Placing footnotes in right margin en bloc at bottom of page

Hi there, not being a ConTeXt user myself, I have been advised on the tex-d-l list of the German TUG that a certain problem could possibly be solved more easily in ConTeXt than in LaTeX. So, here is what I'm trying to achieve: The numerous but short footnotes of a document shall be placed in the right margin rather than below the main text area. Additionally, though, the footnotes should not be placed near the call up (similar to what \marginpar does), but type set en bloc at the bottom of the page. In other words, the main text area should have fixed margins all round across all pages and the footnotes should be printed in a small rectangular block beside the main text area such that the height of this block varies according to the number of footnotes on the page, but the block is always flushed to the bottom of the page. You'll find an ascii art illustration below. Is such a layout feasible in ConTeXt without too much hassle at all? Regards, Elias ================================ = | = = | = = | = = M A I N | = = | = = T E X T | = = | = = A R E A | = = | = = | = = | = = | = = | = = | = = | = = | = = | = = | = = | = = | = = | = = | = = | = = | = = | = = | = = | = = | = = | = = |-----= = |foot-= = |notes= ================================

Am 28.07.10 13:19, schrieb Elias Oltmanns:
Hi there,
not being a ConTeXt user myself, I have been advised on the tex-d-l list of the German TUG that a certain problem could possibly be solved more easily in ConTeXt than in LaTeX. So, here is what I'm trying to achieve: The numerous but short footnotes of a document shall be placed in the right margin rather than below the main text area. Additionally, though, the footnotes should not be placed near the call up (similar to what \marginpar does), but type set en bloc at the bottom of the page. In other words, the main text area should have fixed margins all round across all pages and the footnotes should be printed in a small rectangular block beside the main text area such that the height of this block varies according to the number of footnotes on the page, but the block is always flushed to the bottom of the page. You'll find an ascii art illustration below.
Is such a layout feasible in ConTeXt without too much hassle at all?
This is easy: \setupnote[footnote][location=text] \setuptexttexts[margin][][{\framed[frame=off,offset=none,align=low,height=\textheight,width=broad]{\placenotes[footnote]}}] %\showframe \starttext text\footnote{one} text\footnote{two} text\footnote{\input tufte\par} text \stoptext Wolfgang

Wolfgang Schuster
This is easy:
\starttext text\footnote{one} text\footnote{two} text\footnote{\input tufte\par} text \stoptext
Thanks for the snippet. Unfortunately, the footnotes don't seem to make it onto the page though. Would this be due to using ConTeXt MKII by any chance? If not, I'd rather not change my current texlive installation just now. log-output is attached. Thanks for your time, Elias This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-1.40.10 (TeX Live 2009) (format=cont-en 2010.7.29) 29 JUL 2010 15:05 entering extended mode %&-line parsing enabled. (/opt/tl/2009/texmf/web2c/natural.tcx) **con-footnote.tex \emergencyend (./con-footnote.tex ConTeXt ver: 2009.08.19 17:10 MKII fmt: 2010.7.29 int: english/english system : cont-new loaded (/opt/tl/2009/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/cont-new.tex systems : beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.tex (/opt/tl/2009/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkii)) system : cont-fil loaded (/opt/tl/2009/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/cont-fil.tex loading : ConTeXt File Synonyms ) system : cont-sys.rme loaded (/opt/tl/2009/texmf-dist/tex/context/user/cont-sys.rme (/opt/tl/2009/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/type-tmf.tex (/opt/tl/2009/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/type-tmf.mkii)) (/opt/tl/2009/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/type-siz.tex (/opt/tl/2009/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/type-siz.mkii)) (/opt/tl/2009/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/type-one.tex (/opt/tl/2009/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/type-one.mkii))) system : loaded (./ bodyfont : 12pt rm is loaded language : patterns nl->texnansi:texnansi->1->2:2 nl->ec:ec->2->2:2 us-> ec:ec->3->2:3 de->texnansi:texnansi->4->3:3 de->ec:ec->5->3:3 da->ec:ec->6->2:2 sv->ec:ec->7->2:2 gb->ec:ec->8->2:2 fr->texnansi:texnansi->9->2:2 fr->ec:ec->1 0->2:2 es->ec:ec->11->2:2 ca->ec:ec->12->2:2 it->texnansi:texnansi->13->2:2 it-
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Hi Elias,
erfreut habe ich gesehen, dass dir mit ConTeXt wohl geholfen werden
Elias Oltmanns
Thanks for the snippet. Unfortunately, the footnotes don't seem to make it onto the page though. Would this be due to using ConTeXt MKII by any chance? If not, I'd rather not change my current texlive installation just now.
Ohne direkt auf das Problem eingehen zu können: Wenn du ConTeXt benutzt, installier am besten die Minimals. Die Installation ist denkbar einfach und hier beschrieben: Abweichend zu dieser Beschreibung habe ich in meiner .zshrc (.bashrc sollte genauso funktionieren) folgende Zeile geschrieben: alias minimals='source ~/context/tex/setuptex' Damit kann ich bequem in einer Shell mittels Eingabe von 'minimals' zur ConTeXt-Installation wechseln und habe sonst weiterhin die TeXLive-Binaries und -Pfade. Gruß, olli -- Oliver Heins GPG: F27A BA8C 1CFB B905 65A8 2544 0F07 B675 9A00 D827 1024D/9A00D827 2004-09-24 -- gpg --recv-keys 0x9A00D827 Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments:

