Dear list, I wish to do several zoom from a picture made in MetaFun, from a pdf file which name is given on the commande line, like: context zoom.tex —File=EntryFile —Page=9 —result=OutFile.pdf Minimal example: \starttext \startMPpage numeric ThePage ; string FileName ; FileName := \getdocumentargument{File} ; ThePage := \getdocumentargument{Page} ; draw textext("\externalfigure[" & FileName &"][page=" & ThePage &"]") xysized (48in,48in) ; \stopMPpage \stoptext I can get in the MPpage the page number in entry (9 in my example), but not the file name. Thanks for any help. Fabrice.
On Fri, 22 Feb 2019, Fabrice L wrote:
Dear list,
I wish to do several zoom from a picture made in MetaFun, from a pdf file which name is given on the commande line, like:
context zoom.tex —File=EntryFile —Page=9 —result=OutFile.pdf
Untested. Add quotes around FileName:
string FileName ; FileName := "\getdocumentargument{File}" ;
Le 22 février 2019 à 11:08:51, Aditya Mahajan ( a écrit: Untested. Add quotes around FileName:
string FileName ; FileName := "\getdocumentargument{File}" ;
And not tested successfully ! Thanks a lot Aditya ! Fabrice. Aditya___________________________________________________________________________________ If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the Wiki! maillist : / webpage : / archive : wiki : ___________________________________________________________________________________
participants (2)
Aditya Mahajan
Fabrice L