Problem with luacode
Hello Hans, sorry for that, here is the code I used to check some LUACODE. \definepapersize[normal][width=14.85cm, height=21cm] \setupbodyfont[10pt] \enableregime[il1] \setupcolor[xwi] \setuplayout[backspace=16mm, leftmargin=15mm,leftmargindistance=1mm,topspace=10mm,header=0mm,footer=0mm,height=200mm,rightmargin=0mm,width=131mm,location=middle,marking=on] \setuppapersize[normal][A4] \definelayer[OngletGauche][x=0mm, y=0mm, width=\paperwidth, height=\paperheight] \setupTABLE[r][1][color=dodgerblue,align={middle,lohi},height=1cm,style={\sansserif \bfx},framecolor=black] % variables \newdimen\hauteuronglet %height of tab \hauteuronglet=1cm %variables onglet bas \newdimen\largeurzoneongletsbas % total width available for tabs \newdimen\ordonneeongletsbas % vertical position of tab \newdimen\abscisseongletsbas % horizontal position of tab \newdimen\largeurongletbas % tab width \startluacode function test(opt_1, arg_1) local table = lpeg.split(",",interfaces.tolist(opt_1)) local labels = lpeg.split(",",arg_1) local NumLigne = table[1] local NbTotalOnglets = table[2] local PremierOnglet = table[3] local decalage = tex.sp("6.5pt") print(NumLigne) print(NbTotalOnglets) print(PremierOnglet) tex.dimen.ordonneeongletsbas = tex.dimen.paperheight - tex.dimen.hauteuronglet * NumLigne tex.dimen.largeurzoneongletsbas = tex.dimen.paperwidth - tex.dimen.backspace tex.dimen.largeurongletbas = tex.dimen.largeurzoneongletsbas / NbTotalOnglets tex.dimen.abscisseongletsbas = tex.dimen.backspace + tex.dimen.largeurongletbas * (PremierOnglet - 1) local x_ongletsbas = tex.dimen.abscisseongletsbas - decalage local y_ongletsbas = tex.dimen.ordonneeongletsbas local largeurongletbas = tex.dimen.largeurongletbas context.setupbackgrounds({"page"},{background = "OngletBas,OngletGauche,ACouper"}) context.setlayer({"OngletBas"},{hoffset = x_ongletsbas, voffset = y_ongletsbas}, context.setupTABLE({c},{1,2,3,4,5,6},{width = largeurongletbas}) context.bTABLE() context.bTR() context.bTD() context(labels[1]) context.eTD() context.eTR() context.eTABLE() ) end interfaces.definecommand { name = "test", arguments = { { "option", "hash" }, { "content", "string" }, }, macro = test, } \stopluacode \starttext \ss \showframe \input{tufte} \test[1,6,1]{GROUND EGRESS} \stoptext This code is not working, I get an error while calling the function, and I don’t understand why. Can you explain if you have a bit of time the remark you made about the overload of table ? Eric Gerard
On 1/20/2015 8:03 PM, Eric Gerard wrote:
\definepapersize [normal] [width=14.85cm, height=21cm] \setupbodyfont [10pt,ss] \setupcolor [xwi] \setuppapersize [normal][A4] \setuplayout [backspace=16mm, leftmargin=15mm, leftmargindistance=1mm, topspace=10mm, header=0mm, footer=0mm, height=200mm, rightmargin=0mm, width=131mm, location=middle, marking=on] \definelayer [OngletGauche] [x=0mm, y=0mm, width=\paperwidth, height=\paperheight] \definelayer [OngletBas] [x=0mm, y=0mm, width=\paperwidth, height=\paperheight] \setupTABLE [r][1] [color=dodgerblue, align={middle,lohi}, height=1cm, style=\bfx, framecolor=black] % variables \startluacode local decalage = string.todimen("6.5pt") local hauteuronglet = string.todimen("1cm") function test(opt_1,arg_1) local options = utilities.parsers.settings_to_array(opt_1) local labels = utilities.parsers.settings_to_array(arg_1) local NumLigne = options[1] local NbTotalOnglets = options[2] local PremierOnglet = options[3] local ordonneeongletsbas = tex.dimen.paperheight - hauteuronglet * NumLigne local largeurzoneongletsbas = tex.dimen.paperwidth - tex.dimen.backspace local largeurongletbas = largeurzoneongletsbas / NbTotalOnglets local abscisseongletsbas = tex.dimen.backspace + largeurongletbas * (PremierOnglet - 1) local x_ongletsbas = abscisseongletsbas - decalage local y_ongletsbas = ordonneeongletsbas context.setupbackgrounds({"page"},{background = "OngletBas,OngletGauche,ACouper"}) context.setlayer( { "OngletBas" }, { hoffset = number.todimen(x_ongletsbas), voffset = number.todimen(y_ongletsbas), }, function() context.setupTABLE( { c }, { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }, { width = number.todimen(largeurongletbas) } ) context.bTABLE() context.bTR() context.bTD() context(labels[1]) context.eTD() context.eTR() context.eTABLE() end ) end interfaces.definecommand { name = "test", macro = test, arguments = { { "option", "hash" }, { "content", "string" }, }, } \stopluacode \starttext \showframe \input{tufte} \test[1,6,1]{GROUND EGRESS} \stoptext
Can you explain if you have a bit of time the remark you made about the overload of table ?
just don't use string, table, number and other library names as variable name Hans ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: 038 477 53 69 | voip: 087 875 68 74 | | -----------------------------------------------------------------
participants (2)
Eric Gerard
Hans Hagen