Sorry for another newbie question (I am trying to learn ConTeXt and cannot always find what I want in the manual which I have permanently open) I would like to do the following: Have a two column text with the marginal notes from the left column appear on the left and the ones from the right column on the right. When I use 2-columns and I use \inmargin, I get them on the right where the marginal notes from the left column are on top of the right column (not good) Is there a way to do this? Probably yes with something \if-like? G

Hi Gerben,
Have a two column text with the marginal notes from the left column appear on the left and the ones from the right column on the right. When I use 2-columns and I use \inmargin, I get them on the right where the marginal notes from the left column are on top of the right column (not good)
Is there a way to do this? Probably yes with something \if-like?
After sttudying the sources and a bunch of trial and errors I can come up with the following solution which works for a two solumns set! \definecolumnset[example][n=2] \define[1]\MargText{% \ifodd\mofcolumns{% \inleft{#1}} \else {\inright{#1}}\fi} \starttext \startcolumnset[example] \MargText{Here left of column} \input tufte \column[local] \input tufte \MargText{\ifodd\mofcolumns{Hello!, still left of column}\else {Hello, now right of column}\fi} \stopcolumnset \stoptext I believe that Hans will make a generic solution... Kind regards Willi

After sttudying the sources and a bunch of trial and errors I can come up with the following solution which works for a two solumns set!
Great. This works. Now for something different. While learning ConTeXt, I find that often the syntax escapes me. Take for instance:
\define[1]\MargText{% \ifodd\mofcolumns{% \inleft{#1}} \else {\inright{#1}}\fi}
\starttext \startcolumnset[example]
\MargText{Here left of column}
\input tufte
What does [local] mean here? According the the manual one should say \column and I can't find the explanation of what local means or what you are doing here.
\input tufte
\MargText{\ifodd\mofcolumns{Hello!, still left of column}\else {Hello, now right of column}\fi}
\stopcolumnset \stoptext
I believe that Hans will make a generic solution...
G -- "To be or not to be, that is the question" -- Parmenides

After sttudying the sources and a bunch of trial and errors I can come up with the following solution which works for a two solumns set!
Great. This works. Now for something different. While learning ConTeXt, I find that often the syntax escapes me. Take for instance:
\define[1]\MargText{% \ifodd\mofcolumns{% \inleft{#1}} \else {\inright{#1}}\fi}
\starttext \startcolumnset[example]
\MargText{Here left of column}
\input tufte
What does [local] mean here? According the the manual one should say \column and I can't find the explanation of what local means or what you are doing here.
The example definition of a columnset presented above is copied from the manual "Columns". - Often commands take optional arguments. Porbably this would also work without the [local]. Willi

On Monday, Jul 21, 2003, at 09:17 Europe/Amsterdam, Willi Egger wrote:
The example definition of a columnset presented above is copied from the manual "Columns".
I mirrored Hans' site with wget but the colums manual is missing. Where can I find it? G -- "To be or not to be, that is the question" -- Parmenides

Hi Gerben, Hm, was looking for the file at the pragma site. -- May be it was a preliminar release, which was then placed in a temporary directrory. I hop you will not find it excessive the file is 2.5MByte regards Willi

It was excesive for me! Héctor
-----Mensaje original----- De: Willi Egger [mailto:w.egger@boede.nl] Enviado el: martes 22 de julio de 2003 14:28 Para: ntg-context@ntg.nl Asunto: Re: [NTG-context] Marginal notes in two-column setup
Hi Gerben,
Hm, was looking for the file at the pragma site. -- May be it was a preliminar release, which was then placed in a temporary directrory.
I hop you will not find it excessive the file is 2.5MByte
regards Willi

Willi Egger
Hi Gerben,
Hm, was looking for the file at the pragma site. -- May be it was a preliminar release, which was then placed in a temporary directrory.
I hop you will not find it excessive the file is 2.5MByte
One example why reply-to list by default is considered harmful. http://www.unicom.com/pw/reply-to-harmful.html -- Johannes Hüsing There is something fascinating about science. One gets hannes@ruhrau.de such wholesale returns of conjecture from such a trifling investment of fact. Mark Twain
participants (5)
Gerben Wierda
Gerben Wierda
H�ctor M. Monacci
Johannes Hüsing
Willi Egger