Change the size of publication list

Hi, I want to change the font size of the list of publications to \small. This needs to be done in the style file. But I could not find any option to do this in the bib module. What is the correct way to do this? Aditya

Aditya Mahajan wrote:
I want to change the font size of the list of publications to \small. This needs to be done in the style file. But I could not find any option to do this in the bib module. What is the correct way to do this?
Good question. Looks like I inadvertedly removed the before&after functionality at some point :-( Taco

On Thu, 12 Apr 2007, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
Aditya Mahajan wrote:
I want to change the font size of the list of publications to \small. This needs to be done in the style file. But I could not find any option to do this in the bib module. What is the correct way to do this?
Good question. Looks like I inadvertedly removed the before&after functionality at some point :-(
For the moment, I am abusing initializepublist, mainly because it resets some options in \setuplist[pub] and I am against a hard deadline. This is my bib setup for IEEE style (well atleast in terms of font and spacing, the actual formatting of enteries will have to wait) bibliography. There is some spurious white space between enteries, and as a temp hack, I use \vskip -0.5\baselineskip. I will debug more carefully over the weekend and send you a bibl-ieee.tex \setuppublications [alternative=num,monthconversion=month,sorttype=bib] \setupbibtex [sort=author] \setuppublicationlist [maybeyear=off] \setuppublicationlist [numbercommand=\withbrackets,margin=1em,distance=1em,width=fit] \setuppublicationlist [before={\vskip -0.5\baselineskip},after=,inbetween=] \setupcite [num] [compress=yes] \def\initializepubslist {\switchtobodyfont[small] \setupinterlinespace \setupwhitespace[none] \vskip 0.5\baselineskip} % Defined in bibl-num.tex \def\withbrackets#1{[#1]} \unprotect \def\doverysimplebibnumref#1#2% {\refsep \ifcase#1\relax \unknownreference{#1}\else \def\tempa{#2}\ifx\empty\tempa#1\else#1\docommaordash{#1}{#2}#2\fi \fi} \def\docommaordash#1#2% {\doifelse{\the\numexpr#1+1-#2\relax}{0} {\bibalternative\c!pubsep} {\bibalternative\c!inbetween}} \protect Aditya
participants (2)
Aditya Mahajan
Taco Hoekwater