I'm trying to built a template for evaluations of my students. I have a problem with the head environment that does not take into account the selected font and size. Regards, Fabrice \environment environ-2 \environment environ-3 \environment header \starttext \MyOtherHeader{Seconde GTA}{20}{3}{2014}{{\ss \tfd \bf Correction du devoir maison de Mathématiques} }{{\ss \bf \tfd 9}} \startex \input knuth \stopex \stoptext ############################################################## \startenvironment environ-2 \loadtypescriptfile[mathdesign] \definetypeface [mainface] [rm] [serif] [palatino] [default] \definetypeface [mainface] [tt] [mono] [modern] [default] [rscale=0.9] \definetypeface [mainface] [mm] [math] [xits] [default] \setupbodyfont[mainface,11pt] \setuppagenumbering[location=] \setupexternalfigures[location={local,global,default}] \setupexternalfigures[directory=/home/fab/Seconde/2013_2014/Figures/] \mainlanguage[fr] \stopenvironment Thanks Hans for this header ############################################################ % macros=mkvi \startenvironment header \environment environ-2 \starttexdefinition MyOtherHeader #where #day #month #year #title #number \defineoverlay[whatever][\useMPgraphic{whatever}] \startuseMPgraphic{whatever} path p; p:=fullsquare xyscaled (\overlaywidth,\overlayheight) squeezed 1pt; fill p withcolor white ; draw p withpen pencircle scaled 2pt withcolor 0.625white ; picture d ; d := textext("\quad#where\space\endash\space\date[d=#day,m=#month,y=#year]\quad") shifted .5[ulcorner p,urcorner p]; fill boundingbox d withcolor white ; draw d ; setbounds currentpicture to p ; \stopuseMPgraphic \framed [ width=\hsize, height=5em, foregroundstyle=\itxx, background=whatever, frame=off, ] {#title \space {\ss\tfc\bf n \high{\tfa \bf o}} \space #number } \stoptexdefinition \stopenvironment Thanks Wolfgang for this environment ############################################################# \startenvironment environ-3 \defineenumeration [ex] [text={Exercice}, headstyle={\bf\feature[+][f:smallcaps]}, inbetween={\blank[small]}, stopper={.}] \stopenvironment #############################################################

Hi, I'll try to rephrase my question. In fact, the title is not in bold and the size of the font is not taken into account. Regards, Fabrice https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-mkD83s36jbS05RalpqRHhzc2s/edit?usp=sharin...

Am 11.03.2014 um 23:13 schrieb Fabrice
Hi, I'll try to rephrase my question. In fact, the title is not in bold and the size of the font is not taken into account.
When you want to use a sans serif font you should also set one which isn’t the case in your setup. \loadtypescriptfile[mathdesign] \definetypeface [mainface] [rm] [serif] [palatino] [default] \definetypeface [mainface] [tt] [mono] [modern] [default] [rscale=0.9] \definetypeface [mainface] [mm] [math] [xits] [default] \setupbodyfont[mainface,11pt] Wolfgang

Hi Wolfgang, Thank you for your help. I actually forgot this : \ definetypeface [mainface] [ss] [sans] [dejavu] [default] [rscale = auto]. The problem is that I'm still new with ConTeXt, but I think I can say that I grew to people like you.
participants (3)
Fabrice Couvreur
Wolfgang Schuster