filter module: before print, it puts new line

Hi, I run this code: \usemodule[filter] \defineexternalfilter [python] [filtercommand={python \externalfilterinputfile\space > \externalfilteroutputfile},cache=force] \starttext Resol les equacions següents i comprova'n la solució \startitemize[a,columns] \item $3x + 2 = 35$ \item $11x – 18 = 4$ \item $56x + 33 = -23$ \item $5x + 25 = 125$ \stopitemize \starttextrule{Solucions} \startitemize[a,text] \item \startpython from sympy.solvers import solve from sympy import Symbol from sympy import Eq x = Symbol('x') for solucio in solve(Eq(3*x + 2, 35), x): print(solucio) \stoppython \stopitemize \stoptextrule \stoptext with the result of new line after "(a)." and "11" (the solution of the equation). I attach the pdf. How can avoid this behaviour? Thanks, Xan
participants (2)
Wolfgang Schuster