Re: [NTG-context] Math in MKIV - HOWTO

Hi, I got some time today and checked some symbols of hlcra.tfm
(LucidaNewMath-Arrows), and got this table:
fonts.enc.math["lucida-ma"] = {
[0x025CB] = 0x00, -- circle
[0x025CF] = 0x01, -- blackcircle
[0x025A1] = 0x02, -- square
[0x025A0] = 0x03, -- blacksquare
[0x025B3] = 0x04, -- triangleup
[0x025B2] = 0x05, -- blacktriangleup
[0x025BD] = 0x06, -- triangledown
[0x025BC] = 0x07, -- blacktriangledown
[0x02B28] = 0x08, -- lozenge
[0x02B27] = 0x09, -- blacklozenge
[0x02B29] = 0x0A, -- blackdiamond
[0x02571] = 0x0B, -- upright
[0x02572] = 0x0C, -- downright
[0x022E4] = 0x0D, -- squareimageofnoteq
[0x022E5] = 0x0E, -- squareoriginalofnoteq
[0x02A4F] = 0x0F, -- dblsquareunion
[0x02A4E] = 0x10, -- dblsquareintersection
[0x02A64] = 0x11, -- zdomainantirestriction
[0x02A65] = 0x12, -- zrangeantirestriction
[0x022EE] = 0x13, -- verticalellipsis
[0x022EF] = 0x14, -- ellipsis
[0x022F0] = 0x15, -- uprightellipsis
[0x022F1] = 0x16, -- downrightellipsis
[0x022D5] = 0x17, -- equalparallel
[0x0225B] = 0x1A, -- stareq
[0x00127] = 0x1B, -- hbar
[0x022F6] = 0x1C, -- barelementof
[0x02209] = 0x1D, -- notelementof
[0x022FD] = 0x1E, -- barcontains
[0x0220C] = 0x1F, -- notcontain
[0x02204] = 0x20, -- nexists
[0x02194] = 0x21, -- leftrightarrow
[0x02195] = 0x22, -- updownarrow
[0x0219E] = 0x23, -- leftleftarrow
[0x0219F] = 0x24, -- upuparrow
[0x021A0] = 0x25, -- rightrightarrow
--~ [0x00026] = 0x26, -- amperand
[0x021A1] = 0x27, -- downdownarrow
[0x021A2] = 0x28, -- leftarrowtail
[0x021A3] = 0x29, -- rightarrowtail
[0x021A4] = 0x2A, -- leftarrowbar
[0x021A6] = 0x2B, -- rightarrowbar
[0x021A5] = 0x2C, -- uparrowbar
--~ [0x02212] = 0x2D, -- minus
--~ [0x0002D] = 0x2D, -- minus
[0x021A7] = 0x2E, -- downarrowbar
[0x021E4] = 0x2F, -- barleftarrow
[0x021E5] = 0x30, -- barrightarrow
[0x021E0] = 0x38, -- dashleftarrow
[0x021E1] = 0x39, -- dashuparrow
[0x021E2] = 0x3A, -- dashrightarrow
[0x021E3] = 0x3B, -- dashdownarrow
[0x021A9] = 0x3C, -- hookleftarrow
--~ [0x0003D] = 0x3D, -- equalto
[0x021AA] = 0x3E, -- hookrightarrow
[0x021AB] = 0x3F, -- looparrowleft
[0x021AC] = 0x40, -- looparrowright
[0x1D538] = 0x41, -- A (blackboard A)
[0x1D539] = 0x42, -- B
[0x02102] = 0x43, -- C
[0x1D53B] = 0x44, -- D
[0x1D53C] = 0x45, -- E
[0x1D53D] = 0x46, -- F
[0x1D53E] = 0x47, -- G
[0x0210D] = 0x48, -- H
[0x1D540] = 0x49, -- I
[0x1D541] = 0x4A, -- J
[0x1D542] = 0x4B, -- K
[0x1D543] = 0x4C, -- L
[0x1D544] = 0x4D, -- M
[0x02115] = 0x4E, -- N
[0x1D546] = 0x4F, -- O
[0x02119] = 0x50, -- P
[0x0211A] = 0x51, -- Q
[0x0211D] = 0x52, -- R
[0x1D54A] = 0x53, -- S
[0x1D54B] = 0x54, -- T
