Re: [NTG-context] right item marks for associative questions? (śrīrāma)

In function 'ListeAleatoireGauche' calling startitemize as below should help: context.startitemize ({"8","packed","random"}, {align="righttoleft"})
Further, I think you might also need to put the entry into stream in a group: context.start() context.lefttoright(t[k]) context.stop()
Many thanks, this solved my problems. I understand context.startitemize() is designed to get several vectors as arguments, something I didn't thought about. Could you explain the whereabouts of calling to context.(start|stop)()? Some expansion stuff? In my MWE, only the first item was left-to-right. Best regards, Damien Thiriet

On 4/16/22 5:31 PM Damien Thiriet via ntg-context wrote:
Could you explain the whereabouts of calling to context.(start|stop)()? Some expansion stuff?
I must admit that I am not a (LuaMetaT)eXpert. My limited understanding is that it might be due to expansion and the behaviour of (start|stop)item, or equivalently (start|stop)itemgroupitem. It does not seem to group like (most?) other groups. (see strc-itm.mklx) For instance if we switch to bold without grouping inside \(start|stop)item it cascades through. \startitemize[circle] \startitem \bf First \stopitem \startitem Second \stopitem \startitem Third \stopitem \startitem Fourth \stopitem \stopitemize In fact, you could just put the lefttoright call inside context.(bgroup| egroup): see p. 196 of the cld manual. (start...stop are anyway ConTeXt'ized versions of those). Best, Sreeram
participants (2)
Damien Thiriet