Hello, When formating tables the first row (top of the header) is easily formated by using for example: \setupTABLE[row][1][rulethickness=0.90pt,topframe=on] I was wondering whether there's an equivalent for specifically addressing the LAST row in a table? Something along the lines of \setupTABLE[row][last][rulethickness=0.90pt,topframe=on] \setupTABLE[row][-1][rulethickness=0.90pt,topframe=on]%python-like which both don't work ... Thanks for any hint, Joh

On Wed, 19 Apr 2006 22:55:23 -0700, Johannes Graumann
When formating tables the first row (top of the header) is easily formated by using for example: \setupTABLE[row][1][rulethickness=0.90pt,topframe=on]
I was wondering whether there's an equivalent for specifically addressing the LAST row in a table? Something along the lines of \setupTABLE[row][last][rulethickness=0.90pt,topframe=on] \setupTABLE[row][-1][rulethickness=0.90pt,topframe=on]%python-like which both don't work ...
Do you want to do this? \setupTABLE[row][last][rulethickness=0.90pt,bottomframe=on] Regards, BG

Johannes Graumann wrote:
nico wrote:
Do you want to do this? \setupTABLE[row][last][rulethickness=0.90pt,bottomframe=on]
\setupTABLE[r][last][....] Use only the short forms (r=row and c=column) and it should work. I had to look in an old table, where I had the same problems (I guess). Should be wikified.. Greets, Peter
Yes, that's what I want, but it doesn't work for me.
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On Thu, 20 Apr 2006, Johannes Graumann wrote:
nico wrote:
Do you want to do this? \setupTABLE[row][last][rulethickness=0.90pt,bottomframe=on]
Yes, that's what I want, but it doesn't work for me.
Could you send a minimal example? This works here: \starttext \setupTABLE[frame=off] \setupTABLE[row][last][rulethickness=0.90pt,bottomframe=on] \bTABLE \bTR\bTD bla \eTD\bTD bla \eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD bla \eTD\bTD bla \eTD\eTR \eTABLE \stoptext Cheers, Peter -- http://pmrb.free.fr/contact/

Peter Münster wrote:
On Thu, 20 Apr 2006, Johannes Graumann wrote:
nico wrote:
Do you want to do this? \setupTABLE[row][last][rulethickness=0.90pt,bottomframe=on]
Yes, that's what I want, but it doesn't work for me.
Could you send a minimal example? This works here:
Same for me. Perhaps it is a grouping issue? This fails: \setupTABLE[frame=off] {\setupTABLE[row][last][rulethickness=0.90pt,bottomframe=on]} \bTABLE ... \eTABLE Taco

Figured out what's going on and would appreciate some advice on the issue: My actual code interprets XML and reads: \defineXMLnested [splittable] { \defineXMLsave[caption] \defineXMLsave[header] \defineXMLsave[body] \defineXMLsave[footer] } { \splitfloat {\placetable[\XMLpar{table}{location}{here}][\XMLpar{table}{label {unknown}]{\XMLflush{caption}}} { \setupTABLE[row][1][rulethickness=0.30pt,topframe=on] \setupTABLE[row][last][rulethickness=0.30pt,bottomframe=on] \bTABLE[frame=off,split=repeat,splitmethod=b,distance=7.5pt,style={\switchtobodyfont[small]\setupinterlinespace[line=2.8ex]}] \bTABLEhead\XMLflush{header}\eTABLEhead \bTABLEbody\XMLflush{body}\eTABLEbody \bTABLEfoot\XMLflush{footer}\eTABLEfoot \eTABLE } } \defineXMLnested [tr] [bottomframe=] {\expanded{\bTR[bottomframe=\XMLop{bottomframe}]}} {\eTR} What's happening here is that the the 'tr' bottomframe statement (which I need for formating) overrides the '\setupTABLE[row]' bit. Is there any way to make 'tr's bottomframe-statement be ineffectual in case of being the last raw? Joh

On Thu, 20 Apr 2006 11:29:17 -0700, Johannes Graumann
Figured out what's going on and would appreciate some advice on the issue: [...]
\defineXMLnested [tr] [bottomframe=] {\expanded{\bTR[bottomframe=\XMLop{bottomframe}]}} {\eTR}
What's happening here is that the the 'tr' bottomframe statement (which I need for formating) overrides the '\setupTABLE[row]' bit. Is there any way to make 'tr's bottomframe-statement be ineffectual in case of being the last raw?
Why don't you test if the attribute is set before applying it to the TR? You see the problem on the last row, but the fact is that you force the bottomframe clear for every row (which is dirty IMHO). Regards, BG

nico wrote:
Why don't you test if the attribute is set before applying it to the TR? You see the problem on the last row, but the fact is that you force the bottomframe clear for every row (which is dirty IMHO). It's not that easy, since the bottomframe - once set - is persistent ... so every row underneath my header (e.g.) will have 'bottomframe=on' set.
So if I set the bottomframe to separate header from body, I have to clear it from the next line (at least) in order to keep the body bottomframe free ... and than I run into trouble with the last row, which is body, but where I explicitly WANT the bottomframe. Am I not getting something here? Joh

