[Fwd: Re: [NTG-context] Problems with Natural Tables]

Hello Hans, (I guess you are the only person who can specify your previous answer), so please, is the file 'core-ntb-new.tex' somewhere available? Actually what I want. I have plenty of natural tables. If I want to make closer interline space between table lines the only way I know is to make smaller value of offset param. But after that, columns are too close together (framed object as a core of natural table does not distinguish between vertical and horizontal offsets). So bellow mentioned \setupTABLE[c][1][distance=2em] would be nice solution. So ones more, is the new code available? Thank you in advance for the answer. Vit Hans Hagen wrote:
Adam Duck wrote:
Eckhart Guthöhrlein
writes: Am Sonntag, den 14.08.2005, 17:17 +0200 schrieb Adam Duck:
- how do I set the spacing between a vertical line (between two columns) and the text inside that columns? I already used "framedoffest=-3pt", but the output is unacceptable.
Spacing is a weak point of natural tables. Afaik, there is no good way to tune spacing. I would try using dummy colums like \bTD[width=1em]\eTD.
OK, That sounds reasonable. I'll try that. On the other hand this means many \bTD<something>\eTD ... but one can write a macro for that, I think.
a next release will support: \input core-ntb-new.tex
\setupTABLE[c][1][distance=2em] \setupTABLE[c][2][distance=3em]
I was looking for core-ntb-new.tex or 'distance' in current beta core-ntb.tex but have not been successful. Please, where I can find it? Thanks Vit
\bTABLE \bTR \bTD test \eTD \bTD test \eTD \bTD test \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD[nx=2] test \eTD \bTD test \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD test \eTD \bTD[nx=2] test \eTD \eTR \eTABLE
\bTABLE[option=stretch] \bTR \bTD test \eTD \bTD test \eTD \bTD test \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD[nx=2] test \eTD \bTD test \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD test \eTD \bTD[nx=2] test \eTD \eTR \eTABLE

Vit Zyka wrote:
... so please, is the file 'core-ntb-new.tex' somewhere available?
Solution of my own question, for who is interesting. Description: The next patch enables to define intercolumn gaps in Natural Table (bTABLE...eTABLE) environment. Features: - one can distinguish the amounts of first (colsepfirst), inner (colsepbetween), and last (colseplast) gaps. - patch operates for both 'fit' or 'stretch' table options. - gaps has no 'background' you have to use external one. Example: http://typokvitek.com/tmp/nattab-colskip.pdf Usage: \bTABLE[colsepbetween=2cm,colsepfirst=.3cm,colseplast=.5cm] \bTR \bTD A\eTD \bTD B\eTD \bTD C\eTD \eTR \eTABLE Enjoy it, vit Patch: ----------------------------------------------- % suppressing spurious space from setupTABLE \let\DosetupTABLE=\setupTABLE \def\setupTABLE[#1][#2][#3]{\DosetupTABLE[#1][#2][#3]\ignorespaces} % new bTABLE options <dimen>: colsepbetween, colsepfirst, colseplast \def\nexttblcol {\doglobal\increment\colTBL\hskip\tbltblcolsepbetween\hbox{}&} % VZ \def\begintblrow {\noalign {\doglobal\increment\rowTBL \doglobal\newcounter\colTBL}% \nexttblcol \hskip\tbltblcolsepfirst\hskip-\tbltblcolsepbetween} % VZ \unprotected\def\endtblrow {\hskip-\tbltblcolsepbetween\hskip\tbltblcolseplast\hbox{}% VZ \crcr \noalign {\nointerlineskip \allowbreak \bgroup % protect local vars \@@tblsplitafter \egroup \bgroup % protect local vars \increment\rowTBL\relax \ifnum\rowTBL>\noftblhdnxlines\relax \ifnum\rowTBL<\maximumrow\relax \doifsomething\tbltblspaceinbetween{\blank[\tbltblspaceinbetween]}% \fi \fi \egroup}} \unprotected\def\endTBL {\appendtoks \endtbl \to\tbltoks \setbox\scratchbox\hbox {\localframed [\@@tbl\@@tbl] [\c!frame=\v!off,\c!background=,\c!align=\v!no] {\strut}}% \edef\minimalcellheight{\the\ht\scratchbox}% \dorecurse\maximumcol {\settblaut\recurselevel\!!zeropoint % \zeropoint etc % new \let\xcol\recurselevel \dorecurse\maximumrow {\settblwd \recurselevel\xcol\!!zeropoint \settblht \recurselevel\xcol\!!zeropoint}% % till here \settblwid\recurselevel\!!zeropoint}% \dorecurse\maximumrow {\settblhei\recurselevel\maxdimen}% \chardef\TBLpass\plusone \let\handleTBLcell\dohandleTBLcellA \def\makeTBL##1##2% {\gettbltxt{##1}{##2}}% \def\inTBLcell##1##2% {\ExpandBothAfter\doifinsetelse\localwidth{\v!fit,\v!broad} % user set {} {\scratchdimen\gettblaut\colTBL\relax \ifdim\localwidth>\scratchdimen \settblaut\colTBL\localwidth \fi}}% \setbox0\vbox{\trialtypesettingtrue \the\tbltoks}% \ifautoTBLspread % experimental, stretch non fixed cells to \hsize \checktblwidthsone % trial run \checktblwidthstwo % real run \stretchtblwidths \let\handleTBLcell\dohandleTBLcellB \setbox\scratchbox\vbox{\trialtypesettingtrue \the\tbltoks}% \else\ifdim\wd0>\hsize \ifautoTBLhsize \checktblwidthsone % trial run \checktblwidthstwo % real run \let\handleTBLcell\dohandleTBLcellB \setbox\scratchbox\vbox{\trialtypesettingtrue \the\tbltoks}% \fi \else\ifautoTBLrowspan\ifnum\maximumrowspan>1 % max ? % added jan 2002 because nx=* did no longer work \checktblwidthsone % trial run \checktblwidthstwo % real run % \let\handleTBLcell\dohandleTBLcellC \setbox\scratchbox\vbox{\trialtypesettingtrue \the\tbltoks}% \fi\fi\fi\fi \let\handleTBLcell\dohandleTBLcellD \chardef\TBLpass\plustwo \def\makeTBL##1##2% meer in cellD {\dimen2\zeropoint \globalpushmacro\colTBL \dorecurse{\gettblcol{##1}{##2}} {\advance\dimen2 \gettblwid\colTBL \advance\dimen2 \tbltblcolsepbetween % VZ \increment\colTBL}% \advance\dimen2 -\tbltblcolsepbetween % VZ \edef\widthTBL{\the\dimen2}% \globalpopmacro\colTBL \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\gettbltxt{##1}{##2}}% \settblht{##1}{##2}{\the\ht\scratchbox}% \settblwd{##1}{##2}{\the\wd\scratchbox}% \ifdim\ht\scratchbox>\gettblhei{##1}\relax \settblhei{##1}{\the\ht\scratchbox}% \fi}% \setbox\scratchbox\vbox{\trialtypesettingtrue \the\tbltoks}% \checktblheightsone \checktblheightstwo \let\handleTBLcell\dohandleTBLcellE \chardef\TBLpass\plusthree \def\makeTBL##1##2% {% height \globalpushmacro\rowTBL \scratchdimen\zeropoint \def\rowTBL{##1}% \ifnum\gettblcol{##1}{##2}=\maximumcol\relax % case: nc=maxcolumns \else \dorecurse{\gettblrow{##1}{##2}} {\advance\scratchdimen \gettblhei\rowTBL \increment\rowTBL}% \ifdim\scratchdimen<\gettblht{##1}{##2}\relax \scratchdimen\gettblht{##1}{##2}\relax \fi \fi \edef\heightTBL{\the\scratchdimen}% \globalpopmacro\rowTBL % width \globalpushmacro\colTBL \scratchdimen\zeropoint \dorecurse{\gettblcol{##1}{##2}} {\advance\scratchdimen \gettblwid\colTBL \advance\scratchdimen \tbltblcolsepbetween % VZ \increment\colTBL}% \advance\scratchdimen -\tbltblcolsepbetween % VZ \edef\widthTBL{\the\scratchdimen}% \globalpopmacro\colTBL % cell \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\gettbltxt{##1}{##2}}% \ifnum\gettblcol{##1}{##2}=\maximumcol\relax % case: nc=maxcolumns \else \scratchdimen\gettblhei{##1}% \setbox\scratchbox\hbox {\lower\ht\scratchbox\hbox{\raise\scratchdimen\box\scratchbox}}% \ht\scratchbox\scratchdimen \fi \dp\scratchbox\zeropoint \box\scratchbox}% \iftraceTABLE\showtbltoks\fi \ifnum\TBLlevel>\plusone \@EA\notsplittblbox \else\ifenableTBLbreak \@EAEAEA\splittblbox \else \@EAEAEA\notsplittblbox \fi\fi{\the\tbltoks}} \unprotected\def\stretchtblwidths {\!!dimend\zeropoint \dorecurse\maximumcol {\advance\!!dimend\gettblwid\recurselevel \advance\!!dimend\tbltblcolsepbetween}% VZ \advance\!!dimend-\tbltblcolsepbetween % VZ \advance\!!dimend\tbltblcolsepfirst % VZ \advance\!!dimend\tbltblcolseplast % VZ % distribute width (stretch) \ifdim\!!dimend<\hsize \advance\!!dimend-\hsize \!!dimend-\!!dimend \divide\!!dimend\maximumcol \dorecurse\maximumcol {\scratchdimen\gettblwid\recurselevel \advance\scratchdimen\!!dimend \settblwid\recurselevel{\the\scratchdimen}}% \fi} \let\tbltblcolsepbetween\zeropoint \let\tbltblcolsepfirst\zeropoint \let\tbltblcolseplast\zeropoint ----------------------------------------------------------- Old emails:
Actually what I want. I have plenty of natural tables. If I want to make closer interline space between table lines the only way I know is to make smaller value of offset param. But after that, columns are too close together (framed object as a core of natural table does not distinguish between vertical and horizontal offsets). So bellow mentioned \setupTABLE[c][1][distance=2em] would be nice solution.
