Multimedia, PDF and ConTeXt

Dear ConTeXt community, recently, as part of my bachelor thesis, I looked into the state of multimedia (audio, video, 3D) and other relatively obscure PDF features, with the connection to TeX. I already put off this write up long enough. Hopefully it clarifies things that might influence the current uncertainty about these features and their presence in ConTeXt (see abstract of Hans' talk for upcoming ConTeXt meeting, chapter 8 of "On and on" and remarks in files like "lpdf-wid.lmt"). The following text discusses the options for including multimedia in PDF files from ConTeXt. First the different PDF mechanisms are introduced and compared, then their support in ConTeXt is summarized. My ideas for future steps are also included. Patch to fix some bugs is also below. Lastly I link to some resources regarding the topic. The various versions of the PDF standard have over the years developed several ways of including "multimedia" in PDF files. The simplest are XObjects which allow raster and vector graphics -- this is a well known and well supported feature in both PDF writers and viewers. However, later revisions of the PDF standard added what is essentially five different mechanisms for including video, audio or 3D files (each mechanism supports a different subset of these three). For evaluating these mechanisms from perspective of ConTeXt it is possible to devise the following criteria: - support in PDF standard (deprecation, etc.), - supported media types (audio, video[+optional audio], 3D), - support of different source types (embedded file, external file, URL) - what is possible to achieve ("usefulness") and at what cost ("complexity"), - current support in ConTeXt, - and the most important: support in PDF viewers. Perhaps the "source types" need a bit of explanation. Essentially all file references from PDF can be one of three types: - Embedded file. The referenced file is *in* the PDF file, this means that it can also be compressed as part of it (not very useful for multimedia though). This is nice because the result is integral -- the media file can't get lost and there is only a single file to distribute. - URL file. The reference to the file is solely the URL. Takes almost no space at all in the PDF file, but means that the availability of the media file and PDF file are not tied. - External file. A file path is included in the PDF file. The file doesn't have to be available over the internet, but has to be distributed along with the PDF file (and the relative path has to match). The "usefulness" aspect includes the possibility of interaction or scripting. E.g. using media player buttons ("controls"), scripting with JavaScript or some control with PDF actions (\goto, and triggers like page open which allow auto-play). The viewers I tested were: Acrobat Reader DC, Foxit Reader, Sumatra PDF on Windows and Evince, Okular, Xpdf, MuPDF, Firefox and Google Chrome on Linux. Now to the different mechanisms: 1) Sound objects - First appeared in PDF 1.2 (1996), but had since been deprecated (PDF 1.5, 2003) and became unsupported (PDF 2.0, 2017). - Only audio is supported. - "Raw" and in practice uncompressed PCM audio can be embedded (i.e. ".wav" format without the metadata). Otherwise an external file may be used (this one has to be in a real audio format - like ".wav" - i.e. with metadata). - Users usually don't have raw audio. So embedding requires preprocessing. Some control using PDF actions is possible. - Not supported in ConTeXt. - None of the viewers supports the external files. Only Acrobat Reader supports the embedded raw audio. 2) Movie objects - First appeared in PDF 1.2 (1996), but had since been deprecated (PDF 1.5, 2003) and became unsupported (PDF 2.0, 2017). - Both video and audio is supported. - Any source (embedded, external and URL file). - In all regards superior to sound objects. Is still relatively simple and allows some customization and control (media player controls, PDF actions). - This is the backing mechanism for including video and audio in ConTeXt (\externalfigure, \useexternalsoundtrack). - Supported only in Evince and Okular (with their usual quirks, see below). Notably Acrobat Reader does no longer support this mechanism. 3) Multimedia ("Renditions") - First appeared in PDF 1.5 (2003). Adobe Acrobat considers them "legacy". - Both video and audio supported (as well as other unspecified types of multimedia, like images and Flash, but not really, see below). - In theory all source types should be possible. - This mechanism was supposed to replace sound and movie objects. Hence their deprecation. The mechanism is complex (the spec is 10 times longer than that for movie objects). It expects the PDF viewers to work with plugins and introduces ways for determining if a media file is really playable in some plugin. It is allowed to even include more media files (to serve as fallback should the primary one be unsupported by the viewer). Other complexity is that the concept of the rectangle where the media will be played ("screen") is separated from the media itself ("rendition"). In theory this allows mixing and matching them, but in practice is a lot of unnecessary complexity, at least in my opinion. This mechanism allows multimedia player controls, as well as PDF actions. The PDF action can be either one of the predefined ones or entirely specified in JavaScript (extra API is available for this). - This is the mechanism behind \useexternalrendering. This has been used for Flash (.swf files) and "manual" audio + video insertion as far as I can tell. - Evince and Okular support this (with usual quirks), but not for external files (Evince segfaults). Acrobat and Foxit support this mechanism as well, but Acrobat only allows embedded files. Okular by mistake auto-plays all media [1]. 