LMTX: some alignment issues

[still working to somewhat reproduce my old mkii setup in LMTX] The following is a minimal example that shows the following: context test2.tex results in The first line after the initials not as much indented as it should be Character protrusion in a footnote does not work (see “refer-“ at the end of the 5th line of the footnote) (I understand the trouble on the first line context --mode=OPTIMA test2.tex results in The first line after the initials not as much indented as it should be "because” is not hyphenated. Note, I see this is a smaller font setup where there is clearly an option to hyphenate, the minimum example shows the same effect, but potentially not from the same cause) Character protrusion in a footnote does not work context --mode=OPTIMANOVA test2.tex results in The first line after the initials not as much indented as it should be Multiple instances of extending beyond the right Character protrusion in a footnote does not work Adding \setupalign[hanging,hz] to the Optima Nova example results in ‘because’ on the first line to be hyphenated as ‘be-cause’ and pigeonhole in a later line as 'pi-geonhole'. I am adding a screen shot of part of the Optima Nova result as most will not have that font available: - All show no protrusion in the footnotes - All show a problem with the first line after the initial - When using Optima Nova, hyphenation isn’t used while the situation in Optima looks nearly identical. MVP source: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \definepapersize[smallpaperback][width=5in,height=8in] \setuppapersize[smallpaperback][smallpaperback] \setuplayout[location=doublesided] \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided] \setupsectionblock[frontpart][page=no] \setupsectionblock[bodypart][page=no] \setupsectionblock[appendix][page=no] \setupsectionblock[backpart][page=no] \definefontfeature [default] [default] [protrusion=quality,expansion=quality] \setupbodyfont[default,11pt] \startmode[OPTIMANOVA] \definefontfamily [bookfont] [ss] [Optima nova LT Pro] [tf=style:Regular, bf=style:Medium, it=style:Italic, bi=style:Medium Italic] \setupbodyfont[bookfont,11pt] \stopmode \startmode[OPTIMA] \definefontfamily [bookfont] [ss] [Optima] [tf=style:Regular, bf=style:Bold, it=style:Italic, bi=style:Bold Italic] \setupbodyfont[bookfont,11pt] \stopmode \setupalign[hanging] % only protrusion \showframe \starttext \setupindenting[next] \placeinitial \input tufte Test footnote\footnote{If you are not technical and terms like `application server', `caught exceptions', or `web proxy' in the fragment that follows, do not immediately get you started, do not worry: there is no need to know what I am talking about here in a technical sense. You can read this without understanding any of the technical references. Just skip over them, their specifics are not important to the story. They are real enough, though. You can trust me on that, or ask your engineers.} \stoptext %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Gerben Wierda (LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/gerbenwierda) R&A Enterprise Architecture https://ea.rna.nl/ (main site) Book: Chess and the Art of Enterprise Architecture https://ea.rna.nl/the-book/ Book: Mastering ArchiMate https://ea.rna.nl/the-book-edition-iii/
participants (1)
Gerben Wierda