APA Bibliographic refs. | Hyphenated first names | Lower case first letter of Title

Dear list, I have been cleaning up the following proof-of-concept edition set with ConTeXt ver: 2017.05.15 21:48 MKIV beta: http://indica-et-buddhica.org/siksasamuccaya-progresse-bodhisattva-concept.p... On the whole I'm very pleased but I'm noticing something odd with the APA typesetting. This can be seen on concept:226 & 229. Here is my set up followed by the BibTeX refs.: % Bibliographic referencing \usebtxdataset[thesis-clean-k-final.bib] \setupbtx[default:cite][alternative=num] \setupbtx[apa:cite][alternative=authoryear,compress=yes] \usebtxdefinitions[apa] \definebtxrendering[apa][specification=apa,sorttype=authoryear,numbering=no] \setupbtxlist[apa][alternative=paragraph,width=325pt,maxwidth=325pt,distance=.5em,margin=3em,align={hz,hanging}] 1.) For Hans-Georg and Jens-Uwe I'm getting H. -G. & J. -U. not H.-G. & J.-U.: @Book{gadamer:truth, author = "Hans-Georg Gadamer", title = "Truth and Method", publisher = "Seabury Press", shorttitle = "Truth", year = 1975, address = "New York", key = "gadamer:75", } @InCollection{klaus:einige, author = "K. Klaus", title = "Einige {t}extkritische {u}nd {e}xegetische {B}emerkungen {z}u {Ś}ānti\-devas “{Ś}ikṣāsamuccaya” (Kapitel {XII} {u}nd {XIII})", booktitle = "Bauddhaviyāsudhākaraḥ\,: Studies in Honour of Heinz Bec\-hert on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday", shorttitle = "\,‘{Ś}ikṣāsamuccaya’\,", key = "klaus:97a", pages = "397--406", publisher = "Indica et Tibetica", year = 1997, editor = "P. Kieffer-Pülz and Jens-Uwe Hartmann", volume = 30, address = "Swisttal-Odendorf", } 2.) And for the initial letter of the title, SGam.po.pa not sGgam.po.pa: @Book{guenther:sgam, title = "{s}{G}am.{p}o.{p}a, The Jewel Ornament of Liberation\,: {D}am.\-{c}hos {y}id.{b}žin.{g}yi {n}or.{b}u {t}har.{p}a {r}in.{p}o {c}he'i {r}gyan {ž}es.{b}ya.{b}a {t}heg.{p}a {c}hen.\-{p}o'{i} {l}am.{r}im.{g}yi {b}śad.{p}a", publisher = "Rider \& Co.", shorttitle = "{s}{G}am.{p}o.{p}a", year = 1970, key = "guenther:70a", address = "London", author = "H. V. Guenther", } I've also tried surrounding the hyphenated names, and their initials, with curly brackets, though without success. Does anyone know how I might be able to correct this? Best, Richard -- Richard Mahoney | INDICA ET BUDDHICA Littledene Bay Road Oxford New Zealand T: +64-3-312-1699 | www.indica-et-buddhica.org

On Mon, 22 May 2017 11:41:57 +1200
Richard Mahoney | Indica et Buddhica
2.) And for the initial letter of the title, SGam.po.pa not sGgam.po.pa:
@Book{guenther:sgam, title = "{s}{G}am.{p}o.{p}a, The Jewel Ornament of Liberation\,: {D}am.\-{c}hos {y}id.{b}žin.{g}yi {n}or.{b}u {t}har.{p}a {r}in.{p}o {c}he'i {r}gyan {ž}es.{b}ya.{b}a {t}heg.{p}a {c}hen.\-{p}o'{i} {l}am.{r}im.{g}yi {b}śad.{p}a", publisher = "Rider \& Co.", shorttitle = "{s}{G}am.{p}o.{p}a", year = 1970, key = "guenther:70a", address = "London", author = "H. V. Guenther", }
I've also tried surrounding the hyphenated names, and their initials, with curly brackets, though without success.
The "bibtex" practice of "protecting" using surrounding braces does not have any effect here. We take fields literally. However, there is the setup: \setupbtx [apa:list:title] [command=\Word] that you can change, setting command=, for example. As to the spurious space in a hyphenated name, this is a bug that needs to be parsed at the lua level (no space following a hyphen) that I have asked Hans to look into fixing. Alan

On Mon, 22 May 2017 09:09:58 +0200
Alan Braslau
On Mon, 22 May 2017 11:41:57 +1200 Richard Mahoney | Indica et Buddhica
wrote: 2.) And for the initial letter of the title, SGam.po.pa not sGgam.po.pa:
@Book{guenther:sgam, title = "{s}{G}am.{p}o.{p}a, The Jewel Ornament of Liberation\,: {D}am.\-{c}hos {y}id.{b}žin.{g}yi {n}or.{b}u {t}har.{p}a {r}in.{p}o {c}he'i {r}gyan {ž}es.{b}ya.{b}a {t}heg.{p}a {c}hen.\-{p}o'{i} {l}am.{r}im.{g}yi {b}śad.{p}a", publisher = "Rider \& Co.", shorttitle = "{s}{G}am.{p}o.{p}a", year = 1970, key = "guenther:70a", address = "London", author = "H. V. Guenther", }
I've also tried surrounding the hyphenated names, and their initials, with curly brackets, though without success.
The "bibtex" practice of "protecting" using surrounding braces does not have any effect here. We take fields literally. However, there is the setup:
\setupbtx [apa:list:title] [command=\Word]
that you can change, setting command=, for example.
Thank you for suggesting this Alan. I've `corrected' the rendering -- SGam.po.pa to sGam.po.pa -- with this: \setupbtx[apa:list:title:book][command=]
As to the spurious space in a hyphenated name, this is a bug that needs to be parsed at the lua level (no space following a hyphen) that I have asked Hans to look into fixing.
Good to know. Thanks. Best, Richard -- Richard Mahoney | INDICA ET BUDDHICA Littledene Bay Road Oxford New Zealand T: +64-3-312-1699 | www.indica-et-buddhica.org
participants (2)
Alan Braslau
Richard Mahoney | Indica et Buddhica