On Thu, 20 Apr 2006 17:27:50 -0700, Johannes Graumann
nico wrote:
Why don't you test if the attribute is set before applying it to the TR? You see the problem on the last row, but the fact is that you force the bottomframe clear for every row (which is dirty IMHO). It's not that easy, since the bottomframe - once set - is persistent ... so every row underneath my header (e.g.) will have 'bottomframe=on' set.
No, the options are local to the current level where it is set. If bottomframe is on for one row, it won't set bottomframe to the next rows. In the following example, only two rows (the header and another one in the body) have local bottomframe on, and the last row bottomframe is done with table setup: \starttext \setupTABLE[frame=off] \setupTABLE[row][last][rulethickness=0.90pt,bottomframe=on] \bTABLE \bTABLEhead \bTR[bottomframe=on]\bTH a \eTH\bTH b \eTH\eTR \eTABLEhead \bTABLEbody \bTR\bTD bla \eTD\bTD bla \eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD bla \eTD\bTD bla \eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD bla \eTD\bTD bla \eTD\eTR \bTR[bottomframe=on]\bTD bla \eTD\bTD bla \eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD bla \eTD\bTD bla \eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD bla \eTD\bTD bla \eTD\eTR \eTABLEbody \eTABLE \stoptext You can also put bottomframe only for a cell with bTD[bottomframe=on]...\eTD. Regards, BG

nico wrote:
On Thu, 20 Apr 2006 17:27:50 -0700, Johannes Graumann
wrote: nico wrote:
Why don't you test if the attribute is set before applying it to the TR? You see the problem on the last row, but the fact is that you force the bottomframe clear for every row (which is dirty IMHO). It's not that easy, since the bottomframe - once set - is persistent ... so every row underneath my header (e.g.) will have 'bottomframe=on' set.
No, the options are local to the current level where it is set. If bottomframe is on for one row, it won't set bottomframe to the next rows. In the following example, only two rows (the header and another one in the body) have local bottomframe on, and the last row bottomframe is done with table setup:
The persistence issue is XML specific, I believe and therefore does not apply to your code example. Joh

On Fri, 21 Apr 2006 12:44:45 -0700, Johannes Graumann
nico wrote:
On Thu, 20 Apr 2006 17:27:50 -0700, Johannes Graumann
wrote: nico wrote:
Why don't you test if the attribute is set before applying it to the TR? You see the problem on the last row, but the fact is that you force the bottomframe clear for every row (which is dirty IMHO). It's not that easy, since the bottomframe - once set - is persistent ... so every row underneath my header (e.g.) will have 'bottomframe=on' set.
No, the options are local to the current level where it is set. If bottomframe is on for one row, it won't set bottomframe to the next rows. In the following example, only two rows (the header and another one in the body) have local bottomframe on, and the last row bottomframe is done with table setup:
The persistence issue is XML specific, I believe and therefore does not apply to your code example.
It's because you systematically apply the attribute. Doing this should work, even if there's maybe a smarter way of doing: \defineXMLnested [tr] [bottomframe=,rulethickness=0.5pt] {\doifelse{\XMLop{bottomframe}}{}% {\expanded{\bTR}}% {\expanded{\bTR[bottomframe=\XMLop{bottomframe},rulethickness=\XMLop{rulethickness}]}}} {\eTR} I attach the full example. Regards, BG

nico wrote:
\defineXMLnested [tr] [bottomframe=,rulethickness=0.5pt] {\doifelse{\XMLop{bottomframe}}{}% {\expanded{\bTR}}%
So much to learn, so little time. Thank you for this hint! Was hunting around in the XML example file for some XML specific switches and didn't get far ... this does it. Thank you. Joh