4) 3D art - First appeared in PDF 1.6 (2004). - Only 3D files supported. This means U3D and later PRC files. The 3D objects described in the files are shown in a scene whose parameters (like camera position, angle, background color, etc.) can be configured. - The source is not a file, but a "PDF stream" (which is essentially embedded file with different metadata, but allows also "external files" to contain the stream data). - The 3D functionality is nice. It allows great amount of interactivity (playing with the camera, selectively disabling 3D objects, etc.) and also scriptability (switching between predefined "views" with PDF actions and a _lot_ of possibilities with JavaScript scripts). - This is the mechanism used for u3d and prc files in the ConTeXt "figure" mechanism (\externalfigure). - Apart from the external streams (see above) everything works in Adobe Acrobat. Foxit Reader also has support, but it is limited (no support for JavaScript and printing). 5) Rich Media - First appeared in Adobe extension level 3 to PDF 1.7 (2008). Later included in PDF 2.0 (2017). It was meant to replace both multimedia (renditions) and 3D art mechanisms, with unified mechanism based on Flash, thus also supporting arbitrary Flash applications. - Supports video, audio and 3D. - Only embedded files are supported. - While the mechanism is heavily based on Flash (which is dead, since December 2020) it allows also "plain" Rich Media without Flash. The old idea was that the PDF viewer would support Flash (and playing its video as well as mp4), but the audio/video wouldn't be played directly by the PDF viewer, but by a Flash application (embedded in the PDF along with the media file). This means that the mechanism has inherent complexity that is not justified nowadays (essentially four levels of indirection for a plain audio / video file). While the same thing should have been true for 3D files I couldn't find any real usage like that. Instead it seems that 3D files with Rich Media have always been used like with the "3D art" mechanism (but with different wrappers). There is essentially no scriptability for audio and video. (Note that in this regard 3D files work just like with the "3D art" mechanism). There also isn't an easy way to display multimedia player controls (a hack works for Acrobat). One thing that it allows is playing the media in a customizable window, even full screen (not only in a part of a page like the previous mechanisms allow). - ConTeXt uses this mechanism for Flash (SWF) files in the figure mechanism. This is also allows audio/video (Flash media player, like "vplayer" is inserted and the media file is its parameter), see for example "java-imp-vplayer.mkiv". - Both Flash and "plain" Rich media are supported by Acrobat Reader. Okular only supports Flash Rich Media. How is this possible, considering that Flash player is dead? Well, both viewers have a compatibility layer that detects embedded Flash media player file and doesn't use it to play the video, but instead plays the video natively. This is good, because there are a lot of documents out there which use Flash based Rich Media. But there is absolutely no need to create new documents with embedded Flash player applications, it only takes space and isn't even used. Okular notably doesn't support plain Rich Media. The support is easy to add, but my proposed patch [2] depends on changes to poppler. The poppler developers want to take this chance to improve the Rich Media representation [3] but I haven't gotten to that, yet. Support similar to Okular's should be relatively easy to add to Evince as well. The 3D support is the same as with 3D art for Acrobat Reader. Weirdly Foxit Reader doesn't support 3D files wrapped in Rich Media, although there doesn't seem any good reason for it. All in all, of the five mechanisms 2 are deprecated and unfortunately no longer supported in the most used PDF viewer and other 2 mechanisms are needlessly complex and in reality limited. For example, while the multimedia mechanism supports JavaScript, (AFAIK) only Acrobat Reader supports that, this further limits the viewer support or available features, choose one. The support for video and audio in Okular and Evince is based on Gstreamer. Explaining Gstreamer is tricky, but essentially it allows the viewers to play any media type as long as the right plugin is installed. These plugins are distributed in bundless and three of them cover all reasonable formats and more. But while the media file format support is great, these viewers don't really support PDF actions or JavaScript for more control over the media playback. Acrobat and Foxit both use Windows Media Player for playing the video. Both support controls, but behave differently -- Acrobat displays the controls outside of the multimedia annotation, Foxit within... As if it wasn't enough there is other trouble with playing multimedia in Acrobat Reader and Foxit Reader. They nag you to allow the media playback every time. You can select to trust the file once or from now on, but if somebody opens a foreign PDF with video, they aren't going to get smooth experience. Another thing (but I don't remember well) is that there is a check box in Acrobat Reader, that allows the "legacy" Multimedia mechanism. I don't remember its state in an unaltered installation. After evaluating these mechanisms I came to conclusion, that a PDF writer today is best at: - Embedding video and audio using the "multimedia" ("renditions") mechanism. It is supported in proprietary and open source viewers alike. Customization and scripting / PDF actions is out of the question, though. - Embedding 3D files using the "Rich Media" mechanism. While it is essentially just a few differences in wrappers, it has real advantages (data sources are files not streams, and multiple JavaScript script files are supported), that I find nice enough for the implementation and users alike. Some sources for this topic are also the LaTeX centric [4] and [5]. I go into more details in the former. In the latter the "plain" Rich Media and "multimedia" ("renditions") mechanisms are suggested as solutions for the Flash media player approach. And now for the future. What should ConTeXt do? On one hand all available mechanisms are flawed in one way or the other. On the other hand some users may still find the functionality useful. My suggestions is to either delete all the support for audio/video or: 1) Delete the "Movie objects" implementation of figures. It is not supported in viewers, where users expect it to [6]. 2) Delete all mentions of Flash. There is no reason to create new documents with embedded Flash files, even though they may work in some viewers. Plain Rich Media can be used instead, with hopefully soon equal support [2]. 