Hi! 1) I wanted to color some text inside a columnset-environment. That works fine for text that stays in one column or spans two consecutive ones. But if there's a pagebreak after the first page, only the left column gets the background. From page two on everything is fine again. Any ideas how this comes?
\setupcolors[state=start] \definetextbackground[test][ backgroundcolor=yellow, frame=off, leftoffset=5mm, location=paragraph, color=black]
\definecolumnset[example][n=2,distance=5mm] \starttext \startcolumnset[example] \starttextbackground[test] \dorecurse{12}{\input knuth \par} \stoptextbackground \stopcolumnset \stoptext
2) And another question: Is there a way to get a leftframe activated in my defined background? Have a nice evening, Eyke

Tikz seems to be broken under luatex.
As is, compiling something as simple as
Hello, world!
gives errors.
From the the [Pgf-users] mailing list:
From: Till Tantau
Discerning the driver is really a problem in ConTeXt, at least for a non-context-guru like myself.
As a quick fix, you will have to define the driver yourself by saying
or whatever seems appropriate before tikz/pgf are loaded. That should shut up the (not-working) automatic driver detection.
Does some context-guru on the list happen to know what is the right, official way to find out which backend is used?
Best regardsm Till
This won't work with luatex (but it does compile without error messages) and I cannot (easily) figure out what the correct driver should be... Alan

On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 11:17 PM, Alan BRASLAU
Tikz seems to be broken under luatex. As is, compiling something as simple as \usemodule[tikz] \starttext Hello, world! \stoptext gives errors.
From the the [Pgf-users] mailing list:
From: Till Tantau
- 2008-10-24 10:25 Hi!
Discerning the driver is really a problem in ConTeXt, at least for a non-context-guru like myself.
As a quick fix, you will have to define the driver yourself by saying
or whatever seems appropriate before tikz/pgf are loaded. That should shut up the (not-working) automatic driver detection.
Does some context-guru on the list happen to know what is the right, official way to find out which backend is used?
Best regardsm Till
This won't work with luatex (but it does compile without error messages) and I cannot (easily) figure out what the correct driver should be...
I have downloaded pgf from http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/help/Catalogue/entries/pgf.html and unzip base.zip under minimals-beta/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/pgf then $> context test-alan It seems to work minimals-beta Linux luigicasa-laptop 2.6.24-21-generic #1 SMP Mon Aug 25 17:32:09 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux This is LuaTeX, Version snapshot-0.30.2-2008102016, build unknown ConTeXt MtxRun | current version: 2008.10.23 17:32 %% test-alan.tex %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \usemodule[tikz] \setupcolors[state=start] \starttext Hello, world! \blank \begingroup \tikz \draw[thick,rounded corners=8pt] (0,0) -- (0,2) -- (1,3.25) -- (2,2) -- (2,0) -- (0,2) -- (2,2) -- (0,0) -- (2,0); \endgroup \starttikzpicture \draw[fill=yellow] (0,0) -- (60:.75cm) arc (60:180:.75cm); \draw(120:0.4cm) node {$\alpha$}; \draw[fill=green!30] (0,0) -- (right:.75cm) arc (0:60:.75cm); \draw(30:0.5cm) node {$\beta$}; \startscope[shift={(60:2cm)}] \draw[fill=green!30] (0,0) -- (180:.75cm) arc (180:240:.75cm); \draw (30:-0.5cm) node {$\gamma$}; \draw[fill=yellow] (0,0) -- (240:.75cm) arc (240:360:.75cm); \draw (-60:0.4cm) node {$\delta$}; \stopscope \startscope[thick] \draw (60:-1cm) node[fill=white] {$E$} -- (60:3cm) node[fill=white] {$F$}; \draw[red] (-2,0) node[left] {$A$} -- (3,0) node[right]{$B$}; \draw[blue,shift={(60:2cm)}] (-3,0) node[left] {$C$} -- (2,0) node[right]{$D$}; \draw[shift={(60:1cm)},xshift=4cm] node [right,text width=6cm,rounded corners,fill=red!20,inner sep=1ex] { When we assume that $\color[red]{AB}$ and $\color[blue]{CD}$ are parallel, i.\,e., ${\color[red]{AB}} {|} \color[blue]{CD}$, then $\alpha = \delta$ and $\beta = \gamma$. }; \stopscope \stoptikzpicture \stoptext -- luigi

