Hi everyone, I want part titles to appear on the own (empty) page, centered horizontally and vertically, and in small caps. To this end, I've set up the \part command as \def\Partcommand#1#2{\centerline{\smcp #2}} \setuphead[part][ placehead=yes, number=no, page=mychapterpagebreak, header=high, footer=high, before={\hbox{}\vfill}, command=\Partcommand, after={\vfill}, prefix=no, ] However, this does not seem to allow line breaks in a part title, which is a problem with very long titles, e.g. \part{Perspectives on Decision Ethics from the USA, Russian Federation, Egypt, and the Czech Republic} Is there any way to get a line break on the part page? I should note that in the TOC, the part title is broken properly, and also observes \crlf. Thanks, Michael

On 09/11/2010 00:30, Michael Goerz wrote:
Hi everyone,
I want part titles to appear on the own (empty) page, centered horizontally and vertically, and in small caps. To this end, I've set up the \part command as
\def\Partcommand#1#2{\centerline{\smcp #2}} \setuphead[part][ placehead=yes, number=no, page=mychapterpagebreak, header=high, footer=high, before={\hbox{}\vfill}, command=\Partcommand, after={\vfill}, prefix=no, ]
The problem is that \centerline puts things in a hbox, which won't break across lines. The solution below might not be the most ConTeXt-y way, but is perhaps the TeX way: \def\raggedcenter{% \hyphenpenalty=10000 % no hyphenation \parindent=0pt \rightskip0pt plus1em % add stretchy glue to left \leftskip0pt plus1em % and right \spaceskip.3333em \xspaceskip.5em \parfillskip=0pt % reg. word spacing \hbadness=10000 % Last line will usually be underfull, so turn off % badness reporting. } \def\Partcommand#1#2{{\raggedcenter\smcp #2}} \setuphead[part][ placehead=yes, number=no, page=mychapterpagebreak, header=high, footer=high, before={\hbox{}\vfill}, command=\Partcommand, after={\vfill}, prefix=no, ] -- Michael Murphy

On 09/11/2010 00:30, Michael Goerz wrote:
Hi everyone,
I want part titles to appear on the own (empty) page, centered horizontally and vertically, and in small caps. To this end, I've set up the \part command as
\def\Partcommand#1#2{\centerline{\smcp #2}} \setuphead[part][ placehead=yes, number=no, page=mychapterpagebreak, header=high, footer=high, before={\hbox{}\vfill}, command=\Partcommand, after={\vfill}, prefix=no, ]
The problem is that \centerline puts things in a hbox, which won't break across lines. That's probably right... just removing centerline doesn't lead to
Hi Michael!
Thanks for your answer!
On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 1:01 AM, Michael Murphy
The solution below might not be the most ConTeXt-y way, but is perhaps the TeX way:
\def\raggedcenter{% \hyphenpenalty=10000 % no hyphenation \parindent=0pt \rightskip0pt plus1em % add stretchy glue to left \leftskip0pt plus1em % and right \spaceskip.3333em \xspaceskip.5em \parfillskip=0pt % reg. word spacing \hbadness=10000 % Last line will usually be underfull, so turn off % badness reporting. }
\def\Partcommand#1#2{{\raggedcenter\smcp #2}} \setuphead[part][ placehead=yes, number=no, page=mychapterpagebreak, header=high, footer=high, before={\hbox{}\vfill}, command=\Partcommand, after={\vfill}, prefix=no, ] Hmm... that doesn't seem to do linebreaks. It shifts the part title a bit horizontally. It also does weird things to some my *chapter* titles (add a large space after the first word), which is configured as \setuphead[chapter][ page=mychapterpagebreak, number=no, alternative=c, align={center, nothyphenated, verytolerant}, style={\switchtobodyfont[16pt]}, header=high, footer=chapterpage, ]
WTF? Very very strange! Michael

On Tue, 2010-11-09 at 01:20 +0100, Michael Goerz wrote:
Hmm... that doesn't seem to do linebreaks. It shifts the part title a bit horizontally. It also does weird things to some my *chapter* titles (add a large space after the first word), which is configured as \setuphead[chapter][
That shows me for not testing it properly. -- Michael Murphy

Am 09.11.2010 um 00:30 schrieb Michael Goerz:
Hi everyone,
I want part titles to appear on the own (empty) page, centered horizontally and vertically, and in small caps. To this end, I've set up the \part command as
\def\Partcommand#1#2{\centerline{\smcp #2}} \setuphead[part][ placehead=yes, number=no, page=mychapterpagebreak, header=high, footer=high, before={\hbox{}\vfill}, command=\Partcommand, after={\vfill}, prefix=no, ]
\definefont[PartStyle][Caps sa 1] \setuphead [part] [placehead=yes, number=no, before={\startstandardmakeup[align={middle,lohi}]}, after=\stopstandardmakeup, style=PartStyle, %align=middle, %page={yes,header,footer,right}, %header=high, %footer=high, prefix=no] Wolfgang

On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 6:26 AM, Wolfgang Schuster
Am 09.11.2010 um 00:30 schrieb Michael Goerz:
I want part titles to appear on the own (empty) page, centered horizontally and vertically, and in small caps. To this end, I've set up the \part command as [...]
\definefont[PartStyle][Caps sa 1] \setuphead [part] [placehead=yes, number=no, before={\startstandardmakeup[align={middle,lohi}]}, after=\stopstandardmakeup, style=PartStyle, %align=middle, %page={yes,header,footer,right}, %header=high, %footer=high, prefix=no]
Works great! I ended up with \definefont[PartStyle][Caps sa 1] \definepagebreak [mychapterpagebreak] [yes,header,right] \setuphead[part] [placehead=yes, page=mychapterpagebreak, number=no, before={\startstandardmakeup[align={middle,lohi}]\switchtobodyfont[18pt]}, after=\stopstandardmakeup, style=PartStyle, align=middle, prefix=no] The only things I had to add were the mychapterpagebreak, which makes sure the (left) page before the part title is empty, and the fontsize. Thanks! Michael
participants (3)
Michael Goerz
Michael Murphy
Wolfgang Schuster