Hi, do own of you know how I can have a line in the tabulate that will start at the same position as the first column, \HR is no solution for me because it adds extra space before the line and I try to avoid to define my own costomized \HR command. \starttext \startitemize \item text text text \starttabulate[|cm|l|] \NC \NC Anfangsbestand \NC\NR \NC + \NC Zugänge \NC\NR \NC - \NC Abgänge \NC\NR \HL \NC \NC Endbestand \NC\NR \stoptabulate \stopitemize \stoptext Wolfgang

On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 12:19 PM, Wolfgang Schuster
do own of you know how I can have a line in the tabulate that will start at the same position as the first column, \HR is no solution for me because it adds extra space before the line and I try to avoid to define my own costomized \HR command.
I have now done what I tried to avoid but I'm still not happy with solution, can't this be provided by default. \appendtoks \def\HSR{\mytabulaterule} \to \everytabulate \def\mytabulaterule {\dotabulatenobreak \TABLEnoalign{\vskip-.5\lineheight}% \dotabulatelinerule \TABLEnoalign{\vskip-.5\lineheight}% \dotabulatenobreak} \starttext \startitemize \item text text text \starttabulate[|cm|l|] \NC \NC Anfangsbestand \NC\NR \NC + \NC Zugänge \NC\NR \NC - \NC Abgänge \NC\NR \HSR \NC \NC Endbestand \NC\NR \stoptabulate \stopitemize \stoptext Wolfgang
participants (1)
Wolfgang Schuster