nico wrote:
On Thu, 20 Apr 2006 17:27:50 -0700, Johannes Graumann
wrote: nico wrote:
Why don't you test if the attribute is set before applying it to the TR? You see the problem on the last row, but the fact is that you force the bottomframe clear for every row (which is dirty IMHO).
It's not that easy, since the bottomframe - once set - is persistent ... so every row underneath my header (e.g.) will have 'bottomframe=on' set.
No, the options are local to the current level where it is set. If bottomframe is on for one row, it won't set bottomframe to the next rows. In the following example, only two rows (the header and another one in the body) have local bottomframe on, and the last row bottomframe is done with table setup:
\starttext \setupTABLE[frame=off] \setupTABLE[row][last][rulethickness=0.90pt,bottomframe=on] \bTABLE \bTABLEhead \bTR[bottomframe=on]\bTH a \eTH\bTH b \eTH\eTR \eTABLEhead \bTABLEbody \bTR\bTD bla \eTD\bTD bla \eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD bla \eTD\bTD bla \eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD bla \eTD\bTD bla \eTD\eTR \bTR[bottomframe=on]\bTD bla \eTD\bTD bla \eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD bla \eTD\bTD bla \eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD bla \eTD\bTD bla \eTD\eTR \eTABLEbody \eTABLE \stoptext
You can also put bottomframe only for a cell with bTD[bottomframe=on]...\eTD.
the following patch will permit negative numbers (remove empty lines due to mail mess up) \def\setupTBLcell#1#2% cell over col over row {\setupTBLsection % already forgotten \edef\positiverow{\number#1}% \edef\positivecol{\number#2}% \scratchcounter-\maximumrow\advance\scratchcounter#1\advance\scratchcounter\minusone \edef\negativerow{\number\scratchcounter}% \scratchcounter-\maximumcol\advance\scratchcounter#2\advance\scratchcounter\minusone \edef\negativecol{\number\scratchcounter}% \getvalue{\@@tblprefix\v!each\v!each}% \getvalue{\@@tblprefix\c!y\v!each}% \getvalue{\@@tblprefix\c!x\v!each}% \getvalue{\@@tblprefix\c!y\v!oddeven\positiverow}% \getvalue{\@@tblprefix\c!x\v!oddeven\positivecol}% \getvalue{\@@tblprefix\c!x\v!oddeven\positivecol\c!y\v!oddeven\positiverow}% \ifnum\positiverow=\plusone \getvalue{\@@tblprefix\c!y\v!first}% \executeifdefined{\@@tblprefix\c!x\positivecol\c!y\v!first}\donothing \fi \ifnum\positivecol=\plusone \getvalue{\@@tblprefix\c!x\v!first}% \executeifdefined{\@@tblprefix\c!x\v!first\c!y\positiverow}\donothing \fi \ifnum\positiverow=\maximumrow\relax \getvalue{\@@tblprefix\c!y\v!last}% \executeifdefined{\@@tblprefix\c!x\positivecol\c!y\v!last}\donothing \fi \ifnum\positivecol=\maximumcol\relax \getvalue{\@@tblprefix\c!x\v!last}% \executeifdefined{\@@tblprefix\c!x\v!last\c!y\positiverow}\donothing \fi \ifnum\positiverow=\maximumrow\relax\ifnum\positivecol=\maximumcol\relax \getvalue{\@@tblprefix\c!x\v!last\c!y\v!last}% \fi\fi \ifnum\positiverow=\plusone \ifnum\positivecol=\plusone \getvalue{\@@tblprefix\c!x\v!first\c!y\v!first}% \fi\fi \ifnum#1>\noftblhdnxlines\else \executeifdefined{\@@tblprefix\v!header\v!each}\donothing \executeifdefined{\@@tblprefix\v!header\positivecol}\donothing \fi \executeifdefined{\@@tblprefix\c!y\positiverow}\donothing \executeifdefined{\@@tblprefix\c!y\negativerow}\donothing \getvalue{\@@tbl\@@tbl\c!extras}\letvalue{\@@tbl\@@tbl\c!extras}\relax % \executeifdefined{\@@tblprefix\c!x\positivecol}\donothing \executeifdefined{\@@tblprefix\c!x\negativecol}\donothing \getvalue{\@@tbl\@@tbl\c!extras}\letvalue{\@@tbl\@@tbl\c!extras}\relax % \executeifdefined{\@@tblprefix\c!x\positivecol\c!y\positiverow}\donothing \executeifdefined{\@@tblprefix\c!x\negativecol\c!y\negativerow}\donothing \global\letcscsname\@@tblsplitafter\csname\@@tbl\@@tbl\c!after\endcsname \relax} \setupcolors[state=start] \setupTABLE[r] [2][color=red] \setupTABLE[r] [-2][color=red] \setupTABLE[c] [2][color=green] \setupTABLE[c] [-2][color=green] \setupTABLE[4] [4][color=blue] \setupTABLE[-4][-4][color=blue] \bTABLE \dorecurse{10}{\bTR \dorecurse{6}{\bTD xxx \eTD} \eTR} \eTABLE \stoptext ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 | www.pragma-ade.com | www.pragma-pod.nl -----------------------------------------------------------------
participants (6)
Hans Hagen
Johannes Graumann
Peter Münster
Peter Rolf
Taco Hoekwater