So ones more, is the new code available?
Thank you in advance for the answer. Vit
Hans Hagen wrote:
Adam Duck wrote:
Eckhart Guthöhrlein
writes: Am Sonntag, den 14.08.2005, 17:17 +0200 schrieb Adam Duck:
- how do I set the spacing between a vertical line (between two columns) and the text inside that columns? I already used "framedoffest=-3pt", but the output is unacceptable.
Spacing is a weak point of natural tables. Afaik, there is no good way to tune spacing. I would try using dummy colums like \bTD[width=1em]\eTD.
OK, That sounds reasonable. I'll try that. On the other hand this means many \bTD<something>\eTD ... but one can write a macro for that, I think.
a next release will support: \input core-ntb-new.tex
\setupTABLE[c][1][distance=2em] \setupTABLE[c][2][distance=3em]
I was looking for core-ntb-new.tex or 'distance' in current beta core-ntb.tex but have not been successful. Please, where I can find it?
Thanks Vit
\bTABLE \bTR \bTD test \eTD \bTD test \eTD \bTD test \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD[nx=2] test \eTD \bTD test \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD test \eTD \bTD[nx=2] test \eTD \eTR \eTABLE
\bTABLE[option=stretch] \bTR \bTD test \eTD \bTD test \eTD \bTD test \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD[nx=2] test \eTD \bTD test \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD test \eTD \bTD[nx=2] test \eTD \eTR \eTABLE

Vit Zyka wrote:
Vit Zyka wrote:
so please, is the file 'core-ntb-new.tex' somewhere available?
i merged the 'core-ntb-new.tex' code into the main file
Solution of my own question, for who is interesting.
Description: The next patch enables to define intercolumn gaps in Natural Table (bTABLE...eTABLE) environment.
I added your patches, but renamed the keys: \starttext % distance mechanism, per column (H) \start \setupTABLE[c][1][distance=2em] \setupTABLE[c][2][distance=3em] \bTABLE \bTR \bTD test \eTD \bTD test \eTD \bTD test \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD[nx=2] test \eTD \bTD test \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD test \eTD \bTD[nx=2] test \eTD \eTR \eTABLE \bTABLE[option=stretch] \bTR \bTD test \eTD \bTD test \eTD \bTD test \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD[nx=2] test \eTD \bTD test \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD test \eTD \bTD[nx=2] test \eTD \eTR \eTABLE \stop % distance mechanism, per table (V) \framed[offset=none]{% \setupTABLE[column][2][align=left] \setupTABLE[column][3][align=right] \bTABLE[columndistance=2cm,leftmargindistance=.3cm,rightmargindistance=.5cm] \bTR \bTH[nc=3] Table head\eTH \eTR \bTR\bTD[nc=2] AB\eTD\bTD C\eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD[nc=2,align=left] AB\eTD\bTD C\eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD[nc=2,align=middle] AB\eTD\bTD C\eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD A\eTD\bTD B\eTD\bTD C\eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD Aa\eTD\bTD Bb\eTD\bTD Cccc\eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD[nc=3,align=middle] ABC\eTD\eTR \eTABLE } \stoptext

Hans Hagen wrote:
Vit Zyka wrote:
Vit Zyka wrote:
so please, is the file 'core-ntb-new.tex' somewhere available?
i merged the 'core-ntb-new.tex' code into the main file
Solution of my own question, for who is interesting.
Description: The next patch enables to define intercolumn gaps in Natural Table (bTABLE...eTABLE) environment.
I added your patches, but renamed the keys:
Thanks, renaming makes sence. vit
participants (2)
Hans Hagen
Vit Zyka