references over several documents

Hello All: At this moment i am producing a set of documents, that ocasionally have refences among them. For eg: document 1 \starttext \placeformula[eq:1.1] \startformula e = m c^2 \stopformula \stoptext document 2 \starttext In here I want to refer to equation 1.1 in document 1 \stoptext How can I do it? Thanks in advance: Gonçalo

Gonçalo wrote:
Hello All:
At this moment i am producing a set of documents, that ocasionally have refences among them. For eg:
document 1
\placeformula[eq:1.1] \startformula e = m c^2 \stopformula
document 2
In here I want to refer to equation 1.1 in document 1
How can I do it?
Hi Gonçalo,
Once some time ago I used referencing in an interactive document. There the approach was: \useexternaldocument[reference] [external file name] [optional comments] \goto{Code voorbeeld}[reference::] I stand corrected, the following shoud work in your case \useexternaldocument[Formulae][document1][document 1 is on of the chapters] see also \in{equation}[Formulae::eq:1.1] Kind regards Willi
participants (2)
Willi Egger