[0x1D54C] = 0x55, -- U
[0x1D54D] = 0x56, -- V
[0x1D54E] = 0x57, -- W
[0x1D54F] = 0x58, -- X
[0x1D550] = 0x59, -- Y
[0x02124] = 0x5A, -- Z (blackboard Z)
[0x0231C] = 0x5B, -- ulcorner
[0x0231D] = 0x5C, -- urcorner
[0x0231E] = 0x5D, -- llcorner
[0x0231F] = 0x5E, -- lrcorner
[0x02225] = 0x5F, -- parallel, Vert, lVert, rVert, arrowvert
[0x021D5] = 0x60, -- Updownarrow
[0x021D4] = 0x61, -- Leftrightarrow
[0x021D6] = 0x62, -- Upleftarrow
[0x021D7] = 0x63, -- Uprightarrow
[0x021D9] = 0x64, -- Downleftarrow
[0x021D5] = 0x65, -- Downrightarrow
[0x021CD] = 0x66, -- nLeftarrow
[0x021CE] = 0x67, -- nLeftrightarrow
[0x021CF] = 0x68, -- nRightarrow
--~ [0x021CE] = 0x69, -- nLeftrightarrow -- what's the difference
between this and 0x0067[0x021CE]
[0x021DA] = 0x6A, -- Lleftarrow
[0x1D55C] = 0x6B, -- k \Bbbk (blackboard k)
[0x021DB] = 0x6C, -- Rrightarrow
[0x021C4] = 0x6D, -- rlarrow
[0x021C6] = 0x6E, -- lrarrow
[0x021C5] = 0x6F, -- udarrow
--~ [0x021C5] = 0x70, -- duarrow
[0x021C7] = 0x71, -- llarrow
[0x021C8] = 0x72, -- uuarrow
[0x021C9] = 0x73, -- rrarrow
[0x021CA] = 0x74, -- ddarrow
[0x021BE] = 0x75, -- rupharpoon
[0x021BF] = 0x76, -- lupharpoon
[0x021C2] = 0x77, -- rdownharpoon
[0x021C3] = 0x78, -- ldownharpoon
[0x021CB] = 0x79, -- lrharpoon
[0x021CC] = 0x7A, -- rlharpoon
[0x021B0] = 0x7B, -- upthenleftarrow
--~ [0x0] = 0x7C, -- part
[0x021B1] = 0x7D, -- upthenrightarrow
--~ [0x0] = 0x7E, -- part
[0x02276] = 0x7F, -- ltgt
[0x021B2] = 0x81, -- downthenleftarrow
[0x021B3] = 0x82, -- downthenrightarrow
[0x02B0E] = 0x83, -- rightthendownarrow
[0x02B10] = 0x84, -- leftthendownarrow
[0x02B0F] = 0x85, -- rightthenuparrow
[0x02B11] = 0x86, -- leftthenuparrow
[0x021B6] = 0x87, -- leftarcarrow
[0x021B7] = 0x88, -- rightarcarrow
[0x0293D] = 0x89, -- leftarcarrowplus
[0x0293C] = 0x8A, -- rightarcarrowminus
[0x021BA] = 0x8B, -- anticlockwise
[0x021BB] = 0x8C, -- clockwise
[0x02260] = 0x94, -- noteq
[0x02262] = 0x95, -- notidentical
[0x02241] = 0x96, -- nottilde
[0x02244] = 0x97, -- notasymptoticallyequal
[0x02249] = 0x98, -- notalmostequal
[0x02247] = 0x99, -- notapproximatelyeq
[0x0226E] = 0x9A, -- nless
[0x0226F] = 0x9B, -- ngtr
[0x02270] = 0x9C, -- nleq
[0x02271] = 0x9D, -- ngeq
[0x022E6] = 0x9E, -- lnsim
[0x022E7] = 0x9F, -- gnsim
[0x02605] = 0xAB, -- black star
[0x02713] = 0xAC, -- check
[0x02277] = 0xC5, -- gtlt
[0x02284] = 0xC6, -- nsubsetof
[0x02285] = 0xC7, -- nsupsetof
[0x02288] = 0xC8, -- nsubseteq
[0x02289] = 0xC9, -- nsupseteq
[0x0228A] = 0xCC, -- subsetneq
[0x0228B] = 0xCD, -- supsetneq
--~ [0x0228A] = 0xD0, -- subsetneq
--~ [0x0228B] = 0xD1, -- supsetneq
[0x02270] = 0xD6, -- nleq
