I'm trying to anchor a table or box containing my title and subtitle to the bottom right corner of the textblock (on a title page). The following comes very close to doing what I want, but there is still some vertical space between the bottom of the text of the subtitle and the last major horizontal gridline. How can I have the subtitle text be (above and) flush with the last major horizontal gridline in the same way that it is flush with the rightmost vertical gridline? NOTE: Small adjustments to the example I provide might not be helpful for me since, in actuality, I'm using Adobe Jenson, which makes both the metrics and the expression of the problem slightly different. Also, are there max/min functions for dealing with dimexpr's? %\definetypeface[jenson][rm][Xserif][Adobe Jenson Pro] %\setupbodyfont[jenson, 11pt] \definepapersize[pocket][width=4.25in, height=6.875in] \setuppapersize[pocket][pocket] \setuplayout[location=middle, width=0.815\paperwidth, rightmargindistance=0in, leftmargindistance=0in, height=middle, margin=0.08\paperwidth, backspace=0.115\paperwidth, marking=off, grid=yes, topspace=0.018889\paperheight, header=0.044444\paperheight, footer=0.044444\paperheight, bottomspace=0.038889\paperheight] \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided, location={footer,marginedge}] \def\givewidthof#1\to#2% { \bgroup \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{#1}% \expanded{\egroup\def\noexpand#2{\the\wd\scratchbox}} } % From a response by Hans to a mailing list question. It was originally \setwidthof#1\to#2, which—in English at least—sounds somewhat ambiguous with regard to which variable is providing a width. \def\TitlePage#1#2% { \givewidthof{\scc #2}\to\SubtitleWidth \newdimen\TitlePageVar \TitlePageVar=\dimexpr(\textwidth-\SubtitleWidth) \dontleavehmode\vfill \starttable[s(0pt)|lw(\TitlePageVar)|cw(\SubtitleWidth)|] \NC\NC{\scd #1}\AR \NC\NC{\scc #2} \stoptable \page } \showgrid \startfrontmatter \TitlePage{Title}{Longer Subtitle} \stopfrontmatter Thanks, Scott ----- This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the writer's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coïncidental.

On Tuesday 01 June 2010 00:31:11 Scott Steele wrote:
I'm trying to anchor a table or box containing my title and subtitle to the bottom right corner of the textblock (on a title page). The following comes very close to doing what I want, but there is still some vertical space between the bottom of the text of the subtitle and the last major horizontal gridline. How can I have the subtitle text be (above and) flush with the last major horizontal gridline in the same way that it is flush with the rightmost vertical gridline? NOTE: Small adjustments to the example I provide might not be helpful for me since, in actuality, I'm using Adobe Jenson, which makes both the metrics and the expression of the problem slightly different.
You might want to look into collectors: http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Collectors Alan
participants (2)
Scott Steele