3) The "externalrendering" mechanism (multimedia/renditions) can stay. If the insertion of audio/video as "figures" is to stay, then I suggest to use multimedia/renditions for it (in simplified form). Note that the 3D support in ConTeXt is completely fine and works in Acrobat and Foxit. The "externalrendering" part currently has three "bugs". Previous discussion at this list provides some context [7]. The following is currently "wrong": - Currently ConTeXt wraps a PDF file specification for embedded file inside another file specification (i.e. embedded files don't work). - As a result of "externalrendering" inheriting from \framed, the PDF annotation late_lua whatsit is centered inside the frame and so the annotation itself is offset by half its width to the right. - ConTeXt doesn't explicitly allow the viewer to create temporary files, hence the playback fails in Acrobat Reader. Hopefully the patch included below fixes all three. But note that while I love ConTeXt I don't know it well and may be terribly wrong. I also was aiming at a minimal diff for inclusion in this e-mail. This is a test file for this: \starttext \setupinteraction[state=start] \useexternalrendering[myvideo][video/mp4][video.mp4][embed=yes] \useexternalrendering[myvideo2][video/mp4][] \useexternalrendering[myvideo3][video/mp4][video.mp4] \definerenderingwindow[myrenderingwindow][width=\textwidth, height=\textwidth] \noindent \placerenderingwindow[myrenderingwindow][myvideo] \goto{START}[StartRendering{myvideo}] \goto{STOP} [StopRendering{myvideo}] \goto{PAUSE}[PauseRendering{myvideo}] \vfil\break\noindent \placerenderingwindow[myrenderingwindow][myvideo2] \vfil\break\noindent \placerenderingwindow[myrenderingwindow][myvideo3] \stoptext All three file source types are demonstrated. Any "video.mp4" in the directory you compile in will do. (Works as expected in Okular on Linux.) This was a dump of knowledge that I gained from writing my thesis. Sadly its in Czech, but part of it is PDF code snippets and tables summarizing viewer support, that I can translate and provide if there is interest. But a large part of what I deem practical today is implemented and documented here: The source is probably hard to read, because of the "_" and "." prefixes in the control sequences, but those can be ignored. I posted some "real" documents in [3] and [5]. If more documents / snippets / explanations are needed I hope I can provide them. Sadly, while working on this, I didn't have access to the PDF 2.0 standard. My information mostly comes from the PDF 1.7 standard and publicly known information about PDF 2.0 - the Rich Media mechanism got included in PDF 2.0, but I am not sure in what extent did the Flash part get included. I also don't know if there really is anything new, but nothing suggests it. Regardless, viewer support isn't complete for something standardized over 20 years ago, I don't expect revolution in the PDF viewers, considering the price of the standard(s). [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: [6]: [7]: Best regards, Michal Vlasák --- a/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkxl/lpdf-wid.lmt +++ b/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkxl/lpdf-wid.lmt @@ -689,22 +689,26 @@ -- B = start, -- } -- } - -- local parameters = pdfdictionary { - -- Type = pdfconstant(MediaPermissions), - -- TF = pdfstring("TEMPALWAYS") }, -- TEMPNEVER TEMPEXTRACT TEMPACCESS TEMPALWAYS - -- } + local parameters = pdfdictionary { + Type = pdfconstant("MediaPermissions"), + TF = pdfstring("TEMPALWAYS"), -- TEMPNEVER TEMPEXTRACT TEMPACCESS TEMPALWAYS + -- TEMPALWAYS - allows temporary files (needed for Acrobat / Windows Movie Player) + } local descriptor = pdfdictionary { Type = pdfconstant("Filespec"), F = filename, } if isurl then descriptor.FS = pdfconstant("URL") + descriptor = pdfreference(pdfflushobject(descriptor)) elseif option[v_embed] then - descriptor.EF = codeinjections.embedfile { + descriptor = codeinjections.embedfile { file = filename, mimetype = mimetype, -- yes or no compress = false, } + else + descriptor = pdfreference(pdfflushobject(descriptor)) end local clip = pdfdictionary { Type = pdfconstant("MediaClip"), @@ -712,8 +716,8 @@ N = label, CT = mimetype, Alt = pdfarray { "", "file not found" }, -- language id + message - D = pdfreference(pdfflushobject(descriptor)), - -- P = pdfreference(pdfflushobject(parameters)), + D = descriptor, + P = pdfreference(pdfflushobject(parameters)), } local rendition = pdfdictionary { Type = pdfconstant("Rendition"), --- a/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkxl/scrn-wid.mklx +++ b/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkxl/scrn-wid.mklx @@ -649,6 +649,7 @@ \letrenderingwindowparameter\c!closepageaction\empty \setrenderingwindowparameter\c!width {\d_scrn_rendering_width }% \setrenderingwindowparameter\c!height {\d_scrn_rendering_height}% + \setrenderingwindowparameter\c!align {\v!flushleft}% don't center annotation whatsit \to \everypresetrenderingwindow \permanent\tolerant\protected\def\placerenderingwindow[#window]#spacer[#rendering]% do all in lua

On 7/27/2021 12:49 AM, Michal Vlasák via ntg-context wrote:
The viewers I tested were: Acrobat Reader DC, Foxit Reader, Sumatra PDF on Windows and Evince, Okular, Xpdf, MuPDF, Firefox and Google Chrome on Linux.
also add the new edge on windows .. there are subtle differences in interfaces; although it doesn't fit into this topic, printing is also somethign to pay attention to; browser based pdf's can crash (mem consumption), the sometimes present doubleside directive can also confuse viewers when it comes to checking you need to keep in mind that some readers start top-down (collect objects), others bottom up (xref), some use a mix, some apply heuristics (irr xpdf did something with t1 fonts that made cut/paste an issue), some are tolerant, others more strict, treatment of updates objects can differ, but not always consistent ... so, that also makes testing annotations a problem the command line program qpdf is one of the best programs to check (when luigi sand i were checking luatex pdf issues we used qpdf and mupdf mostly)
Now to the different mechanisms:
1) Sound objects
- First appeared in PDF 1.2 (1996), but had since been deprecated (PDF 1.5, 2003) and became unsupported (PDF 2.0, 2017).
