Hi, I am looking for a way to vertically align the start of paragraphs after an inline header, i.e. in the following example, I would like each first word (Lorem, Lorem, Suspendisse, Cras, Proin, ...) to start on the same column. I tried different parameters of \setuphead (width, numberwidth, textwidth, distance, etc.) to no avail. Thanks for your help. \setuphead[section][alternative=text,before=,after=] \starttext \chapter{Chapter} \section{} Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. \section{} Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed non risus. Suspendisse lectus tortor. \section{} Suspendisse lectus tortor, dignissim sit amet, adipiscing nec, ultricies sed, dolor. \section{} Cras elementum ultrices diam. Maecenas ligula massa, varius a, semper congue, euismod non, mi. \section{} Proin porttitor, orci nec nonummy molestie, enim est eleifend mi, non fermentum diam nisl sit amet erat. \section{} Duis semper. Duis arcu massa, scelerisque vitae, consequat in, pretium a, enim. \section{} Pellentesque congue. Ut in risus volutpat libero pharetra tempor. Cras vestibulum bibendum augue. \section{} Praesent egestas leo in pede. Praesent blandit odio eu enim. Pellentesque sed dui ut augue blandit sodales. \section{} Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aliquam nibh. \section{} Mauris ac mauris sed pede pellentesque fermentum. Maecenas adipiscing ante non diam sodales hendrerit. \section{} Ut velit mauris, egestas sed, gravida nec, ornare ut, mi. Aenean ut orci vel massa suscipit pulvinar. \section{} Nulla sollicitudin. Fusce varius, ligula non tempus aliquam, nunc turpis ullamcorper nibh, in tempus sapien eros vitae ligula. \section{} Pellentesque rhoncus nunc et augue. Integer id felis. Curabitur aliquet pellentesque diam. \stoptext -- Jean-Philippe Rey Professeur - École Centrale Paris jean-philippe.rey@ecp.fr 92295 Châtenay-Malabry Cedex - France

Am 10.08.2011 um 13:03 schrieb Jean-Philippe Rey:
I am looking for a way to vertically align the start of paragraphs after an inline header, i.e. in the following example, I would like each first word (Lorem, Lorem, Suspendisse, Cras, Proin, ...) to start on the same column. I tried different parameters of \setuphead (width, numberwidth, textwidth, distance, etc.) to no avail.
What do you want to achieve, you use \section but you don’t specify a title. When you want a counter for each paragraph there are other solution dependent on your requirements. Wolfgang

Le 10 août 2011 à 14:54, Wolfgang Schuster a écrit :
Am 10.08.2011 um 13:03 schrieb Jean-Philippe Rey:
I am looking for a way to vertically align the start of paragraphs after an inline header, i.e. in the following example, I would like each first word (Lorem, Lorem, Suspendisse, Cras, Proin, ...) to start on the same column. I tried different parameters of \setuphead (width, numberwidth, textwidth, distance, etc.) to no avail.
What do you want to achieve, you use \section but you don’t specify a title.
When you want a counter for each paragraph there are other solution dependent on your requirements.
I understand that my example seems quite strange. It is because it is a minimal example extracted from a more complicated design. In the complete documents, some sections have title, some not. When there is no title, I don't want to have a number on a line by itself, so I put the headings inline. To achieve this I wrote a macro that calls the appropriate heading style depending on the presence of a title. Examples of such document - http://www.concours-centrale-supelec.fr/CentraleSupelec/2011/PC/sujets/math2... II.A has a title but II.B has not - http://www.concours-centrale-supelec.fr/CentraleSupelec/2011/PC/sujets/phys1... I.A.1) has a title but I.B.1) has not And here is a simplified version of the environment I am using (check the \T macro) http://jury.concours-centrale-supelec.fr/sujets/sujetCCS.tex Using sections seemed the best way to achieve consistent numbering, but I am interested by any other ideas. -- Jean-Philippe Rey Professeur - École Centrale Paris jean-philippe.rey@ecp.fr 92295 Châtenay-Malabry Cedex - France

Am 10.08.2011 um 15:33 schrieb Jean-Philippe Rey:
Le 10 août 2011 à 14:54, Wolfgang Schuster a écrit :
Am 10.08.2011 um 13:03 schrieb Jean-Philippe Rey:
I am looking for a way to vertically align the start of paragraphs after an inline header, i.e. in the following example, I would like each first word (Lorem, Lorem, Suspendisse, Cras, Proin, ...) to start on the same column. I tried different parameters of \setuphead (width, numberwidth, textwidth, distance, etc.) to no avail.
What do you want to achieve, you use \section but you don’t specify a title.
When you want a counter for each paragraph there are other solution dependent on your requirements.
I understand that my example seems quite strange. It is because it is a minimal example extracted from a more complicated design. In the complete documents, some sections have title, some not. When there is no title, I don't want to have a number on a line by itself, so I put the headings inline. To achieve this I wrote a macro that calls the appropriate heading style depending on the presence of a title.
Examples of such document
- http://www.concours-centrale-supelec.fr/CentraleSupelec/2011/PC/sujets/math2... II.A has a title but II.B has not
- http://www.concours-centrale-supelec.fr/CentraleSupelec/2011/PC/sujets/phys1... I.A.1) has a title but I.B.1) has not
And here is a simplified version of the environment I am using (check the \T macro)
Using sections seemed the best way to achieve consistent numbering, but I am interested by any other ideas.
\definelabel[test] \setupdescriptions [test] [text=, prefixsegments=chapter:section, prefix=yes, numberstopper=), prefixconnector=+, after=\space] \starttext \chapter{Chapter} \section{Section} \test One \test Two \stoptext Wolfgang
participants (2)
Jean-Philippe Rey
Wolfgang Schuster