[0x02271] = 0xD7, -- ngeq
[0x02268] = 0xDC, -- lneqq
[0x02269] = 0xDD, -- gneqq
[0x022E6] = 0xE0, -- lnsim
[0x02219] = 0xE1, -- bullet
[0x022E7] = 0xE2, -- gnsim
[0x02280] = 0xE5, -- nprec
[0x02281] = 0xE6, -- nsucc
[0x022E8] = 0xEB, -- precnsim
[0x022E9] = 0xEC, -- succnsim
[0x022EA] = 0xEF, -- nnormalsub
[0x022EB] = 0xF0, -- ncontainnormalsub
[0x022EC] = 0xF1, -- nnormalsubeq
[0x022ED] = 0xF2, -- ncontainnormalsubeq
[0x02226] = 0xF7, -- nparallel
[0x022AC] = 0xF8, -- nvdash
[0x022AE] = 0xF9, -- nVdash
[0x022AD] = 0xFA, -- nvDash
[0x022AF] = 0xFB, -- nVDash
The empty lines indicate that there're some symbols I can't find in
the unicode chart,
the commented lines indicate that I'm not sure about that.
I don't know if you were working on that. I almost went blind after
this and I hope
you won't go through the same work.
On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 8:27 PM, Mojca Miklavec
The double stroke A--Z from U+1D538 -- U+02124 in hlcra.tfm(lbma.pfb) from 0x41--0x5a are missing, even though I added to the lbr-ma vector :(
you should coordinate this with mojca
Just go on ... I'll check once I finish a few important task (and that most probably won't be today), but I promise to do a precise check (whether or not the vector will be complete by then - of course it will be much easier if Zhichu does the work :).
-- Best Regards Chen ---------------------------------------------------------------- Zhi-chu Chen | Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility No. 2019 | Jialuo Rd. | Jiading | Shanghai | P.R. China tel: 086 21 5955 3405 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------

[0x021D5] = 0x65, -- Downrightarrow
It's wrong, should be:
[0x021D8] = 0x65, -- Downrightarrow
On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 12:26 AM, Zhichu Chen
Hi, I got some time today and checked some symbols of hlcra.tfm (LucidaNewMath-Arrows), and got this table:
==================================================== fonts.enc.math["lucida-ma"] = { [0x025CB] = 0x00, -- circle [0x025CF] = 0x01, -- blackcircle [0x025A1] = 0x02, -- square [0x025A0] = 0x03, -- blacksquare [0x025B3] = 0x04, -- triangleup [0x025B2] = 0x05, -- blacktriangleup [0x025BD] = 0x06, -- triangledown [0x025BC] = 0x07, -- blacktriangledown [0x02B28] = 0x08, -- lozenge [0x02B27] = 0x09, -- blacklozenge [0x02B29] = 0x0A, -- blackdiamond [0x02571] = 0x0B, -- upright [0x02572] = 0x0C, -- downright [0x022E4] = 0x0D, -- squareimageofnoteq [0x022E5] = 0x0E, -- squareoriginalofnoteq [0x02A4F] = 0x0F, -- dblsquareunion [0x02A4E] = 0x10, -- dblsquareintersection [0x02A64] = 0x11, -- zdomainantirestriction [0x02A65] = 0x12, -- zrangeantirestriction [0x022EE] = 0x13, -- verticalellipsis [0x022EF] = 0x14, -- ellipsis [0x022F0] = 0x15, -- uprightellipsis [0x022F1] = 0x16, -- downrightellipsis [0x022D5] = 0x17, -- equalparallel