- Only audio is supported.
- "Raw" and in practice uncompressed PCM audio can be embedded (i.e. ".wav" format without the metadata). Otherwise an external file may be used (this one has to be in a real audio format - like ".wav" - i.e. with metadata).
- Users usually don't have raw audio. So embedding requires preprocessing. Some control using PDF actions is possible.
- Not supported in ConTeXt. - None of the viewers supports the external files. Only Acrobat Reader supports the embedded raw audio.
amazing right? all that talk of accessibility and no proper easy audio support
2) Movie objects
- First appeared in PDF 1.2 (1996), but had since been deprecated (PDF 1.5, 2003) and became unsupported (PDF 2.0, 2017).
- Both video and audio is supported.
- Any source (embedded, external and URL file).
- In all regards superior to sound objects. Is still relatively simple and allows some customization and control (media player controls, PDF actions).
- This is the backing mechanism for including video and audio in ConTeXt (\externalfigure, \useexternalsoundtrack).
- Supported only in Evince and Okular (with their usual quirks, see below). Notably Acrobat Reader does no longer support this mechanism.
this all became an issue when they dropped the quicktime plugin (probably also relates to the usual big companies competing politics)
3) Multimedia ("Renditions")
- First appeared in PDF 1.5 (2003). Adobe Acrobat considers them "legacy".
- Both video and audio supported (as well as other unspecified types of multimedia, like images and Flash, but not really, see below).
- In theory all source types should be possible.
- This mechanism was supposed to replace sound and movie objects. Hence their deprecation. The mechanism is complex (the spec is 10 times longer than that for movie objects). It expects the PDF viewers to work with plugins and introduces ways for determining if a media file is really playable in some plugin. It is allowed to even include more media files (to serve as fallback should the primary one be unsupported by the viewer). Other complexity is that the concept of the rectangle where the media will be played ("screen") is separated from the media itself ("rendition"). In theory this allows mixing and matching them, but in practice is a lot of unnecessary complexity, at least in my opinion.
I fully agree. As with many of these annotation pdf things it's probably reversed engeneered from some application or plugin, not the result of clear design. It also evolves when there is no way to generate it (tex is often one of the first to do that and then we run into specs not fitting reality). Kind of making equipment that should work on mars and test it on earth (if at all).
This mechanism allows multimedia player controls, as well as PDF actions. The PDF action can be either one of the predefined ones or entirely specified in JavaScript (extra API is available for this).
brings us to javascript ... it would be interesting to have the 'minimal useful' set of support needed; mupdf has javascript but nto realaly for annotations (for instance the ability to control layers and widget states would be nice ... it's trivial to program in viewers i bet)
- This is the mechanism behind \useexternalrendering. This has been used for Flash (.swf files) and "manual" audio + video insertion as far as I can tell.
- Evince and Okular support this (with usual quirks), but not for external files (Evince segfaults). Acrobat and Foxit support this mechanism as well, but Acrobat only allows embedded files. Okular by mistake auto-plays all media [1].
hm, sounds bad
4) 3D art
- First appeared in PDF 1.6 (2004).
- Only 3D files supported. This means U3D and later PRC files. The 3D objects described in the files are shown in a scene whose parameters (like camera position, angle, background color, etc.) can be configured.
- The source is not a file, but a "PDF stream" (which is essentially embedded file with different metadata, but allows also "external files" to contain the stream data).
- The 3D functionality is nice. It allows great amount of interactivity (playing with the camera, selectively disabling 3D objects, etc.) and also scriptability (switching between predefined "views" with PDF actions and a _lot_ of possibilities with JavaScript scripts).
- This is the mechanism used for u3d and prc files in the ConTeXt "figure" mechanism (\externalfigure).
- Apart from the external streams (see above) everything works in Adobe Acrobat. Foxit Reader also has support, but it is limited (no support for JavaScript and printing).
Wasn't that driven by apps like autocad? Is U3D kind of a standard that will stay?
5) Rich Media
- First appeared in Adobe extension level 3 to PDF 1.7 (2008). Later included in PDF 2.0 (2017). It was meant to replace both multimedia (renditions) and 3D art mechanisms, with unified mechanism based on Flash, thus also supporting arbitrary Flash applications.
- Supports video, audio and 3D.
- Only embedded files are supported.
- While the mechanism is heavily based on Flash (which is dead, since December 2020) it allows also "plain" Rich Media without Flash.
The old idea was that the PDF viewer would support Flash (and playing its video as well as mp4), but the audio/video wouldn't be played directly by the PDF viewer, but by a Flash application (embedded in the PDF along with the media file). This means that the mechanism has inherent complexity that is not justified nowadays (essentially four levels of indirection for a plain audio / video file).
yes, flash is gone (one can say: of course, why else would adobe has bought them) .. i think i already moved the files to the attic .. one had to embed a 'flash player' with gui stuff
While the same thing should have been true for 3D files I couldn't find any real usage like that. Instead it seems that 3D files with Rich Media have always been used like with the "3D art" mechanism (but with different wrappers).
