Length range control of the last line of paragraph

Dear All, when paragraphs are separated by indenting the first line (instead of an empty line), these rules should be followed: (1) the last line lenght is greater than the left indent xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (2) the last line is shorter than block width xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (ad 1) Some suggestions can be found in http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/28357/ensure-minimal-length-of-last-l ine - but to be honest, it is not very clear to me how to apply it and even combine with (2) (ad 2) This can be done using \parfillskip XXpt plus 1fil (where XX is required gap) I'd be grateful for any command which would set this globally for all paragraphs. Partly requested here http://tracker.luatex.org/view.php?id=885 One could set (a) minimum length - default=2*indent (b) minimum gap - default=indent (c) minimum block width where (a) and (b) are still to be applied - default=2*a+b (ad c) if there are narrower blocks within the document (e.g. blockquotes), we should still have some room for typesetting the last line content. If the area width is insufficient, the last line would be typeset without these (a+b) restrictions. In meantime, any suggestion how to combine a+b manually are welcome. Thanks, Jan
participants (1)
Jan Tosovsky