Dear TeX friends, I got the message hereunder from the organizers of the EuroBachoTeX meeting. Please consider to join and possibly add a presentation to the program! Best wishes Willi Egger Secretary NTG Secretary Context Group Begin forwarded message:
From: Jerzy Ludwichowski
Subject: EuroBachoTeX 2013 ante portas Date: March 5, 2013 2:53:33 PM GMT+01:00 To: LUG boards Reply-To: lug-boards@ifi.uio.no Dear Friends,
please pass on this message to your members.
Jerzy Ludwichowski
EuroBachoTeX 2013: Communication and typography =============================================== This year's EuroBachoTeX theme is based on Bogus\l{}aw "Jacko" Jackowski's personal doubts. Please have a look at http://gust.org.pl/bachotex/2013 to find out what eats him...
Apologies for this announcement being unusually close to the conference dates. Being so, we urge you not to delay your decision on participating and/or giving a presentation. The registrations are open, beware of being late: the deadline for normal rates is March 31st.
We count on your participation - if you visited one of the previous conferences, you will remember that it worth coming. And it will be so this year!
Papers/presentations ==================== And now the conference content "as usual": we look forward to the normal mix of TeX, MetaFont, MetaPost, ConTeXt, LaTeX, and friends related presentations (please not not forget about fonts). There is also the emerging BachoTeX trend of looking for a coming-together of programmers and designers of typographic systems, typographers and other users of such systems, so papers and activities in that area are also most welcome. Please note the the call for “TeX (MetaType/MetaPost) Pearls” further down.
The normal channel for offering papers is the emailing of proposals to the Program Committee, but before rushing off to the mailer, please consult the info for authors (http://gust.org.pl/bachotex/2013/submissions).
Workshops and tutorials ======================= Especially welcome are proposals for TeX-related tutorials or introductions. If you have suggestions for tutorials or workshops by others than yourself or about specific topics, please let us know.
Poster sessions =============== Participants will be given the opportunity to present their TeX and typographic results in the form of posters for which we provide exhibition space.
TeX (Metafont/MetaPost) Pearls ============================== We continue the tradition of the “Pearls of TeX (MetaFont/MetaPost) Programming”. Details and previously collected pearls can be found at http://www.gust.org.pl/projects/pearls/.
Deadlines and addresses ======================= The deadline for abstracts and other proposals is March 28th 2013. The deadline for final papers to appear in the conference materials is April 11th.
Contributions should be send by email to the Program Committee: prog-ebt2013 at gust dot org dot pl. The PC is chaired by Bogusław Jackowski (b underscore jackowski at gust dot org dot pl).
See you at Bachotek!
For the Organizing Committee, -- Jerzy Ludwichowski
participants (1)
Willi Egger