Hello, I would like to use BibTeX files with ConTeXt, but I encounter a strange problem. Here is my main tex file (test.tex) : \usemodule[bib] \usemodule[bibltx] \mainlanguage[fr] \enableregime[utf] \setuppublications[alternative=apa-fr,criterium=all] \setupbibtex[database=xampl] \starttext \nocite[*] \completepublications \stoptext I have made a copy of the very famous xampl.bib in the directory which hosts test.tex. When I run "texexec test", I get six strange error messages. Here is a part of my log : system : module bib loaded (/home/amleth/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/bib/t-bib.tex publications : loading formatting style from bibl-apa (/home/amleth/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/bib/bibl-apa.tex)) system : module bibltx loaded (/home/amleth/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/bib/t-bibltx.tex) publications : loading formatting style from bibl-apa-fr (/home/amleth/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/bib/bibl-apa-fr.tex) publications : wrote a new auxiliary file test.aux (/home/amleth/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/pdfr-def.tex) publications : file test.bbl not found, waiting for bibtex systems : begin file test at line 10 {vertical mode: \tracingstats} {\tracingpages} {\tracingoutput} {\tracinglostchars} {\tracingmacros} {\tracingparagraphs} {\tracingrestores} {\showboxbreadth} {\showboxdepth} {\tracinggroups} {\tracingifs} {\tracingscantokens} {\tracingnesting} {\tracingassigns} {into \tracingassigns=2} {\errorstopmode} {\tracingonline} {changing \tracingonline=1} ! Undefined control sequence. \dogetupsometextprefix ...rrenttextprefixlanguage {#1}\ifcsname #2\currentte... \docompletepublications ...anguage \c!title {pubs} }\doifdefinedelse {\??pv d... <to be read again> \stoptext l.13 \stoptext ? ! Undefined control sequence. \dogetupsometextprefix ...rrenttextprefixlanguage #3\endcsname \csname #2\cu... \docompletepublications ...anguage \c!title {pubs} }\doifdefinedelse {\??pv d... <to be read again> \stoptext l.13 \stoptext ? ! Undefined control sequence. <argument> \currenttextprefixlanguage \defaultlanguage #1->\@EA \ifx \csname \??la #1 \c!default \endcsname \empty ... \dogetupsometextprefix ...rrenttextprefixlanguage #3\endcsname \csname #2\de... \docompletepublications ...anguage \c!title {pubs} }\doifdefinedelse {\??pv d... <to be read again> \stoptext l.13 \stoptext ? ! Undefined control sequence. <argument> \currenttextprefixlanguage \defaultlanguage ...faultlanguage \csname \??la #1 \c!default \endcsname \fi \dogetupsometextprefix ...rrenttextprefixlanguage #3\endcsname \csname #2\de... \docompletepublications ...anguage \c!title {pubs} }\doifdefinedelse {\??pv d... <to be read again> \stoptext l.13 \stoptext ? ! Missing \endcsname inserted. <to be read again> \@@ladefault \defaultlanguage #1->\@EA \ifx \csname \??la #1 \c!default \endcsname \empty ... \defaultlanguage ...\??la #1\c!default \endcsname \fi \dogetupsometextprefix ...rrenttextprefixlanguage #3\endcsname \csname #2\de... \docompletepublications ...anguage \c!title {pubs} }\doifdefinedelse {\??pv d... <to be read again> \stoptext l.13 \stoptext ? ! Missing control sequence inserted. <inserted text> \inaccessible <to be read again> { <argument> \edef { fr}References \firstofoneargument #1->#1 <argument> ...ofoneargument {\edef {fr}References} \endstrut }\xdef \localhea... \@@ko::normal ...eadtextwidth \fi \noindent \fi #2 } ... l.13 \stoptext ? I must admit that I'm completely lost... Thank you in advance for your precious help... Thomas, from Paris, France.

Thomas Bottini wrote:
I would like to use BibTeX files with ConTeXt, but I encounter a strange problem.
I must admit that I'm completely lost... Thank you in advance for your precious help...
The error is certainly not your fault, an internal macro that used to be expandable isn't any more so I have to change something in the module. Will get back to you. Best wishes, Taco
participants (2)
Taco Hoekwater
Thomas Bottini