There is essentially no scriptability for audio and video. (Note that in this regard 3D files work just like with the "3D art" mechanism). There also isn't an easy way to display multimedia player controls (a hack works for Acrobat). One thing that it allows is playing the media in a customizable window, even full screen (not only in a part of a page like the previous mechanisms allow).
one could / can start/stop etc from, javascript
- ConTeXt uses this mechanism for Flash (SWF) files in the figure mechanism. This is also allows audio/video (Flash media player, like "vplayer" is inserted and the media file is its parameter), see for example "java-imp-vplayer.mkiv".
- Both Flash and "plain" Rich media are supported by Acrobat Reader. Okular only supports Flash Rich Media. How is this possible, considering that Flash player is dead? Well, both viewers have a compatibility layer that detects embedded Flash media player file and doesn't use it to play the video, but instead plays the video natively. This is good, because there are a lot of documents out there which use Flash based Rich Media. But there is absolutely no need to create new documents with embedded Flash player applications, it only takes space and isn't even used.
hm, i didn't know that ... is that kind of official? this 'replacement' trick?
Okular notably doesn't support plain Rich Media. The support is easy to add, but my proposed patch [2] depends on changes to poppler. The poppler developers want to take this chance to improve the Rich Media representation [3] but I haven't gotten to that, yet.
Support similar to Okular's should be relatively easy to add to Evince as well.
The 3D support is the same as with 3D art for Acrobat Reader. Weirdly Foxit Reader doesn't support 3D files wrapped in Rich Media, although there doesn't seem any good reason for it.
All in all, of the five mechanisms 2 are deprecated and unfortunately no longer supported in the most used PDF viewer and other 2 mechanisms are needlessly complex and in reality limited. For example, while the multimedia mechanism supports JavaScript, (AFAIK) only Acrobat Reader supports that, this further limits the viewer support or available features, choose one.
a more philosophical: do "standards" or "formats" guarantee fuiture usage .. is investing time in some formats worth the effort
The support for video and audio in Okular and Evince is based on Gstreamer. Explaining Gstreamer is tricky, but essentially it allows the viewers to play any media type as long as the right plugin is installed. These plugins are distributed in bundless and three of them cover all reasonable formats and more. But while the media file format support is great, these viewers don't really support PDF actions or JavaScript for more control over the media playback.
Acrobat and Foxit both use Windows Media Player for playing the video. Both support controls, but behave differently -- Acrobat displays the controls outside of the multimedia annotation, Foxit within...
As if it wasn't enough there is other trouble with playing multimedia in Acrobat Reader and Foxit Reader. They nag you to allow the media playback every time. You can select to trust the file once or from now on, but if somebody opens a foreign PDF with video, they aren't going to get smooth experience.
Another thing (but I don't remember well) is that there is a check box in Acrobat Reader, that allows the "legacy" Multimedia mechanism. I don't remember its state in an unaltered installation.
ah, these properties dialogs ... with changing defaults per version, yes, easy to forget
After evaluating these mechanisms I came to conclusion, that a PDF writer today is best at:
- Embedding video and audio using the "multimedia" ("renditions") mechanism. It is supported in proprietary and open source viewers alike. Customization and scripting / PDF actions is out of the question, though.
- Embedding 3D files using the "Rich Media" mechanism. While it is essentially just a few differences in wrappers, it has real advantages (data sources are files not streams, and multiple JavaScript script files are supported), that I find nice enough for the implementation and users alike.
maybe we need some javascript supported actions in viewers table
Some sources for this topic are also the LaTeX centric [4] and [5]. I go into more details in the former. In the latter the "plain" Rich Media and "multimedia" ("renditions") mechanisms are suggested as solutions for the Flash media player approach.
but we have to stick to what we think will stay (kind of generic features of such things)
And now for the future. What should ConTeXt do? On one hand all available mechanisms are flawed in one way or the other. On the other hand some users may still find the functionality useful. My suggestions is to either delete all the support for audio/video or:
1) Delete the "Movie objects" implementation of figures. It is not supported in viewers, where users expect it to [6].
it's actually an abstraction but we can map it onto somethign else
2) Delete all mentions of Flash. There is no reason to create new documents with embedded Flash files, even though they may work in some viewers. Plain Rich Media can be used instead, with hopefully soon equal support [2].
3) The "externalrendering" mechanism (multimedia/renditions) can stay. If the insertion of audio/video as "figures" is to stay, then I suggest to use multimedia/renditions for it (in simplified form).
Note that the 3D support in ConTeXt is completely fine and works in Acrobat and Foxit.
do we actually have some simple test files for that? do we need a small set of files for media?
