Re: [NTG-context] MP figures in the background

At 09:24 15/12/2003, you wrote:
I'm doing a christmars card in ConTeXt!. I've the following setup
\setuppapersize[CD][A4] \setuplayout[marking=on,location=middle]
\starttext \startuseMPgraphic{dummy} ... ... \stopuseMPgraphic
\defineoverlay[backfigure][\useMPgraphic{dummy}] \setupbackground[paper][background=backfigure] \hbox{} \stoptext
\starttext \startuseMPgraphic{dummy} ... ... \stopuseMPgraphic
\defineoverlay[backfigure][\useMPgraphic{dummy}] \setupbackground[paper][background=backfigure] \hbox{} \stoptext
\defineoverlay[page][\useMPgraphic{dummy}] \setupbackground[page][background=page] \startstandardmakeup some text \stopstandardmakeup \setupbackground[page][background=] rest of text on next page or: \definelayer[page] \setlayer[page]{\useMPgraphic{dummy}] \startstandardmakeup some text \stopstandardmakeup rest of text on next page Hans (who right now is going to print this years christmas card -)

On Mon, 15 Dec 2003, Hans Hagen wrote:
At 09:24 15/12/2003, you wrote:
I'm doing a christmars card in ConTeXt!. I've the following setup
\setuppapersize[CD][A4] \setuplayout[marking=on,location=middle]
\starttext \startuseMPgraphic{dummy} ... ... \stopuseMPgraphic
\defineoverlay[backfigure][\useMPgraphic{dummy}] \setupbackground[paper][background=backfigure] \hbox{} \stoptext
\starttext \startuseMPgraphic{dummy} ... ... \stopuseMPgraphic
\defineoverlay[backfigure][\useMPgraphic{dummy}] \setupbackground[paper][background=backfigure] \hbox{} \stoptext
\startstandardmakeup some text \stopstandardmakeup
rest of text on next page
\definelayer[page] \setlayer[page]{\useMPgraphic{dummy}]
\startstandardmakeup some text \stopstandardmakeup
rest of text on next page
Thanks for the replay. I can't test it know, by i'm sure it will work :-)
Hans (who right now is going to print this years christmas card -)
I think the copyright for my christmas card should be your. I have stold the idea of using one image and ramdoly distribuite and change colors for your wonderfull PRAGMA christmas cards! Zunbeltz
_______________________________________________ ntg-context mailing list

I'm doing a christmars card in ConTeXt!. I've the following setup
\setuppapersize[CD][A4] \setuplayout[marking=on,location=middle]
\starttext \startuseMPgraphic{dummy} ... ... \stopuseMPgraphic
\defineoverlay[backfigure][\useMPgraphic{dummy}] \setupbackground[paper][background=backfigure] \hbox{} \stoptext
\starttext \startuseMPgraphic{dummy} ... ... \stopuseMPgraphic
\defineoverlay[backfigure][\useMPgraphic{dummy}] \setupbackground[paper][background=backfigure] \hbox{} \stoptext
\startstandardmakeup some text \stopstandardmakeup
rest of text on next page
\definelayer[page] \setlayer[page]{\useMPgraphic{dummy}]
\startstandardmakeup some text \stopstandardmakeup
rest of text on next page
Hi Hans! I'm in trouble with this method. (I supose the error is mine). I can draw the MP graphic using \useMPgraphic, but when i use \defineoverlay[bihotzak][\useMPgraphic{bihotz}] \setupbackgrounds[paper][background=bihotzak] I get the following error systems : randomizer starts with 150693575 [MP to PDF] (./mpgraph.1) layout : calculating backgrounds [MP to PDF] (./mpgraph.4000 ! Dimension too large. \handleMPboundingbox ... 2 \advance \dimen 0 #4bp \dimen 0=\MPxscale \dimen ... l.2 %%BoundingBox: -6 -141 --32768 --32768 I put my file in the end
Hans (who right now is going to print this years christmas card -)
Zunbeltz (who is working hard to print a christamas card :-) \setupoutput[pdftex] \setupcolors[state=start] \setuplayout[location=middle,marking=on] \setuppagenumber[state=stop] %\setuppapersize[CD][A4] %\useexternalfigure[bihotzirudia][biho.mps][width=12cm,height=12cm] \starttext \startuseMPgraphic{bihotz} u = 0.017mm; z0 = (10,16.2)*u; z1 = (14,17.8)*u; z2 = (19.5,12.5)*u; z3 = (10,0)*u; z4 = (0.5,12.5)*u; z5 = (6,17.8)*u; z6 = (10,16.2)*u; % penwidth = 3cm; pickup pencircle scaled 0.4; randomseed := 12346; color color[],colourout,colourin; color1 = 0.9red; color2 = (red+0.4yellow); path heart; heart := z0..z1{right}..z2{down}..{dir-110}z3{dir90}..{dir 90}z4.. {right}z5..z6; pair shiftvector; picture heartpicture[]; draw heart withcolor color1; fill heart..cycle withcolor color2 ; heartpicture0 := currentpicture; currentpicture:= nullpicture; draw heart withcolor color2; fill heart..cycle withcolor color1; heartpicture1 := currentpicture; currentpicture:= nullpicture; % scalation := 0.001mm; pair shiftvector; draw heartpicture0 scaled 0.01mm; for i=1 upto 1: shiftvector := (uniformdeviate 12, uniformdeviate 12); if uniformdeviate 2 > 1: draw heartpicture0 shifted shiftvector scaled 1cm;% scaled scalation; else: draw heartpicture1 shifted shiftvector scaled 1cm;% scaled scalation; fi; endfor; setbounds currentpicture to unitsquare scaled 12cm; \stopuseMPgraphic %\definecolor[color1][r=0.9,] %\definecolor[color2][r=1,y=0.4] \useMPgraphic{bihotz} %\useMPgraphic{bihotz} \defineoverlay[bihotzak][\useMPgraphic{bihotz}] %\setlayer[page]{\externalfigure[bihotzirudia]} %\externalfigure[biho]%[width=12cm] %\defineoverlay[page] %[width=12cm] \setupbackgrounds[paper][background=bihotzak] \startstandardmakeup some text \stopstandardmakeup %\setupbackgrounds[page][background=] %\page[yes] %\leftaligned{2004 bihotz} %\leftaligned{2004 \color[color2]{urterako}} %\blank %\rightaligned{Zure Ciruelitoa} \stoptext
participants (2)
Hans Hagen
Zunbeltz Izaola