font oddities on mac with i-installer

13->2:3 cz->il2:il2->14->2:3 cz->ec:ec->15->2:3 sk->il2:il2->16->2:3 sk->ec:ec ->17->2:3 pl->pl0:pl0->18->2:3 pl->ec:ec->19->2:3 pl->qx:qx->20->2:3 loaded specials : tex,postscript,rokicki loaded system : loaded (./ specials : loading definition file tpd (/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.local/tex/context/base/spec-tpd.tex specials : loading definition file fdf (/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.local/tex/context/base/spec-fdf.tex) specials : fdf loaded ) specials : fdf,tpd loaded ) systems : system commands are disabled (./main.tuo) (./main.tuo) (./main.tuo) (./main.tuo) (./main.tuo) (./main.tuo) (./main.tuo) (./main.tuo) (./main.tuo) (./main.tuo) (/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.local/tex/context/base/sort-new.tex) (/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.local/tex/context/base/sort-def.tex) (/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.local/tex/context/base/sort-lan.tex) (./main.tuo) (./main.tuo) systems : begin file main at line 19 (/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.local/tex/context/base/pdfr-ec.tex)
Hi all!
After having fallen back to LaTeX some time ago I thought I should give
ConTeXt another try again. But...
I just today updated my *entire* TeX installation (teTeX, ConTeXt,
LaTeX, etc.) on a Mac OS X 10.3.9 using i-installer. So, I should have a
state of the art installation.
Now I have problems with the default fonts. That is, when trying to use
good old Computer Modern fonts (which are the default but called "Latin
Modern", or?) then umlauts, bold face etc. don't work. Also, when
MetaFont renders math symbols they become pixelized and don't scale.
Probably this is not surprising, since I get a lot of lines like this
(the full texexec output is at the end of this mail):
Warning: pdfetex (file /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.local/fonts/map/
dvipdfm/context/ invalid entry for `cmex8':
font file missing
Additionally, there is a mysterious line in the end:
warning : use 'texmfstart texexec' instead
Now, when I do
UMac:~/Projekte/ConTeXt/uma$ texmfstart texexec --pdf main
I get a
-bash: texmfstart: command not found
Any ideas?
I saw in the list that this kind of error seems to occur time after time
with installations on various systems. I tired some if the proposed
solutions but none of them seem to work (I might have overlooked others,
though). My understanding is that it has something to do with the LM
fonts but I don't understand that -- I never needed to dig into TeX
font handling that deep... (LaTeX seems to run as smoothly as ever after
the update).
Thanks and Cheers!
Ulf Martin.
Source code (main.tex):
% I played around with these ones -- no difference:
% This is from contextgarden
% qv.
% This is from a posting of Taco
% qv.
% Iterestingly,
% Caris SIL *does* work
% (and looks very nice, except for the math stuff!)
% qv.
% (But for math stuff I prefer CM)
\title{The Main Title}
Bla, {\bf bla}, blah!\footnote[fn01]{\language[de] Beispielfußnote} And
some formula: $$ \int^\infty_0 e^{-x^2} dx.$$
Command and output:
UMac:~/Projekte/ConTeXt/uma$ texexec --pdf main
TeXExec 5.4.3 - ConTeXt / PRAGMA ADE 1997-2005
fixing engine variable : pdfetex
executable : pdfetex
format : cont-en
inputfile : main
output : pdftex
interface : en
current mode : none
TeX run : 1
This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.30.4-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.5)
entering extended mode
ConTeXt ver: 2006.05.23 16:32 fmt: 2006.5.28 int: english mes: english
language : language en is active
Output written on main.pdf (1 page, 10457 bytes).
Transcript written on main.log. return code : 0
run time : 1 seconds
sorting and checking : running texutil
TeXUtil 9.0.1 - ConTeXt / PRAGMA ADE 1992-2006
action : processing commands, lists and registers
option : sorting IJ under Y
option : converting high ASCII values
input file :
output file : main.tuo
passed commands : 21
remapped keys : 0
register entries : 0 -> 0 entries 0 references
synonym entries : 0 -> 0 entries
embedded files : 1
remark : 'texutil' is now part of 'texexec'
warning : use 'texmfstart texutil' instead
total run time : 3 seconds
warning : use 'texmfstart texexec' instead

