Hi all, it's just my problem again with hyphenation and encoding and hungarumlauts. I have installed Adobe Sabon with both texnansi and ec encoding by the way described by Bill McClain. The texnansi installation has all the hungarumlaut characters (ohungarumlaut, Ohungarumlaut, uhungarumlaut, Uhungarumlaut) as composite chars, in the ec installation are these characters missing. I tried to get the correct hungarian hyphenation of the word 'kilométeróraőrzőkészülék' (kilom\'eter\'ora\H orz\H ok\'esz\"ul\'ek), and I became the following results with \showhyphenations (I'm using the il2 regime, the hyphenation pattern has ec encoding): Adobe Sabon ----------- language : hu(code:3) font : texnansi-sar encoding : texnansi mapping : texnansi sample : ki-lo-mé-te-ró-raőrzőkészülék = no hyphenation after ohungarumlaut Computer Modern --------------- language : hu(code:10) font : cmr10 encoding : default mapping : default sample : kilométeróraőrzőkészülék = no hyphenation Computer Modern with il2 encoding --------------------------------- language : hu(code:10) font : csr10 encoding : il2 mapping : il2 sample : kilo-mé-terórarz-kés-z-ülék = wrong hyphenations Computer Modern with ec encoding -------------------------------- language : hu(code:2) font : aer10 encoding : ec mapping : ec sample : ki-lo-mé-te-ró-raőrző-ké-szü-lék = no hyphenation at the ohungarumlauts neighborhood It seems there is none correct result. Any idea? Greetings Bence
participants (1)
Nagy Bence