Re: [NTG-context] Help --- Arithmetic Overflow: Weird error

Mojca, Well, I just finished installing gwtex, the newer version. It is in / usr/local/gwTeX. I am just finishing installing CM Super fonts. I'll then do Freetype, libwmf, and ImageMagick and ghostscript. Then I'll do the contextupdater. There's something about a preference pane but I haven't found that yet. At the moment, from my command line, I am finding the old tex. darnold $ which pdflatex /usr/local/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin-current/pdflatex Advice welcome as I proceed. On Jan 3, 2007, at 7:45 PM, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
On 1/4/07, David Arnold
wrote: Mojca,
What is "ctxtools --contextversion"
It tells you the version of ConTeXt rather than the version of texexec.
Perhaps you need to use texmfstart ctxtools --contextversion (before upgrading)
Evn if you uninstall tex.ii2, you can still install it agin if something fails. The problem might be that if you don't uninstall tex.ii2, context might install under tetex and then you won't be able to update context itself (although the version should be OK)
participants (1)
David Arnold