The "externalrendering" part currently has three "bugs". Previous discussion at this list provides some context [7]. The following is currently "wrong":
- Currently ConTeXt wraps a PDF file specification for embedded file inside another file specification (i.e. embedded files don't work). - As a result of "externalrendering" inheriting from \framed, the PDF annotation late_lua whatsit is centered inside the frame and so the annotation itself is offset by half its width to the right. - ConTeXt doesn't explicitly allow the viewer to create temporary files, hence the playback fails in Acrobat Reader.
hm, never seen that temp thing ... must be something recent (or maybe it is a preference)
Hopefully the patch included below fixes all three. But note that while I love ConTeXt I don't know it well and may be terribly wrong. I also was aiming at a minimal diff for inclusion in this e-mail. This is a test file for this:
\starttext \setupinteraction[state=start]
\useexternalrendering[myvideo][video/mp4][video.mp4][embed=yes] \useexternalrendering[myvideo2][video/mp4][] \useexternalrendering[myvideo3][video/mp4][video.mp4]
\definerenderingwindow[myrenderingwindow][width=\textwidth, height=\textwidth]
\noindent \placerenderingwindow[myrenderingwindow][myvideo]
\goto{START}[StartRendering{myvideo}] \goto{STOP} [StopRendering{myvideo}] \goto{PAUSE}[PauseRendering{myvideo}]
\vfil\break\noindent \placerenderingwindow[myrenderingwindow][myvideo2]
\vfil\break\noindent \placerenderingwindow[myrenderingwindow][myvideo3]
All three file source types are demonstrated. Any "video.mp4" in the directory you compile in will do. (Works as expected in Okular on Linux.)
good. but not in mupdf viewers, right?
This was a dump of knowledge that I gained from writing my thesis. Sadly its in Czech, but part of it is PDF code snippets and tables summarizing viewer support, that I can translate and provide if there is interest. But a large part of what I deem practical today is implemented and documented here: The source is probably hard to read, because of the "_" and "." prefixes in the control sequences, but those can be ignored. I posted some "real" documents in [3] and [5].
thanks for paying attention
If more documents / snippets / explanations are needed I hope I can provide them.
Sadly, while working on this, I didn't have access to the PDF 2.0 standard. My information mostly comes from the PDF 1.7 standard and publicly known information about PDF 2.0 - the Rich Media mechanism got included in PDF 2.0, but I am not sure in what extent did the Flash part get included. I also don't know if there really is anything new, but nothing suggests it. Regardless, viewer support isn't complete for something standardized over 20 years ago, I don't expect revolution in the PDF viewers, considering the price of the standard(s).
indeed. but wrt viewers, what puzzles me is that much of this rendering stuff is around in browsers so i guess it also has to do with lack of interest
[1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: [6]: [7]:
What actuially was also supported is but somehow that became unreliable / went away .. when it first showed up it worked perfect and i always though that it would stay Hans ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: 038 477 53 69 | | -----------------------------------------------------------------

On Tue Jul 27, 2021 at 8:54 AM CEST, Hans Hagen wrote:
On 7/27/2021 12:49 AM, Michal Vlasák via ntg-context wrote:
The viewers I tested were: Acrobat Reader DC, Foxit Reader, Sumatra PDF on Windows and Evince, Okular, Xpdf, MuPDF, Firefox and Google Chrome on Linux.
also add the new edge on windows .. there are subtle differences in interfaces; although it doesn't fit into this topic, printing is also somethign to pay attention to; browser based pdf's can crash (mem consumption), the sometimes present doubleside directive can also confuse viewers
I thought that recent Edge versions used Chrome's PDFium, as you say with some additions (like drawing). I would have to double check that.
From what I tried, from the tested viewers only Acrobat seemed to do something with the double sided directive, if
/ViewerPreferences << /Duplex /DuplexFlipLongEdge >> is what we are talking about.
when it comes to checking you need to keep in mind that some readers start top-down (collect objects), others bottom up (xref), some use a mix, some apply heuristics (irr xpdf did something with t1 fonts that made cut/paste an issue), some are tolerant, others more strict, treatment of updates objects can differ, but not always consistent ... so, that also makes testing annotations a problem
Yeah, I noticed that some viewers have no problem with broken xref, others do -- that is surely the symptom of top to bottom and bottom to top as well as the tolerance. I only tested with simplistic and mostly hand crafted documents with a few objects. No updates. I was concerned with creating PDF with annotations, not with adding them afterwards. (For some annotations both make sense, not much for others.) Although I noticed when I tried to add annotations that Acrobat didn't even use the object generation numbers, but just added new objects.
3) Multimedia ("Renditions")
This mechanism allows multimedia player controls, as well as PDF actions. The PDF action can be either one of the predefined ones or entirely specified in JavaScript (extra API is available for this).
brings us to javascript ... it would be interesting to have the 'minimal useful' set of support needed; mupdf has javascript but nto realaly for annotations (for instance the ability to control layers and widget states would be nice ... it's trivial to program in viewers i bet)
I also looked into JavaScript. Exactly as you say MuPDF has JavaScript, but only for forms. Firefox and Chrome also have JavaScript support, but again mostly for forms. None of the three support normal (not forms) JavaScript PDF actions. Adding support presumably wouldn't be hard -- they already support some of the API, they just don't allow it from these actions (but they do allow Document Level JavaScript). As you know, the JavaScript engine used in MuPDF has very Lua like C API, so I too think that adding JavaScript API for something already implemented in the viewer should be easy.
4) 3D art
- First appeared in PDF 1.6 (2004).
- Only 3D files supported. This means U3D and later PRC files. The 3D objects described in the files are shown in a scene whose parameters (like camera position, angle, background color, etc.) can be configured.
- The source is not a file, but a "PDF stream" (which is essentially embedded file with different metadata, but allows also "external files" to contain the stream data).