[0x0225B] = 0x1A, -- stareq [0x00127] = 0x1B, -- hbar [0x022F6] = 0x1C, -- barelementof [0x02209] = 0x1D, -- notelementof [0x022FD] = 0x1E, -- barcontains [0x0220C] = 0x1F, -- notcontain [0x02204] = 0x20, -- nexists [0x02194] = 0x21, -- leftrightarrow [0x02195] = 0x22, -- updownarrow [0x0219E] = 0x23, -- leftleftarrow [0x0219F] = 0x24, -- upuparrow [0x021A0] = 0x25, -- rightrightarrow --~ [0x00026] = 0x26, -- amperand [0x021A1] = 0x27, -- downdownarrow [0x021A2] = 0x28, -- leftarrowtail [0x021A3] = 0x29, -- rightarrowtail [0x021A4] = 0x2A, -- leftarrowbar [0x021A6] = 0x2B, -- rightarrowbar [0x021A5] = 0x2C, -- uparrowbar --~ [0x02212] = 0x2D, -- minus --~ [0x0002D] = 0x2D, -- minus [0x021A7] = 0x2E, -- downarrowbar [0x021E4] = 0x2F, -- barleftarrow [0x021E5] = 0x30, -- barrightarrow
[0x021E0] = 0x38, -- dashleftarrow [0x021E1] = 0x39, -- dashuparrow [0x021E2] = 0x3A, -- dashrightarrow [0x021E3] = 0x3B, -- dashdownarrow [0x021A9] = 0x3C, -- hookleftarrow --~ [0x0003D] = 0x3D, -- equalto [0x021AA] = 0x3E, -- hookrightarrow [0x021AB] = 0x3F, -- looparrowleft [0x021AC] = 0x40, -- looparrowright [0x1D538] = 0x41, -- A (blackboard A) [0x1D539] = 0x42, -- B [0x02102] = 0x43, -- C [0x1D53B] = 0x44, -- D [0x1D53C] = 0x45, -- E [0x1D53D] = 0x46, -- F [0x1D53E] = 0x47, -- G [0x0210D] = 0x48, -- H [0x1D540] = 0x49, -- I [0x1D541] = 0x4A, -- J [0x1D542] = 0x4B, -- K [0x1D543] = 0x4C, -- L [0x1D544] = 0x4D, -- M [0x02115] = 0x4E, -- N [0x1D546] = 0x4F, -- O [0x02119] = 0x50, -- P [0x0211A] = 0x51, -- Q [0x0211D] = 0x52, -- R [0x1D54A] = 0x53, -- S [0x1D54B] = 0x54, -- T [0x1D54C] = 0x55, -- U [0x1D54D] = 0x56, -- V [0x1D54E] = 0x57, -- W [0x1D54F] = 0x58, -- X [0x1D550] = 0x59, -- Y [0x02124] = 0x5A, -- Z (blackboard Z) [0x0231C] = 0x5B, -- ulcorner [0x0231D] = 0x5C, -- urcorner [0x0231E] = 0x5D, -- llcorner [0x0231F] = 0x5E, -- lrcorner [0x02225] = 0x5F, -- parallel, Vert, lVert, rVert, arrowvert [0x021D5] = 0x60, -- Updownarrow [0x021D4] = 0x61, -- Leftrightarrow [0x021D6] = 0x62, -- Upleftarrow [0x021D7] = 0x63, -- Uprightarrow [0x021D9] = 0x64, -- Downleftarrow [0x021D5] = 0x65, -- Downrightarrow [0x021CD] = 0x66, -- nLeftarrow [0x021CE] = 0x67, -- nLeftrightarrow [0x021CF] = 0x68, -- nRightarrow --~ [0x021CE] = 0x69, -- nLeftrightarrow -- what's the difference between this and 0x0067[0x021CE] [0x021DA] = 0x6A, -- Lleftarrow [0x1D55C] = 0x6B, -- k \Bbbk (blackboard k) [0x021DB] = 0x6C, -- Rrightarrow [0x021C4] = 0x6D, -- rlarrow [0x021C6] = 0x6E, -- lrarrow [0x021C5] = 0x6F, -- udarrow --~ [0x021C5] = 0x70, -- duarrow [0x021C7] = 0x71, -- llarrow [0x021C8] = 0x72, -- uuarrow [0x021C9] = 0x73, -- rrarrow [0x021CA] = 0x74, -- ddarrow [0x021BE] = 0x75, -- rupharpoon [0x021BF] = 0x76, -- lupharpoon [0x021C2] = 0x77, -- rdownharpoon [0x021C3] = 0x78, -- ldownharpoon [0x021CB] = 0x79, -- lrharpoon [0x021CC] = 0x7A, -- rlharpoon [0x021B0] = 0x7B, -- upthenleftarrow --~ [0x0] = 0x7C, -- part [0x021B1] = 0x7D, -- upthenrightarrow --~ [0x0] = 0x7E, -- part [0x02276] = 0x7F, -- ltgt [0x021B2] = 0x81, -- downthenleftarrow [0x021B3] = 0x82, -- downthenrightarrow [0x02B0E] = 0x83, -- rightthendownarrow [0x02B10] = 0x84, -- leftthendownarrow [0x02B0F] = 0x85, -- rightthenuparrow [0x02B11] = 0x86, -- leftthenuparrow [0x021B6] = 0x87, -- leftarcarrow [0x021B7] = 0x88, -- rightarcarrow [0x0293D] = 0x89, -- leftarcarrowplus [0x0293C] = 0x8A, -- rightarcarrowminus [0x021BA] = 0x8B, -- anticlockwise [0x021BB] = 0x8C, -- clockwise
[0x02260] = 0x94, -- noteq [0x02262] = 0x95, -- notidentical [0x02241] = 0x96, -- nottilde [0x02244] = 0x97, -- notasymptoticallyequal [0x02249] = 0x98, -- notalmostequal [0x02247] = 0x99, -- notapproximatelyeq [0x0226E] = 0x9A, -- nless [0x0226F] = 0x9B, -- ngtr [0x02270] = 0x9C, -- nleq [0x02271] = 0x9D, -- ngeq [0x022E6] = 0x9E, -- lnsim [0x022E7] = 0x9F, -- gnsim [0x02605] = 0xAB, -- black star [0x02713] = 0xAC, -- check [0x02277] = 0xC5, -- gtlt [0x02284] = 0xC6, -- nsubsetof [0x02285] = 0xC7, -- nsupsetof [0x02288] = 0xC8, -- nsubseteq [0x02289] = 0xC9, -- nsupseteq
[0x0228A] = 0xCC, -- subsetneq [0x0228B] = 0xCD, -- supsetneq
--~ [0x0228A] = 0xD0, -- subsetneq --~ [0x0228B] = 0xD1, -- supsetneq
[0x02270] = 0xD6, -- nleq [0x02271] = 0xD7, -- ngeq
[0x02268] = 0xDC, -- lneqq [0x02269] = 0xDD, -- gneqq
[0x022E6] = 0xE0, -- lnsim [0x02219] = 0xE1, -- bullet [0x022E7] = 0xE2, -- gnsim
[0x02280] = 0xE5, -- nprec [0x02281] = 0xE6, -- nsucc
[0x022E8] = 0xEB, -- precnsim [0x022E9] = 0xEC, -- succnsim
[0x022EA] = 0xEF, -- nnormalsub [0x022EB] = 0xF0, -- ncontainnormalsub [0x022EC] = 0xF1, -- nnormalsubeq [0x022ED] = 0xF2, -- ncontainnormalsubeq
[0x02226] = 0xF7, -- nparallel [0x022AC] = 0xF8, -- nvdash [0x022AE] = 0xF9, -- nVdash [0x022AD] = 0xFA, -- nvDash [0x022AF] = 0xFB, -- nVDash } ==================================================== The empty lines indicate that there're some symbols I can't find in the unicode chart, the commented lines indicate that I'm not sure about that.