Oliver Heins
Hi Elias,
erfreut habe ich gesehen, dass dir mit ConTeXt wohl geholfen werden kann.
Elias Oltmanns
writes: Thanks for the snippet. Unfortunately, the footnotes don't seem to make it onto the page though. Would this be due to using ConTeXt MKII by any chance? If not, I'd rather not change my current texlive installation just now.
Ohne direkt auf das Problem eingehen zu können: Wenn du ConTeXt benutzt, installier am besten die Minimals. Die Installation ist denkbar einfach und hier beschrieben:
Vielen Dank für den Hinweis und die weiteren Tips. Allerdings habe ich das Minimalbeispiel auch einmal im contextgarden online kompilieren lassen, was das gleiche Problem mit sehr ähnlichen log-Meldungen aufgeworfen hat. Es scheint also nicht unbedingt an meiner Installation zu liegen. Vielleicht kann Wolfgang oder jemand anderes sagen, ob dem Minimalbeispiel noch etwas hinzugefügt oder korrigiert werden muss, damit das gewünschte Ergebnis erzielt wird. Wenn ConTeXt sich schließlich als geeignete Lösung erweisen sollte, ist es aber wahrscheinlich eine gute Idee, deine Idee mit paralleler Nutzung von texlive und context minimal aufzugreifen. Gruß, Elias

Sorry for posting a german message to the list, it was intended as a private mail. I should check the To-header, next time. olli -- Oliver Heins GPG: F27A BA8C 1CFB B905 65A8 2544 0F07 B675 9A00 D827 1024D/9A00D827 2004-09-24 -- gpg --recv-keys 0x9A00D827 Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments:

Am 29.07.10 15:33, schrieb Elias Oltmanns:
Wolfgang Schuster
wrote: [...] This is easy:
\starttext text\footnote{one} text\footnote{two} text\footnote{\input tufte\par} text \stoptext Thanks for the snippet. Unfortunately, the footnotes don't seem to make it onto the page though. Would this be due to using ConTeXt MKII by any chance? If not, I'd rather not change my current texlive installation just now.
You need a different setup for the footnote in Mark 2: \setupnote[footnote][width=\rightmarginwidth] Wolfgang

Wolfgang Schuster
Am 29.07.10 15:33, schrieb Elias Oltmanns:
Wolfgang Schuster
wrote: [...]
This is easy:
\starttext text\footnote{one} text\footnote{two} text\footnote{\input tufte\par} text \stoptext Thanks for the snippet. Unfortunately, the footnotes don't seem to make it onto the page though. Would this be due to using ConTeXt MKII by any chance? If not, I'd rather not change my current texlive installation just now.
You need a different setup for the footnote in Mark 2:
Well, it works and I'm impressed with the result. Thank you very much for your help. Regards, Elias

