Figure library -- figures not found but they are there

Hans et al, Running: figures $ texmfstart texexec --version TeXExec | version 6.2.0 - 1997-2006 - PRAGMA ADE/POD I have a figure library figlibLogic.xml, the first few lines of which are: <?xml version='1.0'?> <?context-directive job module fig-make ?> <?context-directive job mode letter ?> <figurelibrary language="en"> <description> <organization>College of the Redwoods Mathematics Department organization> <project>Intermediate Algebra Text</project> <product>Preliminaries</product> <comment>Figures for Logic Section</comment> </description> <figure> <file>LogicFigs-mpgraph.1</file> <label>realline1</label> <copyright>College of the Redwoods Mathematics Department</copyright> <comment></comment> </figure> In attempting to compile this file with texmfstart texexec figlibLogic.xml, the log reports that it cannot find the figures. For example, figures : figure LogicFigs-mpgraph.3 can not be found [3.1] figures : figure LogicFigs-mpgraph.4 can not be found [4.1] figures : figure LogicFigs-mpgraph.5 can not be found However, they are there: figures $ ls LogicFigs-mpgraph.* LogicFigs-mpgraph.1 LogicFigs-mpgraph.26 LogicFigs-mpgraph.10 LogicFigs-mpgraph.27 LogicFigs-mpgraph.11 LogicFigs-mpgraph.28 LogicFigs-mpgraph.12 LogicFigs-mpgraph.29 LogicFigs-mpgraph.13 LogicFigs-mpgraph.3 LogicFigs-mpgraph.14 LogicFigs-mpgraph.30 LogicFigs-mpgraph.15 LogicFigs-mpgraph.4 LogicFigs-mpgraph.16 LogicFigs-mpgraph.5 LogicFigs-mpgraph.17 LogicFigs-mpgraph.6 LogicFigs-mpgraph.18 LogicFigs-mpgraph.7 LogicFigs-mpgraph.19 LogicFigs-mpgraph.8 LogicFigs-mpgraph.2 LogicFigs-mpgraph.9 LogicFigs-mpgraph.20 LogicFigs-mpgraph.log LogicFigs-mpgraph.21 LogicFigs-mpgraph.22 LogicFigs-mpgraph.23 LogicFigs-mpgraph.mpb LogicFigs-mpgraph.24 LogicFigs-mpgraph.mpo LogicFigs-mpgraph.25 LogicFigs-mpgraph.mpx Any ideas? David Arnold College of the Redwoods Mathematics Department Eureka, CA 95501 (707) 476-4222
participants (1)
David Arnold