Re: [NTG-context] What do you miss in ConTeXt?:
On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 09:29 PM, David Rogers) wrote: .... ConTeXt
itself has beautiful support for side-by-side translations. It makes me happy every time I look at the results. But... it works only on separate pages. Making it work on columns as well would make my life easier. (May be impossible, but you asked...)
|Original Language|First Translation|Second Translation| |Bla bla bla ... |Blu blu blu ... |Ble ble ble ... |
Hi David, For what it is worth, I have done side by side Italian-English texts in columns with the help of paragraphs. I wanted the Italian original slanted. So In the preamble I have \defineparagraphs[mypar] [n=2,distance=1em] \setupparagraphs[mypar][1][style=slanted] \setupparagraphs[mypar][2][style=normal] In the text: \startmypar Some text in language Italian, slanted. \mypar The text translated in English, regular. \stopmypar etc. So your example could be done as follows \defineparagraphs[mypar] [n=3,distance=1em]%or some other distance \setupparagraphs[mypar][1][style=slanted]%or \setupparagraphs[mypar][2][style=normal] \setupparagraphs[mypar][3][style=normal] \starttext This is a side by side translation in columns. \startmypar Original Language \mypar First Translation \mypar Second Translation \stopmypar \startmypar Bla bla bla \dots \mypar Blu blu blu \dots \mypar Ble ble ble \dots \stopmypar \stoptext Maybe you could teach me how to do side by side translations on opposite pages. Regards, Robert Blackstone
participants (1)
Robert Blackstone