I don't know if you were working on that. I almost went blind after this and I hope you won't go through the same work.
On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 8:27 PM, Mojca Miklavec
wrote: The double stroke A--Z from U+1D538 -- U+02124 in hlcra.tfm(lbma.pfb) from 0x41--0x5a are missing, even though I added to the lbr-ma vector :(
you should coordinate this with mojca
Just go on ... I'll check once I finish a few important task (and that most probably won't be today), but I promise to do a precise check (whether or not the vector will be complete by then - of course it will be much easier if Zhichu does the work :).
-- Best Regards Chen ----------------------------------------------------------------
Zhi-chu Chen | Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility No. 2019 | Jialuo Rd. | Jiading | Shanghai | P.R. China tel: 086 21 5955 3405 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------
-- Best Regards Chen ---------------------------------------------------------------- Zhi-chu Chen | Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility No. 2019 | Jialuo Rd. | Jiading | Shanghai | P.R. China tel: 086 21 5955 3405 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------

On 1-3-2010 17:26, Zhichu Chen wrote:
Hi, I got some time today and checked some symbols of hlcra.tfm (LucidaNewMath-Arrows), and got this table:
so that table replaces lbr-ma in math-vfu? mojca/aditya: can you check this and send me an updated/patch for math-vfu? ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 | | -----------------------------------------------------------------

On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 6:45 PM, Hans Hagen
On 1-3-2010 17:26, Zhichu Chen wrote:
Hi, I got some time today and checked some symbols of hlcra.tfm (LucidaNewMath-Arrows), and got this table:
so that table replaces lbr-ma in math-vfu? yes. And don't forget the correction: Correction: [0x021D5] = 0x65, -- Downrightarrow It's wrong, should be: [0x021D8] = 0x65, -- Downrightarrow
mojca/aditya: can you check this and send me an updated/patch for math-vfu?
----------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 | | -----------------------------------------------------------------
-- Best Regards Chen ---------------------------------------------------------------- Zhi-chu Chen | Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility No. 2019 | Jialuo Rd. | Jiading | Shanghai | P.R. China tel: 086 21 5955 3405 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------

On 2-3-2010 12:25, Zhichu Chen wrote:
0x021D8] = 0x65, -- Downrightarrow
ok, i'll make a beta with that vector ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 | | -----------------------------------------------------------------

Mojca/aditya: can you check this and send me an updated/patch for math-vfu?
What's pretty important is to fill the char-def.lua as well (maybe together with some additional comments that the glyph names come from the LaTeX package from Lucida, just that we'll know where the names come from next time when we see some clashes). Out of the whole vector only some 5-10% of glyphs works now. A very nice check would be for every slot in lbr-ma - print out unicode point - print out unicode description - print out mathname and mathclass - draw the glyph - draw the same glyph from cambria for comparison (I need to learn how to do that though, but it would be a nice homework.) Mojca

On 2-3-2010 14:49, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
What's pretty important is to fill the char-def.lua as well (maybe together with some additional comments that the glyph names come from the LaTeX package from Lucida, just that we'll know where the names come from next time when we see some clashes).
