Re: [NTG-context] Hello world title not flush left - beginner question?

Am 03.11.2011 um 15:15 schrieb Alan Braslau:
On Thu, Nov 03, 2011 at 02:36:06PM +0100, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
\def\startdictum {\dostartbuffer[dictum][startdictum][stopdictum]}
\setuphead [title] [insidesection=\texsetup{dictum}]
\startsetups dictum
\doifelsebuffer{dictum} {\startframedtext[right][frame=off,offset=none,width=.5\ textwidth,foregroundstyle=\itx] \getbuffer [dictum] \resetbuffer[dictum] \stopframedtext} {\donothing}
\startdictum \input ward \stopdictum
\starttitle[title=This is a heading with a epgigraph below]
\input knuth
Looking at your message above, I do not really understand why it is best to set a buffer for a one-time use: to be typeset after the title and then reset.
This was just a example to demonstrate the “insidesection” key to add something after the heading. When you want to use it only one time the above is overkill but it’s useful when you want a epigraph for each chapter. With \doifelsebuffer I can check if there the user set a epigraph and only when there is one i want the framedtext but I have to reset the buffer for the next chapter.
Would it not be better (or more logical, in fact) to simply use:
\setupframedtext [frame=off,offset=none,width=.5\textwidth, foregroundstyle=\itx] % I did not check, but I imagine that this works...
\starttitle [title=This is a heading with an epigraph below]
\startframedtext [right] \input ward \stopframedtext
Of course, one could (and probably should) define a special sort of framed text? I don't remember the proper syntax for this, though.
How is a framedtext more logical than a dictum or epigraph environment, with my solution you can also change the definition of the code to place the epigraph format without any change in the text while your framed text is always a framedtext (I know you can avoid this with a named framedtext) and changes to the layout require more work.
I am interested, as in one of my documents, I do something like this (without any special typesetting, for the moment) stupidly as:
\def\sectionbis#1{{\it #1}\blank}
\startsection [title=Section title]
\sectionbis{\input ward}
\input tufte
\definestartstop[sectionbis][style=italic,inbetween=\blank] Wolfgang

On Thu, Nov 03, 2011 at 03:33:48PM +0100, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
How is a framedtext more logical than a dictum or epigraph environment, with my solution you can also change the definition of the code to place the epigraph format without any change in the text while your framed text is always a framedtext (I know you can avoid this with a named framedtext) and changes to the layout require more work.
Thanks for the explanation. It is not too logical, however, to define a dictum or epigraph *before* the start of a new section or chapter. An author does not really think this way. Of course, it is logical to define a dictum or epigraph environment that can be used as in: \startchapter [title=Chapter title] \startepigraph \input ward \stopepigraph \stopchapter It is indeed overkill to use a buffer as in your example. However, there may be a very good reason to more closely tie the epigraph to the typesetting of the chapter title. I could then see something like: \startchapter [title={Chapter title},epigraph={\input ward}] although I'm sure that the above (untested) syntax would cause problems with \input... (and probably a \par would be needed somewhere). Alan

Am 03.11.2011 um 15:51 schrieb Alan Braslau:
On Thu, Nov 03, 2011 at 03:33:48PM +0100, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
How is a framedtext more logical than a dictum or epigraph environment, with my solution you can also change the definition of the code to place the epigraph format without any change in the text while your framed text is always a framedtext (I know you can avoid this with a named framedtext) and changes to the layout require more work.
Thanks for the explanation.
It is not too logical, however, to define a dictum or epigraph *before* the start of a new section or chapter. An author does not really think this way. Of course, it is logical to define a dictum or epigraph environment that can be used as in:
\startchapter [title=Chapter title]
\startepigraph \input ward \stopepigraph
The are reasons to put the epigraph environment before and after \startchapter but the purpose of my example was the inside section key and for this i needed to before \startchapter.
It is indeed overkill to use a buffer as in your example. However, there may be a very good reason to more closely tie the epigraph to the typesetting of the chapter title. I could then see something like:
\startchapter [title={Chapter title},epigraph={\input ward}]
although I'm sure that the above (untested) syntax would cause problems with \input... (and probably a \par would be needed somewhere).
For a longer text \startchapter isn’t prefect but you can load a text with a reference from \startchapter, e.g. with this modification of my former example you can load a previously set buffer with the dictum key. \def\startdictum {\dosingleempty\dostartdictum} \def\dostartdictum[#1]% {\dostartbuffer[dictum\iffirstargument:#1\fi][startdictum][stopdictum]} \setuphead [title] [insidesection=\texsetup{dictum}] \startsetups dictum \doifelsebuffer{dictum:\structureuservariable{dictum}} {\startframedtext[right][frame=off,offset=none,width=.5\textwidth,foregroundstyle=\itx] \getbuffer[dictum:\structureuservariable{dictum}] \stopframedtext} {\doifelsebuffer{dictum} {\startframedtext[right][frame=off,offset=none,width=.5\textwidth,foregroundstyle=\itx] \getbuffer [dictum] \resetbuffer[dictum] \stopframedtext} {\donothing}} \stopsetups \startdictum[zapf] \input zapf \stopdictum \starttext \starttitle[title=This is a heading with a epgigraph below][dictum=zapf] \input knuth \stoptitle \stoptext Wolfgang
participants (2)
Alan Braslau
Wolfgang Schuster