Re: [NTG-context] About Hyphenation

Thanks, Marco. That seems to work with final hyphens. Why this does not work instead?: \setpenalties\brokenpenalties{1}{10000} I have tried both, but your solution works better. Andrés Conrado Montoya

Am 24.07.2013 um 20:22 schrieb Andres Conrado Montoya
Thanks, Marco. That seems to work with final hyphens. Why this does not work instead?: \setpenalties\brokenpenalties{1}{10000} I have tried both, but your solution works better.
How about a example for us! Wolfgang

On 2013–07–24 Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
How about a example for us!
\starttext %% \brokenpenalty10000\relax \setpenalties\brokenpenalties{1}{10000} \dorecurse{4}{\input knuth} Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Atvero eosetaccusam etjustoduodolores etearebum. Stetclita kasdgubergren, noseatakimatasanctusest. Atvero eosetaccusam etjustoduodolores etearebum. Stetclita kasdgubergren, noseatakimatasanctusest. Atvero eosetaccusam etjustoduodolores etearebum. Stetclita kasdgubergren, noseatakimatasanctusest. Atvero eosetaccusam etjustoduodolores etearebum. Stetclita kasdgubergren, noseatakimatasanctusest. Atvero eosetaccusam etjustoduodolores etearebum. Stetclita kasdgubergren, noseatakimatasanctusest. Atvero eosetaccusam etjustoduodolores etearebum. Stetclita kasdgubergren, noseatakimatasanctusest. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. Atvero eosetaccusam etjustoduodolores etearebum. Stetclita kasdgubergren, noseatakimatasanctusest. \stoptext Apparently \brokenpenalty is not supposed to be used with \setpenalties, see spac-ver.mkiv : \setpenalties\widowpenalties\plustwo\maxdimen \setpenalties\clubpenalties \plustwo\maxdimen \brokenpenalty \maxdimen Actually I don't yet know what's the deal with the \setpenalties command and why it's used for some penalties and not for others. Marco

Am 24.07.2013 um 20:54 schrieb Marco Patzer
Apparently \brokenpenalty is not supposed to be used with \setpenalties, see spac-ver.mkiv :
\setpenalties\widowpenalties\plustwo\maxdimen \setpenalties\clubpenalties \plustwo\maxdimen \brokenpenalty \maxdimen
Actually I don't yet know what's the deal with the \setpenalties command and why it's used for some penalties and not for others.
You have to differ between the \…penalty command which come from Knuths TeX and \…penalties which are introduced with etex. While Knuths command accept only a single value (e.g. \widowpenlty=1000) the new commands accepts multiple values which are taken for individual lines of a paragraph (e.g. \widowpenalties 3 3000 4500 9000). The \setpenalties command simplifies the setups of the new commands. The reason why \widowpenalties doesn’t work with \setpenalties is that no command with this names exist (I never checked this for my example in the past). A penalties command wouldn’t even make sense because the penalty prevents only the page break after a hyphen. Wolfgang

On 2013–07–24 Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Apparently \brokenpenalty is not supposed to be used with \setpenalties, see spac-ver.mkiv :
\setpenalties\widowpenalties\plustwo\maxdimen \setpenalties\clubpenalties \plustwo\maxdimen \brokenpenalty \maxdimen
Actually I don't yet know what's the deal with the \setpenalties command and why it's used for some penalties and not for others.
You have to differ between the \…penalty command which come from Knuths TeX and \…penalties which are introduced with etex.
While Knuths command accept only a single value (e.g. \widowpenlty=1000) the new commands accepts multiple values which are taken for individual lines of a paragraph (e.g. \widowpenalties 3 3000 4500 9000).
I learned something new today.
The \setpenalties command simplifies the setups of the new commands.
Combined with the aforementioned new knowledge, this totally makes sense.
The reason why \widowpenalties doesn’t work with \setpenalties is that no command with this names exist (I never checked this for my example in the past).
I couldn't find the definition neither in the TeXbook, nor the ConTeXt sources. That's why. Thanks for the explanation. Marco
participants (3)
Andres Conrado Montoya
Marco Patzer
Wolfgang Schuster