Ulf Martin wrote:
Now I have problems with the default fonts. That is, when trying to use good old Computer Modern fonts (which are the default but called "Latin Modern", or?) then umlauts, bold face etc. don't work. Also, when MetaFont renders math symbols they become pixelized and don't scale.
context is using latin moden by default now and what you observe is a mismatch in names due to the fact that aroun dthe time that tex live and tetex got frozen, a new release of latin modern took place (by now, latin modern is rather stable; version 1.0 was released at bachotek); because context was an early adopter (well, someone had to do the testing -) its users pay the price ... (btw, you may expect similar 'need to update' situations when new lminized fonts show up [soon we can expect the first test files])
Probably this is not surprising, since I get a lot of lines like this (the full texexec output is at the end of this mail):
Warning: pdfetex (file /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.local/fonts/map/ dvipdfm/context/ invalid entry for `cmex8': font file missing
hm, this is due to the fact that context finds the dvipdfmx map files first [maybe it's time to get rid of map files altogether and switch to maplines]; either delete the files from the dvipdfmx pathm, or adapt yout texmf.cnf file this is what it should be TEXFONTMAPS.dvipdfm = .;$TEXMF/fonts/map/{dvipdfm,dvips,}// TEXFONTMAPS.dvipdfmx = .;$TEXMF/fonts/map/{dvipdfm,dvips,}// TEXFONTMAPS.pdftex = .;$TEXMF/fonts/map/{pdftex,dvips,}// TEXFONTMAPS.pdfetex = .;$TEXMF/fonts/map/{pdftex,dvips,}// TEXFONTMAPS.xetex = .;$TEXMF/fonts/map/{xetex,pdftex,dvips,}// TEXFONTMAPS.dvips = .;$TEXMF/fonts/map/{dvips,pdftex,}// TEXFONTMAPS = .;$TEXMF/fonts/map/{$progname,pdftex,dvips,}//;$TEXMF/{$progname,pdftex,dvips}/{config,}// but i'm not so sure if tetex does it this way Hans ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 | | -----------------------------------------------------------------

Hi! New day, new try (see below the quotation)... Hans Hagen schrieb:
Ulf Martin wrote:
Now I have problems with the default fonts. That is, when trying to use good old Computer Modern fonts (which are the default but called "Latin Modern", or?) then umlauts, bold face etc. don't work. Also, when MetaFont renders math symbols they become pixelized and don't scale. [...]
Warning: pdfetex (file /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.local/fonts/map/ dvipdfm/context/ invalid entry for `cmex8': font file missing
hm, this is due to the fact that context finds the dvipdfmx map files first [maybe it's time to get rid of map files altogether and switch to maplines]; either delete the files from the dvipdfmx pathm, or adapt yout texmf.cnf file
this is what it should be
TEXFONTMAPS.dvipdfm = .;$TEXMF/fonts/map/{dvipdfm,dvips,}// TEXFONTMAPS.dvipdfmx = .;$TEXMF/fonts/map/{dvipdfm,dvips,}// TEXFONTMAPS.pdftex = .;$TEXMF/fonts/map/{pdftex,dvips,}// TEXFONTMAPS.pdfetex = .;$TEXMF/fonts/map/{pdftex,dvips,}// TEXFONTMAPS.xetex = .;$TEXMF/fonts/map/{xetex,pdftex,dvips,}// TEXFONTMAPS.dvips = .;$TEXMF/fonts/map/{dvips,pdftex,}//
TEXFONTMAPS = .;$TEXMF/fonts/map/{$progname,pdftex,dvips,}//;$TEXMF/{$progname,pdftex,dvips}/{config,}//
but i'm not so sure if tetex does it this way
I checeked the installation. There are the following tefmf.cnf-look-alikes: UMac:~ uma$ locate texmf.cnf /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.gwtex/texmf.cnf.gwtex.tl2003 /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.gwtex/texmf.cnf.gwtex.tl2004 /usr/local/teTeX/texmf.cnf /usr/local/teTeX/texmf.cnf.20060218134902 None of them contains any of the above-mentioned TEXFONTMAPS definitions. Which one would be correct to put them in? Or should I create another texmf.cnf in the home dir? Maybe (i-installed?) tetex works differently? Thank you all for the replies for now already! -- Ulf Martin