Sorry for bringing this up again but ...
Wolfgang Schuster
Am 29.07.10 15:33, schrieb Elias Oltmanns:
Wolfgang Schuster
wrote: [...]
This is easy:
\starttext text\footnote{one} text\footnote{two} text\footnote{\input tufte\par} text \stoptext Thanks for the snippet. Unfortunately, the footnotes don't seem to make it onto the page though. Would this be due to using ConTeXt MKII by any chance?
You need a different setup for the footnote in Mark 2:
I've only just realised that TeX seems to reserve space for the footnotes at the bottom of the main text area. Check the following example: \setupnote[footnote][width=\rightmarginwidth] \setuptexttexts[margin][][{\framed[frame=off,rule=off,offset=none,align=low,height=\textheight,width=broad]{\placenotes[footnote]}}] \starttext text\footnote{one} text\footnote{two} text\footnote{And here we have yet another footnote spanning more than one line.} % {\dorecurse{4}{\input tufte\par}} \stoptext I've tried the same with \setupfootnotes and \placefootnotes to no avail. Any hint will be appreciated, Elias

Am 09.08.10 12:28, schrieb Elias Oltmanns:
Sorry for bringing this up again but ...
Wolfgang Schuster
wrote: Am 29.07.10 15:33, schrieb Elias Oltmanns:
Wolfgang Schuster
wrote: [...] This is easy:
\starttext text\footnote{one} text\footnote{two} text\footnote{\input tufte\par} text \stoptext Thanks for the snippet. Unfortunately, the footnotes don't seem to make it onto the page though. Would this be due to using ConTeXt MKII by any chance? You need a different setup for the footnote in Mark 2:
\setupnote[footnote][width=\rightmarginwidth] I've only just realised that TeX seems to reserve space for the footnotes at the bottom of the main text area. Check the following example:
\setupnote[footnote][width=\rightmarginwidth,factor=0] Wolfgang

On 9-8-2010 8:55, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Am 09.08.10 12:28, schrieb Elias Oltmanns:
Sorry for bringing this up again but ...
Wolfgang Schuster
wrote: Am 29.07.10 15:33, schrieb Elias Oltmanns:
Wolfgang Schuster
wrote: [...] This is easy:
\starttext text\footnote{one} text\footnote{two} text\footnote{\input tufte\par} text \stoptext Thanks for the snippet. Unfortunately, the footnotes don't seem to make it onto the page though. Would this be due to using ConTeXt MKII by any chance? You need a different setup for the footnote in Mark 2:
\setupnote[footnote][width=\rightmarginwidth] I've only just realised that TeX seems to reserve space for the footnotes at the bottom of the main text area. Check the following example:
or location=none ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: 038 477 53 69 | voip: 087 875 68 74 | | -----------------------------------------------------------------

Am 09.08.10 23:14, schrieb Hans Hagen:
On 9-8-2010 8:55, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Am 09.08.10 12:28, schrieb Elias Oltmanns:
I've only just realised that TeX seems to reserve space for the footnotes at the bottom of the main text area. Check the following example:
or location=none
Elias use MkII and with 'location=none' nothing is shown. Wolfgang

Wolfgang Schuster
Am 09.08.10 23:14, schrieb Hans Hagen:
On 9-8-2010 8:55, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Am 09.08.10 12:28, schrieb Elias Oltmanns:
I've only just realised that TeX seems to reserve space for the footnotes at the bottom of the main text area. Check the following example:
or location=none
Elias use MkII and with 'location=none' nothing is shown.
That's right. Thanks for the fix, it seems to work just fine. I'm beginning to wonder though, whether I should switch to MkIV after all. Regards, Elias
participants (4)
Elias Oltmanns
Hans Hagen
Oliver Heins
Wolfgang Schuster