hm, but for me name compatibility with every latex math package is no objective; i'd rather that we're unicode math compiant (and i don't care too much what route latex follows)
Out of the whole vector only some 5-10% of glyphs works now.
is it that bad? interesting is that lucida was one of the first fonts context supported so the transition from yandy->tug has really messed up things then
A very nice check would be
for every slot in lbr-ma - print out unicode point - print out unicode description - print out mathname and mathclass - draw the glyph - draw the same glyph from cambria for comparison
(I need to learn how to do that though, but it would be a nice homework.)
well, we can forget about symbols that are in lucida but not in unicode ... it makes no sense to add all kind of symbols that only exist in one font Hans ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 | | -----------------------------------------------------------------

On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 15:28, Hans Hagen wrote:
On 2-3-2010 14:49, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
hm, but for me name compatibility with every latex math package is no objective; i'd rather that we're unicode math compiant (and i don't care too much what route latex follows)
I would not care too much about LaTeX either, but what does Unicode compliance mean? \symbol{DOWNWARDS ARROW LEFTWARDS OF UPWARDS ARROW}?
Out of the whole vector only some 5-10% of glyphs works now.
is it that bad? interesting is that lucida was one of the first fonts context supported so the transition from yandy->tug has really messed up things then
It's not about messing things up, but about missing "mathname=" in char-def.lua for all the unicode entries for special glyphs. If those glyphs worked in MKII from the very beginning, they won't work before one adds several entries to But of course they should work flawlessly when they are entered as unicode characters. They only fail to work when one enters \zrangeantirestriction for example. Mojca

On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 11:23 PM, Mojca Miklavec
On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 15:28, Hans Hagen wrote:
On 2-3-2010 14:49, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
hm, but for me name compatibility with every latex math package is no objective; i'd rather that we're unicode math compiant (and i don't care too much what route latex follows)
I would not care too much about LaTeX either, but what does Unicode compliance mean?
Out of the whole vector only some 5-10% of glyphs works now.
is it that bad? interesting is that lucida was one of the first fonts context supported so the transition from yandy->tug has really messed up things then
It's not about messing things up, but about missing "mathname=" in char-def.lua for all the unicode entries for special glyphs. If those glyphs worked in MKII from the very beginning, they won't work before one adds several entries to
But of course they should work flawlessly when they are entered as unicode characters. They only fail to work when one enters \zrangeantirestriction for example.
I'm sorry, this is just my comment from the unicode chart. I'm pretty sure that won't work. I download the chart, compare the symbols in the tables one by one without even knowing the meanings. Is there like a table of macros of all symbols?
-- Best Regards Chen ---------------------------------------------------------------- Zhi-chu Chen | Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility No. 2019 | Jialuo Rd. | Jiading | Shanghai | P.R. China tel: 086 21 5955 3405 | | ----------------------------------------------------------------

On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 16:41, Zhichu Chen wrote:
On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 11:23 PM, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
It's not about messing things up, but about missing "mathname=" in char-def.lua for all the unicode entries for special glyphs. If those glyphs worked in MKII from the very beginning, they won't work before one adds several entries to
But of course they should work flawlessly when they are entered as unicode characters. They only fail to work when one enters \zrangeantirestriction for example.
I'm sorry, this is just my comment from the unicode chart. I'm pretty sure that won't work. I download the chart, compare the symbols in the tables one by one without even knowing the meanings. Is there like a table of macros of all symbols?
a) Take a look at lucidabr.sty (inside from CTAN). That's the source for names of glyphs used in LaTeX for Lucida. b) The Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol List c) \showmathcharacters in MKII d) any other font with extensive glyph repertoaire Mojca PS: F3 looks very similar to 226D, but it's not exactly that. And there are plenty of other such characters.
participants (3)
Hans Hagen
Mojca Miklavec
Zhichu Chen