\footnote and \note with \setupnotation[way=bypage], but it does not work with XML processing

Hello list, I have a text with footnotes that get referenced more than once. No problem for ConTeXt, since it has \footnote and \note for that. Resetting the footnote counter every page with \setupnotation[way=bypage] complicates the problem, because when you call \note on the next page, it prints the value of the counter that the footnote had in the previous page, when it should produce a new \footnote instead for the new page. Running this example should show the problem more clearly: \setupnotation[way=bypage] \def\showcountersinmargin#1{% \inmargin{\rawcountervalue[contapag#1].\rawcountervalue[#1]}% } \def\showidinmargin#1{% \inrightmargin{ #1}% } \def\mynotelabel#1{#1pag\rawcountervalue[contapag#1]} \def\myfootnote#1#2{% \definenumber[contapag#1][prefix=no]% \incrementcounter[contapag#1]% \definenumber[#1][way=bypage,prefix=no]% \incrementcounter[#1]% \footnote[\mynotelabel{#1}]{#2}% \showcountersinmargin{#1}% \showidinmargin{\mynotelabel{#1}}% } \def\mynote#1#2{% \incrementcounter[#1]% \doifelse{\rawcountervalue[#1]}{1}{% \incrementcounter[contapag#1]% \footnote[\mynotelabel{#1}]{#2}% \showcountersinmargin{#1}% \showidinmargin{\mynotelabel{#1}}% }{% \note[\mynotelabel{#1}]% \showcountersinmargin{#1}% \showidinmargin{\mynotelabel{#1}}% }% } \starttext \def\fnid{id1} \def\fntext{Text of the recurring footnote} Using just \verbatim{\footnote}\footnote[\fnid]{\fntext} and than \verbatim{\note}\note[\fnid] even in... \page ... the new page\footnote[otherid]{another footnote} does not work\note[\fnid](here different footnotes are referred with the same number because I used \verbatim{\note} to reference a footnote of the previous page). {\bf The text above should have been like this:}\par ... the new page\note[otherid] does not work\footnote{\fntext}. \page Using \verbatim{\myfootnote} and \verbatim{\mynote} it works as expected: Some text before the first occurrence of my recurring footnote\myfootnote{\fnid}{\fntext}. Some other text, with a new occurrence of my recurring footnote\mynote{\fnid}{\fntext}. \dorecurse{5}{ \page[yes] % new page \getrandomnumber \n {1} {7} \dorecurse{\n}{ Other text\footnote{other disturbing footnote}.\par } A new occurrence of the previous footnote\mynote{\fnid}{\fntext}. \getrandomnumber \n {1} {7} \dorecurse{\n}{ Other text\footnote{other disturbing footnote}.\par } Another occurrence of the previous footnote\mynote{\fnid}{\fntext}, to see if it gets referenced right.% } \stoptext My functions (\myfootnote and \mynote) solve the problem, at least with version 2014.05.21 of ConTeXt (recent versions seem to have this bug: http://www.ntg.nl/pipermail/ntg-context/2015/082498.html). Now my problem is that I can't get the same code working in XML(XHTML) processing. Here's a recurring footnote in XHTML: <span class="footnote" id="id1">Text of the recurring footnote</span> for the first occurrence, and <span class="footnote" idref="id1">Text of the recurring footnote</span> for all the other occurrences of the same footnote. These are my corresponding XML setups in ConTeXt: \startxmlsetups xml:span:footnote:id \myfootnote{\xmlatt{#1}{id}}{\xmlflush{#1}} \stopxmlsetups \startxmlsetups xml:span:footnote:idref \mynote{\xmlatt{#1}{idref}}{\xmlflush{#1}} \stopxmlsetups Used in XML processing, the counters "go crazy" and I get "??" instead of the right footnote numbers in the text. Any hints? Thanks in advance, MF
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