Help on centering text inside the standard makeup

Hello! I have some problem centering the text inside the standardmakeup. The resulting alignment is centered, yes, but relative to the text block of the defined layout, and being a doublesided document, the left space is lesser then the right space (which is not what I wanted, as it's supposed to be the cover of a booklet). For example: %%%%%%%%% \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided] \showframe \starttext \startstandardmakeup \raggedcenter This should be the long title \stopstandardmakeup \input tufte \stoptext %%%%%%%%% The \showframe still shows the defined layout for the whole document. I'm reading from Layouts in Context that the standard makeup should “exclude text from the standard pagebody and its layout”. The other solution could using frames, layers and the backgrounds, but I'm pretty sure I'm missing something here and that using the makups is the right thing to do. Setting width=\paperwidth,height=\paperheight makes the thing worse. It's like the width starts at the text block of the defined layout. %%%%%%%%% \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided] \showframe \definemakeup[titlepage][width=\paperwidth, height=\paperheight,voffset=0mm,hoffset=0mm] \starttext \starttitlepagemakeup \raggedcenter \bfc This should be the long, long, very long title \stoptitlepagemakeup \input tufte \stoptext %%%%%%%%% Thanks in advance. Cheers -- Marco

On 11.11.2011, at 13:27, Marco Pessotto wrote:
I have some problem centering the text inside the standardmakeup. The resulting alignment is centered, yes, but relative to the text block of the defined layout, and being a doublesided document, the left space is lesser then the right space (which is not what I wanted, as it's supposed to be the cover of a booklet).
For example:
%%%%%%%%% \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided] \showframe
\startstandardmakeup \raggedcenter This should be the long title \stopstandardmakeup
\input tufte
\stoptext %%%%%%%%%
Hi, there is also a page makeup \startpagemakeup[align=center] {\bfc This should be the long title} \stoppagemakeup Regards Andreas

Andreas Harder
On 11.11.2011, at 13:27, Marco Pessotto wrote:
I have some problem centering the text inside the standardmakeup. The resulting alignment is centered, yes, but relative to the text block of the defined layout, and being a doublesided document, the left space is lesser then the right space (which is not what I wanted, as it's supposed to be the cover of a booklet).
For example:
%%%%%%%%% \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided] \showframe
\startstandardmakeup \raggedcenter This should be the long title \stopstandardmakeup
\input tufte
\stoptext %%%%%%%%%
there is also a page makeup
\startpagemakeup[align=center] {\bfc This should be the long title} \stoppagemakeup
Regards Andreas
That did the trick! I've updated the wiki at Thanks a lot Best wishes -- Marco

Am 11.11.2011 um 13:27 schrieb Marco Pessotto:
I have some problem centering the text inside the standardmakeup. The resulting alignment is centered, yes, but relative to the text block of the defined layout, and being a doublesided document, the left space is lesser then the right space (which is not what I wanted, as it's supposed to be the cover of a booklet).
For example:
%%%%%%%%% \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided] \showframe
\startstandardmakeup \raggedcenter This should be the long title \stopstandardmakeup
\input tufte
\stoptext %%%%%%%%%
The \showframe still shows the defined layout for the whole document.
I'm reading from Layouts in Context that the standard makeup should “exclude text from the standard pagebody and its layout”.
The other solution could using frames, layers and the backgrounds, but I'm pretty sure I'm missing something here and that using the makups is the right thing to do.
Setting width=\paperwidth,height=\paperheight makes the thing worse. It's like the width starts at the text block of the defined layout.
%%%%%%%%% \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided] \showframe
\definemakeup[titlepage][width=\paperwidth, height=\paperheight,voffset=0mm,hoffset=0mm]
\starttitlepagemakeup \raggedcenter \bfc This should be the long, long, very long title \stoptitlepagemakeup
\input tufte
As a new feature in MkIV there is also a layout with the same name as the makeup environment and you can control the margins of your new title page environment with \setuplayout[titlepage][…]. Wolfgang

Wolfgang Schuster
As a new feature in MkIV there is also a layout with the same name as the makeup environment and you can control the margins of your new title page environment with \setuplayout[titlepage][…].
This looks like the real right solution(tm). Thanks Wolfgang. (Also updated Thanks again Best wishes -- Marco
participants (3)
Andreas Harder
Marco Pessotto
Wolfgang Schuster