- The 3D functionality is nice. It allows great amount of interactivity (playing with the camera, selectively disabling 3D objects, etc.) and also scriptability (switching between predefined "views" with PDF actions and a _lot_ of possibilities with JavaScript scripts).
- This is the mechanism used for u3d and prc files in the ConTeXt "figure" mechanism (\externalfigure).
- Apart from the external streams (see above) everything works in Adobe Acrobat. Foxit Reader also has support, but it is limited (no support for JavaScript and printing).
Wasn't that driven by apps like autocad? Is U3D kind of a standard that will stay?
My understanding is that U3D was the first thing they designed. It is standardised by ECMA, so freely available. Then they came up with PRC, which should be more space efficient IIRC. It is standardized by ISO, so it is open, but not free. Both formats seemed to worked fine in Acrobat and Foxit and I don't see that changing soon. Both have some writing support in open source tools - meshlab supports U3D export with, and Asymptote supports PRC export. Although I didn't get either to quite work and used export from Autodesk Inventor instead for my tests.
5) Rich Media
The old idea was that the PDF viewer would support Flash (and playing its video as well as mp4), but the audio/video wouldn't be played directly by the PDF viewer, but by a Flash application (embedded in the PDF along with the media file). This means that the mechanism has inherent complexity that is not justified nowadays (essentially four levels of indirection for a plain audio / video file).
yes, flash is gone (one can say: of course, why else would adobe has bought them) .. i think i already moved the files to the attic .. one had to embed a 'flash player' with gui stuff
The support is still there (although not in the format, it has to be explicitly loaded). java-imp-vplayer.mkiv, java-imp-videoplayer.mkiv, as well as lpdf-swf.lua, grph-swf.lua. Lastly back-swf.mkiv serves as an example of usage. (One has to download the .swf player from other sourcese manually.)
While the same thing should have been true for 3D files I couldn't find any real usage like that. Instead it seems that 3D files with Rich Media have always been used like with the "3D art" mechanism (but with different wrappers).
There is essentially no scriptability for audio and video. (Note that in this regard 3D files work just like with the "3D art" mechanism). There also isn't an easy way to display multimedia player controls (a hack works for Acrobat). One thing that it allows is playing the media in a customizable window, even full screen (not only in a part of a page like the previous mechanisms allow).
one could / can start/stop etc from, javascript
That was tied to the Flash player and is not possible today. (Using JavaScript you would call ActionScript actions on the .swf media player.)
- ConTeXt uses this mechanism for Flash (SWF) files in the figure mechanism. This is also allows audio/video (Flash media player, like "vplayer" is inserted and the media file is its parameter), see for example "java-imp-vplayer.mkiv".
- Both Flash and "plain" Rich media are supported by Acrobat Reader. Okular only supports Flash Rich Media. How is this possible, considering that Flash player is dead? Well, both viewers have a compatibility layer that detects embedded Flash media player file and doesn't use it to play the video, but instead plays the video natively. This is good, because there are a lot of documents out there which use Flash based Rich Media. But there is absolutely no need to create new documents with embedded Flash player applications, it only takes space and isn't even used.
hm, i didn't know that ... is that kind of official? this 'replacement' trick?
Not fully official, but it is only logical that they need a compatibility layer for old documents. But, Adobe employee mentionts the use of OS Player for these Flash using documents here: (IIRC The check box for not using the Flash player but OS player later disappeared and became the default.) Not that there is a reason to depend on the trick. New document should be created without Flash media players embedded.
All in all, of the five mechanisms 2 are deprecated and unfortunately no longer supported in the most used PDF viewer and other 2 mechanisms are needlessly complex and in reality limited. For example, while the multimedia mechanism supports JavaScript, (AFAIK) only Acrobat Reader supports that, this further limits the viewer support or available features, choose one.
a more philosophical: do "standards" or "formats" guarantee fuiture usage .. is investing time in some formats worth the effort
The situation is difficult. I wouldn't risk creating a document with audio / video today and hoping that it would work in a few years. But if it is something that is needed now, then I can be pretty sure of the support.
After evaluating these mechanisms I came to conclusion, that a PDF writer today is best at:
- Embedding video and audio using the "multimedia" ("renditions") mechanism. It is supported in proprietary and open source viewers alike. Customization and scripting / PDF actions is out of the question, though.
- Embedding 3D files using the "Rich Media" mechanism. While it is essentially just a few differences in wrappers, it has real advantages (data sources are files not streams, and multiple JavaScript script files are supported), that I find nice enough for the implementation and users alike.
maybe we need some javascript supported actions in viewers table
Do you mean table summarizing what parts of the Acrobat JavaScript API is supported in individual viewers? There is a separate API for normal things: And for 3D: (seems to have disappeared from the internet, here is the TOC, I have the full document saved from earlier, though).
Some sources for this topic are also the LaTeX centric [4] and [5]. I go into more details in the former. In the latter the "plain" Rich Media and "multimedia" ("renditions") mechanisms are suggested as solutions for the Flash media player approach.
but we have to stick to what we think will stay (kind of generic features of such things)
Renditions is what works best today. But I think that for future bringing Evince and Okular up to par with Acrobat in supporting plain (Flashless) Rich Media is the way to go. I would have to peek into the latest standard to know if there is anything new with regards to showing media player controls or control using actions / JavaScript. But other than that it is the most modern mechanism and not lot required for supporting it in viewers that already can play some video / audio.