Ulf Martin wrote:
New day, new try (see below the quotation)...
this is up to gerben; afaik, in tex live at least TEXFONTMAPS=.;$TEXMF/fonts/map/{$progname,pdftex,dvips,}// was agreed upon, but then, tetex is not texlive, and therefore gwtex neither, but gerben is pretty fast in adapting esp on the mac, with multiple engines, we need the ability to distinguish between engines (the same is true for linux not that xetex has got there) [keep in mind that afaik dvipdfmx was never paryt of linux/macosx distributions, i was always in fptex, so that may be a reason why we now -since xetex needs it- run into such situations]
Hans Hagen schrieb:
Ulf Martin wrote:
Now I have problems with the default fonts. That is, when trying to use good old Computer Modern fonts (which are the default but called "Latin Modern", or?) then umlauts, bold face etc. don't work. Also, when MetaFont renders math symbols they become pixelized and don't scale.
Warning: pdfetex (file /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.local/fonts/map/ dvipdfm/context/ invalid entry for `cmex8': font file missing
hm, this is due to the fact that context finds the dvipdfmx map files first [maybe it's time to get rid of map files altogether and switch to maplines]; either delete the files from the dvipdfmx pathm, or adapt yout texmf.cnf file
this is what it should be
TEXFONTMAPS.dvipdfm = .;$TEXMF/fonts/map/{dvipdfm,dvips,}// TEXFONTMAPS.dvipdfmx = .;$TEXMF/fonts/map/{dvipdfm,dvips,}// TEXFONTMAPS.pdftex = .;$TEXMF/fonts/map/{pdftex,dvips,}// TEXFONTMAPS.pdfetex = .;$TEXMF/fonts/map/{pdftex,dvips,}// TEXFONTMAPS.xetex = .;$TEXMF/fonts/map/{xetex,pdftex,dvips,}// TEXFONTMAPS.dvips = .;$TEXMF/fonts/map/{dvips,pdftex,}//
TEXFONTMAPS = .;$TEXMF/fonts/map/{$progname,pdftex,dvips,}//;$TEXMF/{$progname,pdftex,dvips}/{config,}//
but i'm not so sure if tetex does it this way
I checeked the installation. There are the following tefmf.cnf-look-alikes:
UMac:~ uma$ locate texmf.cnf /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.gwtex/texmf.cnf.gwtex.tl2003 /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.gwtex/texmf.cnf.gwtex.tl2004 /usr/local/teTeX/texmf.cnf /usr/local/teTeX/texmf.cnf.20060218134902
None of them contains any of the above-mentioned TEXFONTMAPS definitions. Which one would be correct to put them in? Or should I create another texmf.cnf in the home dir? Maybe (i-installed?) tetex works differently?
Thank you all for the replies for now already!

Short answer: run the command kpsewhich texmf.cnf The file referenced by this command is the one you need to modify. Longer answer: you could have figured that out yourself by reading / usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.gwtex/README.howtexfindsfiles.txt If all else fails, read the documentation. Thomas On May 29, 2006, at 9:19 AM, Ulf Martin wrote:
I checeked the installation. There are the following tefmf.cnf-look- alikes:
UMac:~ uma$ locate texmf.cnf /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.gwtex/texmf.cnf.gwtex.tl2003 /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.gwtex/texmf.cnf.gwtex.tl2004 /usr/local/teTeX/texmf.cnf /usr/local/teTeX/texmf.cnf.20060218134902
None of them contains any of the above-mentioned TEXFONTMAPS definitions. Which one would be correct to put them in? Or should I create another texmf.cnf in the home dir? Maybe (i-installed?) tetex works differently?

