Hi, Is it possible to put side by side text and a figure created in a TikZ environment ? Thank you, Fabrice \usemodule[tikz] \usetikzlibrary[calc] \starttext \def\smiley{% \starttikzpicture[baseline=-0.75ex,black] \filldraw[fill=orange] circle (2mm); \node[fill,circle,inner sep=0.5pt] (left eye) at (135:0.8mm) {}; \node[fill,circle,inner sep=0.5pt] (right eye) at (45:0.8mm) {}; \draw (-145:0.9mm) arc (-120:-60:1.5mm); \stoptikzpicture} \placefigure[right,none]{}{ \starttikzpicture \coordinate (c1) at (0,0); \draw[thick,fill=darkgreen] ($(c1) + (0:30mm)$) arc (0:360:30mm) ($(c1) + (360:35mm)$) arc (360:0:35mm); \draw[thick,fill=gray] ($(c1) + (0:3mm)$) arc (0:360:3mm); \foreach \x in {0,36,...,180} \draw[fill=red, draw=black](c1)--(\x:30mm) arc (\x:\x+36:30mm)--(c1); \foreach \x in {216,252,...,324} \draw[fill=blue, draw=black](c1)--(\x:30mm) arc (\x:\x+36:30mm)--(c1); \foreach \x in {3,12,...,360} \draw[fill=lightgray] (\x:28mm) circle (2pt); \draw[thick,fill=white!30] ($(c1) + (0:3mm)$) arc (0:360:3mm) ($(c1) + (360:4mm)$) arc (360:0:4mm); \draw[thick,fill=darkgray] ($(c1) + (0:3mm)$) arc (0:360:3mm); \foreach \x in {18,54,...,198} \node [white,rotate=\x] at (\x:17.5mm){\small \bf PERDU}; \foreach \x in {234,270,306,342} \node [] at (\x:17.5mm) {\smiley}; \draw[darkgray,-latex,line width=4pt, line cap=round] (90:37mm) -- (90:26mm); \stoptikzpicture} \input knuth \stoptext

May be a solution, but why all the text is not in the left column and the single figure in the right column?
\setuppapersize[A4] \setuplayout[ backspace=15mm, width=middle, topspace=15mm, height=middle, header=0pt, footer=0pt, ] \mainlanguage[fr]
\usemodule[tikz] \usetikzlibrary[calc] \starttext \blank[small] \leftaligned{\bf Partie A} \blank[small] \startitemize[n][stopper=),style=bold] \item \input knuth \item \input knuth \stopitemize \startcolumns \blank[small] \leftaligned{\bf Partie B} \blank[small] \startitemize[n][stopper=),style=bold] \item \item \item \startitemize[a][stopper=),style=bold] \item \input knuth \item \stopitemize \stopitemize \column \starttikzpicture[level 1/.style={level distance=30mm,sibling distance=40mm},level 2/.style={level distance=25mm,sibling distance=25mm},grow=right] \node{} child{node[blue]{$B$} child{node[blue]{$B$} edge from parent node[below=0.2cm]{$0,75$}} child{node[red]{$R$} edge from parent node[above=0.2cm]{$0,25$}} edge from parent node[below=0.2cm]{$0,75$}} child{node[red]{$R$} child{node[blue]{$B$} edge from parent node[below=0.2cm]{$0,75$}} child{node[red]{$R$} edge from parent node[above=0.2cm]{$0,25$}} edge from parent node[above=0.2cm]{$0,25$}}; \stoptikzpicture \stopcolumns \stoptext
participants (2)
Fabrice Couvreur