\setupitemize has no effect (beta)

I just noticed that \setupitemize seems to have no effect in the current beta (I haven't tried other versions): \starttext \startitemize[n,packed][stopper=)] \item this \item works \stopitemize \setupitemize[each][packed][stopper=)] \startitemize[n] \item no \item effect \stopitemize \stoptext Or is it used differently? -- Eckhart

Eckhart Guthöhrlein
I just noticed that \setupitemize seems to have no effect in the current beta
This is really strange. The following works well: \starttext \defineitemgroup [aufzaehl] [levels=6] \setupaufzaehl[each][packed][stopper=)] % or: % \setupitemgroup[aufzaehl][each][packed][stopper=)] \startaufzaehl[n] \item this \item works \stopaufzaehl \stoptext This is probably a bug :) Patrick
participants (2)
Eckhart Guthöhrlein
Patrick Gundlach