Get rid of caption on an intermezzo.

I managed after many trips to the Wiki to get a text frame pretty much as I want it, with text wrapping around and so on. But the technique requires using an intermezzo as a wrapper. This feature always puts a title like "intermezzo 1" at the bottom. How do I get rid of this title? For the curious here is my code segment to date: \setupframed[framecorner=round, frameradius=1em, background=screen, backgroundscreen=0.70, backgroundcorner=round, backgroundradius=1em, corner=round, radius=1em] \definefloat[intermezzo]{ } \kern 5em\placeintermezzo[right]{} \startframedtext[width=3.2in] \centerline{\ss\tfb Life Before Specialty} \centerline{\ss\tfb Food Marketing} \tfx What food entrepeneurs did before starting a specialty food firm (in order of prevalence): \startitemize[1] \item Other business non-food-related (52\%) \item food-related business (14\%) \item Medical profession (11\%) \item Education (8\%) \item Nonprofit Charity (8\%) \item Entertainment (3.6\%) \stopitemize ---{\bf\it Food Entrepeneur Magazine 2014 pool responses} \stopframedtext -- John Culleton Wexford Press Free list of books for self-publishers: Updated PDF e-book: "Create Book Covers with Scribus 1.4.5" coming soon at!

On Wed, 25 Feb 2015 15:42:56 -0500
John Culleton
Anyone have a solution yet? -- John Culleton Wexford Press Free list of books for self-publishers: Updated PDF e-book: "Create Book Covers with Scribus 1.4.5" coming soon at!
participants (2)
John Culleton
Otared Kavian