Hi again Font problem solved, it seems! Thank you to everbody again for the kind help. Just for the record, here is the solution; it looks like the path in the i-installer distribution is wrong. Thomas A. Schmitz schrieb:
Short answer: run the command kpsewhich texmf.cnf The file referenced by this command is the one you need to modify.
That yields "/usr/local/teTeX/texmf.cnf" and indeed in that file there is a line: TEXFONTMAPS = .;$TEXMF/{fonts/map//,fontname};$TEXMF/{pdftex,dvips}/config;$TEXMF/{pdftex,dvips}// So I was wrong when saying that there is no TEXFONTSMAPS line (sorry!). Commenting this out and adding the lines Hans suggested, solved the trouble. Could it be that the malfunctioning of XeTeX might be due to a similar path mismatch (I don't have an urgent need for this, though)? I am giving the whole (changed) texmf.cnf for those who might have any use for it. The wrong line is in that part that begins with the line "% Fixes for mixing old and new style locations in TL2004 (according to Hans Hagen)". -- Start of texmf.cnf -- % Our directory setup as explained in $SELFAUTOPARENT/share/README.gwtex % TEXMFMAIN contains the TEXMF tree installed by make install of the programs TEXMFMAIN = $SELFAUTOPARENT/share/texmf % TEXMFTE contains the main TEXMF tree from teTeX TEXMFTE = $SELFAUTOPARENT/share/texmf.tetex % TEXMFGW contains GW specific defaults and additions TEXMFGW = $SELFAUTOPARENT/share/texmf.gwtex % TEXMFLOCAL contains any local system TeXadmin overrides TEXMFLOCAL = $SELFAUTOPARENT/share/texmf.local % $VARTEXMF is where texconfig writes its local settings VARTEXMF = $TEXMFLOCAL % User texmf trees can be catered for like this... HOMETEXMF = $HOME/Library/texmf % Our complete search path, the last three are searched through % ls-R exclusively, which means that you have to run texhash % after you have added, moved or deleted files in the tree TEXMF={$HOMETEXMF,!!$TEXMFLOCAL,!!$TEXMFGW,!!$TEXMFTE,!!$TEXMFMAIN} % If you want to disable the HOME trees, use this: % TEXMF=!!{$TEXMFLOCAL,$TEXMFGW,$TEXMFTE,$TEXMFMAIN} % The system trees. These are the trees that are shared by all the users. SYSTEXMF = $TEXMFLOCAL;$TEXMFGW;$TEXMFTE;$TEXMFMAIN % Where generated fonts may be written. This tree is used when the sources % were found in a system tree and either that tree wasn't writable, or the % varfonts feature was enabled in MT_FEATURES in mktex.cnf. VARTEXFONTS = /var/tmp/texfonts % teTeX-3.0 and TL2005 require these TEXMFVAR = $HOMETEXMF TEXMFCONFIG = $HOMETEXMF TEXMFSYSCONFIG = $VARTEXMF TEXMFSYSVAR = $VARTEXMF % Where to look for ls-R files. There need not be an ls-R in the % directories in this path, but if there is one, Kpathsea will use it. % This is default set to TEXMF+VARTEXFONTS but without HOMETEXMF TEXMFDBS = $TEXMFLOCAL;$TEXMFGW;$TEXMFTE;$TEXMFMAIN;$VARTEXFONTS % Make font tfm files is mf files are available MKTEXTFM = 1 % Make fonts when unavailable (not all fonts are available for pdf directly) % Useful when using non-pdf-available fonts and going the tex->dvi->ps->pdf route MKTEXPK.pdftex = 1 MKTEXPK.pdflatex = 1 MKTEXPK.pdfetex = 1 MKTEXPK.pdfelatex = 1 % Enable \write18 (run shell processes from within TeX job) % Set to t if needed % (I think this might have security implications, especially if you % run tex jobs as administrator, so I keep it turned off by default shell_escape = f % Fixes for mixing old and new style locations in TL2004 (according to Hans Hagen) TEXPSHEADERS = .;$TEXMF/{fonts/{enc,map,type1,truetype},dvips,pdftex,tex}//;$TEXMF/{etex,tex,pdftex,dvips,fonts/type1}// % The following line is WRONG! (UMa 2006-05-29) %TEXFONTMAPS = .;$TEXMF/{fonts/map//,fontname};$TEXMF/{pdftex,dvips}/config;$TEXMF/{pdftex,dvips}// TEXCONFIG = .;$TEXMF/{fonts/map,dvips,pdftex,dvipdfmx,dvipdfm}// PDFTEXCONFIG = .;$TEXMF/pdftex/{$progname,}// DVIPDFMINPUTS = .;$TEXMF/{fonts/map,dvips,pdftex,dvipdfmx,dvipdfm}// % XeTeX TEXINPUTS.xelatex = .;$TEXMF/{xetex,tex}/{xelatex,latex,generic,}// TEXINPUTS.xetex = .;$TEXMF/{xetex,tex}/{xetex,plain,generic,}// % Added by UMa 2006-05-29 % Suggested by Hans Hagen on NTG-List 2006-05-28 % TEXFONTMAPS.dvipdfm = .;$TEXMF/fonts/map/{dvipdfm,dvips,}// TEXFONTMAPS.dvipdfmx = .;$TEXMF/fonts/map/{dvipdfm,dvips,}// TEXFONTMAPS.pdftex = .;$TEXMF/fonts/map/{pdftex,dvips,}// TEXFONTMAPS.pdfetex = .;$TEXMF/fonts/map/{pdftex,dvips,}// TEXFONTMAPS.xetex = .;$TEXMF/fonts/map/{xetex,pdftex,dvips,}// TEXFONTMAPS.dvips = .;$TEXMF/fonts/map/{dvips,pdftex,}// TEXFONTMAPS = .;$TEXMF/fonts/map/{$progname,pdftex,dvips,}//;$TEXMF/{$progname,pdftex,dvips}/{config,}// -- End of texmf.cnf -- Bye! -- Ulf Martin

On May 28, 2006, at 19:01, Ulf Martin wrote:
Hi all!
After having fallen back to LaTeX some time ago I thought I should give ConTeXt another try again. But...
Additionally, there is a mysterious line in the end:
warning : use 'texmfstart texexec' instead
Now, when I do
UMac:~/Projekte/ConTeXt/uma$ texmfstart texexec --pdf main
I get a
-bash: texmfstart: command not found
Any ideas?
What I did was: 1. adding some aliases to the file .bashrc: alias texmfstart=texmfstart.rb alias texversion='texmfstart texexec --version' etc., the first one being the important one. 2. ensuring that the scripts are executable with: cd .../texmf-local-..../context/ruby (sudo) chmod -R a+x *.rb execute this in terminal as a user with administrator priveliges. Hope this will help you on the way. Hans van der Meer
participants (4)
Hans Hagen
Hans van der Meer
Thomas A. Schmitz
Ulf Martin