }, cube face/.style={ minimum size=1cm, outer sep=0pt, draw=white, thick, line join=round, shading=ball, text=white, }, face color/.style={cube face/.append style={ball color=#1}}, pics/cube/.style args={#1 with #2}{ code={ \node [cube face, label={[name=-label]below:#2}] (-front) {#1}; \node [cube face] (-top) at (-front.north west) [anchor=south west, xslant=1, yscale=1/3] {}; \node [cube face] (-side) at (-front.south east) [anchor=south west, yslant=1, xscale=1/3] {}; }} } \starttext \startsetups[table:initialize] \setupTABLE[height=2cm,align={middle,lohi}] \setupTABLE[column][1][width=4cm,align={right,lohi},frame=on]%,framecolor=H1prime] \setupTABLE[column][2][width=5cm,align={middle,lohi},frame=off] \setupTABLE[column][3][width=9cm,align={right,lohi},frame=off] \setupTABLE[1][1][frame=off] \stopsetups \bTABLE[setups=table:initialize] \switchtobodyfont[10pt] \bTR \bTD[n=3] \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD $A$ prend la valeur $3$ \eTD \bTD \starttikzpicture \pic [cube face/.append style={ball color=green}] at (-1, 1) {cube=3 with $A$};\pic [cube face/.append style={ball color=red}] at ( 1, 1) {cube={} with $B$}; \stoptikzpicture \eTD \bTD \tracingall La valeur de $A$ est\color[green]{3} et $B$ n'a pas encore de valeur \tracingnone \eTD \eTR \eTABLE{} \stoptext The problem seems to be %,framecolor=H1prime] -- luigi

Am 06.11.2014 um 21:16 schrieb luigi scarso:
\definecolor[H1prime][c=0.50, m=0.00, y=1.00, k=0.00]
The problem seems to be %,framecolor=H1prime]
I have no problem with "framecolor=H1prime" setting. I am using ConTeXt minimal copied into my up-to-date TL 2014. Herbert

On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 10:28 PM, Herbert Voss
Am 06.11.2014 um 21:16 schrieb luigi scarso:
\definecolor[H1prime][c=0.50, m=0.00, y=1.00, k=0.00]
The problem seems to be %,framecolor=H1prime]
I have no problem with "framecolor=H1prime" setting. I am using ConTeXt minimal copied into my up-to-date TL 2014.
hm the I have just update the TL 2014, and there is still the error. The latest t-tikz.tex form Hans solves the problems both in TL 2014 and standalone. -- luigi

On 11/6/2014 8:57 PM, luigi scarso wrote:
On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 7:50 PM, Fabrice> wrote: Hi Hans, It's true, I'm a little confused. In fact, the problem is the \ starttikzpicture \ endtikzpicture.
\usemodule[tikz] \usetikzlibrary[calc] \usetikzlibrary[3d] \usetikzlibrary[arrows.meta] \usetikzlibrary[positioning] \definecolor[H1prime][c=0.50, m=0.00, y=1.00, k=0.00] \definecolor[H4][c=0.07, m=0.00, y=0.15, k=0.00]
\tikzset{% cube join/.style={ thick, -{Stealth}, }, cube face/.style={ minimum size=1cm, outer sep=0pt, draw=white, thick, line join=round, shading=ball, text=white, }, face color/.style={cube face/.append style={ball color=#1}}, pics/cube/.style args={#1 with #2}{ code={ \node [cube face, label={[name=-label]below:#2}] (-front) {#1}; \node [cube face] (-top) at (-front.north west) [anchor=south west, xslant=1, yscale=1/3] {}; \node [cube face] (-side) at (-front.south east) [anchor=south west, yslant=1, xscale=1/3] {}; }} } \starttext \startsetups[table:initialize] \setupTABLE[height=2cm,align={middle,lohi}] \setupTABLE[column][1][[width=4cm,align={right,lohi},frame=on,framecolor=H1prime] \setupTABLE[column][2][[width=5cm,align={middle,lohi},frame=off] \setupTABLE[column][3][[width=9cm,align={right,lohi},frame=off] \setupTABLE[1][1][frame=off] \stopsetups \bTABLE[setups=table:initialize] \switchtobodyfont[10pt] \bTR \bTD \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD $A$ prend la valeur $3$ \eTD \bTD %\starttikzpicture %\pic [cube face/.append style={ball color=green}] at (-1, 1) {cube=3 with %$A$};\pic [cube face/.append style={ball color=red}] at ( 1, 1) {cube={} %with $B$}; %\stoptikzpicture \eTD \bTD La valeur de $A$ est \color[green]{3} et $B$ n'a pas encore de valeur \eTD \eTR \eTABLE{}
the color mechanisms probably interfere ... attached is a t-tikz.tex that behaves a bit better ... if it works out ok: feel free to make sure that it ends up someplace distributable Hans ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: 038 477 53 69 | voip: 087 875 68 74 | | -----------------------------------------------------------------
participants (6)
Aditya Mahajan
Fabrice Couvreur
Hans Hagen
Herbert Voss
luigi scarso