Re: [NTG-context] Index - ranges

On 2013-11-07 honyk wrote:
1) when a range for my subject index entry is specified and the text between doesn't overflow to the next page, even in this case the range of pages 1-1 is created. Is there any option to normalize it to a single page number?
\startregister[index][range_01]{primary} Dummy text. \stopregister[index][range_01]
It is rare, but any help to eliminate it completely is appreciated.
2) when ranges are used heavily, confusing results are produced. In following examples I would expect a single range 1-6: a) 1-3, 3-6 b) 1-6, 2-4 c) 1-6, 5-6
This one was caused by improper Docbook => dbcontext => ConTeXt conversion. All ranges of secondaries were treated as primaries so they were collected at primaries. After fixing the XSLT such cases dissapeared completely. Great. This would be a blocker for me.
3) when several single index entries are used on consecutive pages, the result 1,2,3,4,5 is produced. Is there any option to create a range from this?
I'm reconsidering this now. I designed my 'subject' index to use ranges when the subject is thoroughly explained, which obviously needs to define beginning and end. On the contrary, when the subject is just mentioned (above the threshold of importance), I inserted just a single index entry instance. Collecting these single instances into the range of e.g. 1-5 would bring false expectations that the subject is thoroughly explained there... This logic goes slightly against the case (1). When the range would be collapsed into to a single value, we would loose the info that the subject is described here. But it looks weird. Jan
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