And now for the future. What should ConTeXt do? On one hand all available mechanisms are flawed in one way or the other. On the other hand some users may still find the functionality useful. My suggestions is to either delete all the support for audio/video or:
1) Delete the "Movie objects" implementation of figures. It is not supported in viewers, where users expect it to [6].
it's actually an abstraction but we can map it onto somethign else
Yes, I mentioned it below that it could switch to another backing mechanism.
2) Delete all mentions of Flash. There is no reason to create new documents with embedded Flash files, even though they may work in some viewers. Plain Rich Media can be used instead, with hopefully soon equal support [2].
3) The "externalrendering" mechanism (multimedia/renditions) can stay. If the insertion of audio/video as "figures" is to stay, then I suggest to use multimedia/renditions for it (in simplified form).
Note that the 3D support in ConTeXt is completely fine and works in Acrobat and Foxit.
do we actually have some simple test files for that? do we need a small set of files for media?
Do you mean existing PDFs that work in viewers or ConTeXt source files that use these features? I can provide both. I am not sure what you mean by "small set of files for media".
The "externalrendering" part currently has three "bugs". Previous discussion at this list provides some context [7]. The following is currently "wrong":
- Currently ConTeXt wraps a PDF file specification for embedded file inside another file specification (i.e. embedded files don't work). - As a result of "externalrendering" inheriting from \framed, the PDF annotation late_lua whatsit is centered inside the frame and so the annotation itself is offset by half its width to the right. - ConTeXt doesn't explicitly allow the viewer to create temporary files, hence the playback fails in Acrobat Reader.
hm, never seen that temp thing ... must be something recent (or maybe it is a preference)
It is possible that it is recent -- maybe the Windows Media Player requires it, while the Quicktime did not.
\starttext \setupinteraction[state=start]
\useexternalrendering[myvideo][video/mp4][video.mp4][embed=yes] \useexternalrendering[myvideo2][video/mp4][] \useexternalrendering[myvideo3][video/mp4][video.mp4]
\definerenderingwindow[myrenderingwindow][width=\textwidth, height=\textwidth]
\noindent \placerenderingwindow[myrenderingwindow][myvideo]
\goto{START}[StartRendering{myvideo}] \goto{STOP} [StopRendering{myvideo}] \goto{PAUSE}[PauseRendering{myvideo}]
\vfil\break\noindent \placerenderingwindow[myrenderingwindow][myvideo2]
\vfil\break\noindent \placerenderingwindow[myrenderingwindow][myvideo3]
All three file source types are demonstrated. Any "video.mp4" in the directory you compile in will do. (Works as expected in Okular on Linux.)
good. but not in mupdf viewers, right?
No, not in MuPDF viewers. Only Acrobat (first page only), Foxit, Okular and Evince. MuPDF doesn't even try to support video. They target multiple platforms including mobile. The functionality would probably have to be added on top of the core (i.e. in Sumatra).
If more documents / snippets / explanations are needed I hope I can provide them.
Sadly, while working on this, I didn't have access to the PDF 2.0 standard. My information mostly comes from the PDF 1.7 standard and publicly known information about PDF 2.0 - the Rich Media mechanism got included in PDF 2.0, but I am not sure in what extent did the Flash part get included. I also don't know if there really is anything new, but nothing suggests it. Regardless, viewer support isn't complete for something standardized over 20 years ago, I don't expect revolution in the PDF viewers, considering the price of the standard(s).
indeed. but wrt viewers, what puzzles me is that much of this rendering stuff is around in browsers so i guess it also has to do with lack of interest
For sure. All of the interaction / multimedia features are not well supported. It must be circular -- not supported in viewers, users don't use it, viewers don't implement it.
What actuially was also supported is
but somehow that became unreliable / went away .. when it first showed up it worked perfect and i always though that it would stay
I found some references to it from the PDF standard (in the Renditions section), but honestly I think that it is long dead. Michal Vlasák

On 7/27/2021 1:20 PM, Michal Vlasák wrote:
I thought that recent Edge versions used Chrome's PDFium, as you say with some additions (like drawing). I would have to double check that.
yes but i think with their own additions (not sure about the pdf stuff) i do notice differences in printing so maybe that part is also different
My understanding is that U3D was the first thing they designed. It is standardised by ECMA, so freely available. Then they came up with PRC, which should be more space efficient IIRC. It is standardized by ISO, so it is open, but not free.
Both formats seemed to worked fine in Acrobat and Foxit and I don't see that changing soon.
Both have some writing support in open source tools - meshlab supports U3D export with, and Asymptote supports PRC export. Although I didn't get either to quite work and used export from Autodesk Inventor instead for my tests.
ok, so that might stay
Not fully official, but it is only logical that they need a compatibility layer for old documents. But, Adobe employee mentionts the use of OS Player for these Flash using documents here:
Do you mean table summarizing what parts of the Acrobat JavaScript API is supported in individual viewers?
There is a separate API for normal things:
Do you mean existing PDFs that work in viewers or ConTeXt source files that use these features? I can provide both.
I am not sure what you mean by "small set of files for media".
proper freely distributable test files Hans ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: 038 477 53 69 | | -----------------------------------------------------------------
participants (2)
Hans Hagen
Michal Vlasák