interlinespacing in margin notes – solved

Hi all, esp. Hans and Massimiliano, yesterday in the online meeting we discussed (again) my margin notes problems. A quite minimal setup is shown below. My remaining problem was that the footnotes always used the interlinespacing (baseskip) of the main text. Finally I found the reason in my typescript file: \definefontfeature[default][dimensions=strut] (I guess I tried to solve the irregular line spacing with that setting.) Thank you for your patience! Now I need to adjust the linespacing and page breaking in all other parts of my current book... Hraban """ \usemodule[ipsum] \showframe \setuplayout[ width=100mm, rightmargin=50mm, rightmargindistance=6mm, ] \setupbodyfontenvironment[11pt][ em=italicface, text=11pt, small=8pt, interlinespace=14pt, ] \definebodyfontenvironment[8pt][interlinespace=8pt] \setupbodyfont[rm,11pt] \define\PlaceFootnote{% \inouter[ width=50mm, stack=yes, ]{% \placelocalnotes[footnote][before=,after=] }} \setupnote[footnote][ location=text, indenting=no, bodyfont={ss,8pt},% footnote text style next=\PlaceFootnote, align=flushleft, ] % footnote marker in text \setupnotation[footnote][ way=bytext, indenting=no, distance=0.25em, ] % footnote text \starttext \dorecurse{10}{ \ipsum[alternative=lines,n=random,language=la]\footnote{\ipsum[alternative=lines,n=random,language=la]} \ipsum[alternative=lines,n=random,language=la]\par } \stoptext """
participants (1)
Henning Hraban Ramm