On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 12:33 AM, luigi scarso
On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 11:17 PM, Alan BRASLAU
wrote: Tikz seems to be broken under luatex. As is, compiling something as simple as \usemodule[tikz] \starttext Hello, world! \stoptext gives errors.
%% %%colors fixed by Akira Kakuto %% \usemodule[tikz] \setupcolors[state=start] \starttext Hello, world! \blank \begingroup \tikz \draw[thick,rounded corners=8pt] (0,0) -- (0,2) -- (1,3.25) -- (2,2) -- (2,0) -- (0,2) -- (2,2) -- (0,0) -- (2,0); \endgroup \starttikzpicture \draw[fill=yellow] (0,0) -- (60:.75cm) arc (60:180:.75cm); \draw(120:0.4cm) node {$\alpha$}; \draw[fill=green!30] (0,0) -- (right:.75cm) arc (0:60:.75cm); \draw(30:0.5cm) node {$\beta$}; \startscope[shift={(60:2cm)}] \draw[fill=green!30] (0,0) -- (180:.75cm) arc (180:240:.75cm); \draw (30:-0.5cm) node {$\gamma$}; \draw[fill=yellow] (0,0) -- (240:.75cm) arc (240:360:.75cm); \draw (-60:0.4cm) node {$\delta$}; \stopscope \startscope[thick] \draw (60:-1cm) node[fill=white] {$E$} -- (60:3cm) node[fill=white] {$F$}; \draw[red] (-2,0) node[left] {$A$} -- (3,0) node[right]{$B$}; \draw[blue,shift={(60:2cm)}] (-3,0) node[left] {$C$} -- (2,0) node[right]{$D$}; \draw[shift={(60:1cm)},xshift=4cm] node [right,text width=6cm,rounded corners,fill=red!20,inner sep=1ex] { When we assume that \color[red]{$AB$} and \color[blue]{$CD$} are parallel, i.\,e., {\color[red]{$AB$}} {$|$} \color[blue]{$CD$}, then $\alpha = \delta$ and $\beta = \gamma$. }; \stopscope \stoptikzpicture \stoptext -- luigi

On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 10:17 PM, Alan BRASLAU wrote:
Tikz seems to be broken under luatex. As is, compiling something as simple as \usemodule[tikz] \starttext Hello, world! \stoptext gives errors.
Hello, doing some trivial experiments (though I don't really understand them) ... When fetching pgf from cvs with cvs up -D 2008-05-20 it worked, while with cvs up -D 2008-05-21 it didn't work. I reverthe the version on the garden to the one that locally worked, but it still fails when I now use that version. Maybe I need to clean up some stuff, but that's the diff between the versions when ConTeXt support broke completely. Mojca (Going out to enjoy the sun now ...)

On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 10:17 PM, Alan BRASLAU wrote:
Tikz seems to be broken
I fixed the version on minimals.contextgarden.net (I need to figure out what to do with the one on modules.contextgarden.net) and I'll send the patch to the author. A tiny patch < 2008-05-14 Till Tantau < < - Completely rewrote driver detection in plain and context < mode. seems to have broken functionality of TikZ in ConTeXt completely, but nobody has noticed that for months until I accidentally ran "update TikZ" script manually (it was supposed to be in cron, but I forgot to add it there). Sorry. (The version in TeX Live works OK.) Mojca
participants (4)
luigi scarso
Mojca Miklavec